I find myself increasingly viewing my mind as territory. I am beginning to see acts that prohibit me from thinking certain ways, speaking of certain things, and being forced to accept redefined words as a situation where other humans are attempting to segregate and partition my mind. Not just my mind though. They are doing it to you as well. If I am no longer allowed to speak or think certain things then that is mental territory in my own head which I am not permitted to enter. If someone can redefine a word so that it means something completely different then they have forever removed a section of any minds that go along with that change.
I've said it before. We think in words. If we allow them to change the meaning of already existing words then that is effectively mind control. It is a battle for the territory in your mind that has been lost. Words are important and we do need new words to describe new situations, new concepts, new ideas, etc. For these situations we should be introducing new words, not repurposing old words.
This is important for other reasons. If they continue to rapidly redefine words then we are in trouble. They have been actively and openly doing this throughout all of history, but within the last decade this has been put into overdrive. There will be some lingual drift. This is hard to avoid and is organic. The redefinition of words for some time now does not seem at all organic. It seems purposeful to reshape the minds of people. It is mind control if people blindly accept the changes.
They often will thump you with the dictionary to prove their new definition is the one you should believe. They count on you not thinking hard about that and realizing that a dictionary (there are numerous) is something decided by other humans. Did you authorize them to tell you how you must think? Did you authorize them to change the meanings of words? I know I didn't. I refuse to acknowledge their authority to do so. I also tell people to realize that while dictionaries can be useful if you are looking up a word you don't know they are also an authoritarian tool. When they suddenly change words that have long had different meanings that is an authoritarian control move.
Think about trying to study historical documents if you only know the current definition of words. That would be an almost impossible task.
I have written of these things before. That is not what I intended this post to be but in my stream of consciousness style of writing that is none the less where it began.
The world from another perspective...
I was sitting on the toilet of all places (yeah, you didn't need to know that) and this idea that inspired me to write this formed. Therefor considering what I was doing it could be a pretty crappy idea. Pun intended.
We sign up for our free gmail and hotmail accounts. We use them for decades, years, etc. We put them on forms all over the place. We use them to sign up for other accounts. We tie our lives very tightly to them. We did so voluntarily because FREE is good right?
There have been people that have been completely locked out of their google docs because of speech. We also can't be 100% certain they don't keep tabs on everything you write or create on their platform. It is probable that they do.
We sign up for free platforms that make it easier to reconnect with our loved ones, friends from the past we never thought we would see again, and strangers that can become friends. We share all aspects of our lives, photos, events, family members, genealogy, etc. We do so of our own free will. We may get so involved with these platforms that they are the primary area we communicate. We don't go out to find people in public to speak with. Why should we when we can crawl out of bed in our pajamas and sit in front of a screen and do that instantly whenever we want? This describes social media.
Google became even more powerful because when you want to know something "go Google it" has become a common verb. There are other search engines but let's face it google did such a great job for over a decade that they became a habit and most people don't like to inconvenience themselves enough to break habits.
Perhaps we use an online free payment processor like paypal. People have had their accounts removed over wrong think from paypal as well.
Those are but a few examples of a phenomena that has been occurring for the past two decades.
Those things transcend countries, states, and nations. They transcend your government. They transcend your religion. In fact, they might be the churches of the new modern religions.
When we look around us and see politicians in countries all over the world blatantly violating their laws, their Constitutions, etc. and not seeing any accountability it is becoming increasingly obvious to me that the push for a Global One World government is a very real thing. It is happening at a frightening pace.
I simply think most people don't see it for what it truly is.
These places we voluntarily gave so much control of our life to have more power than any government. This is likely why no government seems to be able to do anything to rein in their power overreach.
We are entering a time where you may:
- have housing
- have food
- socialize
- perhaps have work
- have only authorized forms of healthcare
Yet you will be safe... As long as you think properly, speak properly, and act properly.
There is another name for that. Slavery. It certainly is not freedom.
These places love it when in your fear you call out for them to protect you. Every act you permit them to take in the so-called goal of protecting you further enslaves you to them.
The world is quickly becoming a place where your banking, your job, your communication, and potentially your social life can be shut down at the whim of these tech oligarchs.
The rules, laws, and Constitutions are meaningless to them.
They are becoming untouchable.
That is indeed a world government. Is that what those of you that are proponents for such a thing were hoping for?
You see one thing I have noticed several times with the push for a global one world government or perhaps a New World Order is that they don't talk about the people having any part in deciding what form that government would be. That is because those that are pushing for it and controlling the direction view the rest of us as serfs, peons, and slaves. They are the Lords, Ladies, and Masters...
There is a very important war going on. It simply is not the one on the news. Those are mostly distractions to keep us afraid so we don't pay attention to our slide further and further into subjugation.
We need to wake up. We need to say no. We need to say I will not comply. We need to say I do not recognize your authority. We need to be BRAVE in face of the fear and be willing to die if that is what it takes.
If we give into the fear then we are already beaten and compliant slaves. I know this is the state of many people. Even if only one of us remains there is a seed of hope no matter how small the chance of that bringing about positive change may be.
I know many of you have thought your own versions of these thoughts. I think it is important to put them to words when we think of them.
As long as this blockchain remains and all the data in it remains then this is the closest thing to immortality outside of our offspring that we have. Leave your mind on the blockchain. Perhaps future digital archaeologists will find something they think was important.
If no one sees it. You still put forth some effort.
Yet it cannot simply be here. It must translate into actions in your local area. Vote for freedom ALWAYS. Vote for people that will always support freedom. Run for office yourself. Plan for how to protect your family and friends. Being a prepper these days is not a bad thing. It can be overkill but it is better to be over prepared than under prepared.
I've been using DuckDuckGo for some time as my search engine of choice. They have now fallen to the tyrants. I am officially switching to search.brave.com for my preferred search engine.