Conversations With God/ With The Divine - EcoTrain Question Of The Week

in #hive-1230463 years ago

There are some things in life, that I find really difficult to accept. I know that being able to accept people for who they are, is an important thing for us humans to do, but it doesn't mean we have to like it and certainly we do not have to agree with it. But there are somethings that just make no sense to me.


I often think about, the way in which some people treat nature, how they have so little regard for the natural world and all her inhabitants. So much of the injustices we see within the world stem from this, the fact that people have such a disconnect with nature.

I recently wrote about a dog that we rescued, he had been living in horrible conditions. Then there is the Donkey, that I fell in love with, but who is always tied up with hardly any rope to roam and never has water, until I bring him some. I also recently discovered 7 horses that are living in horrible conditions as well, who really see the sun and barely have space to turn around.

There are some laws in this country to protect animals, but there is no one to enforce them. Animal welfare is so bad here and I really struggle with that. Most of the goat herders are dependent on their dogs to help them with their herd and yet most of the dogs look half starved. And they always look unhealthy.

It breaks my heart to see this kind of animal abuse and to feel so helpless in what I can do. Even if I managed to rescue the animals, they would just be replaced with more. But I have to do something, so me and my eldest daughter carry dog food with us, to feed neglected dogs we come across and I try and make sure the horses and Donkey at least have water.


But how can people be so cruel, how can they think it is okay to treat another being like that?

This week the EcoTrain community have asked ....

"If you could ask God ONE question and God would give you an immediate answer, what would the question be and what answer would you want to hear?"

I am not a believer in God, I do not identify with any religion. So I chose to look at the question in another way, to ask the universe itself to help me understand why some people can be so cruel and not even recognize their behavior as being that way. Knowing that the answer must come from within.

The way that animals are treated, is also a reflection of how our natural world is treated, it is all connected. It is a question that has been contemplated by Deep Ecologists for a long time now. At the root of it all, lies the disconnect we have with ourselves. That we could hold life itself, on such a low regard.

There are many things that influence this type of mindset, from the way in which those individuals have been treated themselves, for if you have never known love, how then can you begin to love another.


There comes a point in our lives, when we get to choose who we will become, whether we go along with what we are told, follow the leads of others, or we walk alone for a while and face the person we are. This is where we gain more insight. But it is perhaps the least taken track.

On top of that, is this belief within some religions, that the earth was created for humankind. That humans are at the top and everything else is placed beneath them, giving them the right to treat it and it's inhabitants as they please. Growing up with this mentality, that humans are above all other animals, means that they see nothing wrong with the abuse they are causing. It's just the way things are, the way things have always been.

There are many reasons why people are so disrespectful and disconnected, so what sort of an answer would I expect to hear back from the universe. A answer that would perhaps allow me to be a little more understanding or dare I say it, be more sympathetic towards them.

There is no straight answer to this question, there is just a number of events that have happened, that happen to each individual that causes them to think and live in such a way. This is not about acceptance or understanding, it's about what can we each do, to create a better way for all living things. Because sometimes it's not about words, it's about actions and if I don't do something, that who will!






I will never understand how people can be so cruel to each other and to the animals.
I do know though that i most cases cruel and mean people are hurting people and these are the people that need help.

Yeah me either.
There is alot of truth in what you say, it's hard though when they refuse help. Thanks @joalvarez xxxxx

You keep doing your part in taking care of the lost animals well done.
Sometimes I just wonder how some people get to do things in a negative way and still find nothing wrong with it
I guess that where individual differences come in.
Well done @trucklife-family
You truly are part of the few who has got a good heart

Ah thank you @ijohnsen, I think it is important that we look out for others, and I want my children to do so as well, so it starts with me xxxxx

It is a shame how we treat eachother, but as long as we break the cycle and if someone is unkind to use, that we in turn are not unkind to the next person, we win.

Yes it is all about breaking cycles xxx

This is a thoughtful post and I can understand what you mean here. To me, I see these animals as creatures too who needs our care and help too. They need to be taken care of and protected instead of leaving them alone to suffer and at the end die just like that.

The truth is that if we really do love ourselves, it wouldn't be hard to love animals too and nurture them as it ought to be.
Thanks for bringing this up in the EcoTrain community.

Yes so much stems from self love and the lack of it. Thanks @princessbusayo for your input xxxx

I think about this often and struggle as well with how few people care about the rest of Nature and it's inhabitants. Looking back on history it's understandable how people just thought of surviving, and later they were indoctrinated with the idea that humans were above all else. But now kids have a different awareness and adults are more open to learning from them, so maybe we're in for a big change 💓

Yes things are changing and that is where we should place our focus, on what we can do. Thanks @fenngen, I hope you are well my friend xxxxx

WEll done for answering a question when you don't believe in 'God' as such. I stayed away as I didn't want to touch it, plus, I have no questions in the face of WHAT IS. But for sure, why the fuck would people treat living beings - the planet - each other - like this are big questions indeed. Disconnection from self and earth is an answer of sorts. May we find our way home.

I wasn't sure if I was going to, but I have had so much first hand experience with animal abuse of late, I really did need to speak out xxxx

I really appreciate your thoughts on how we treat others especially animals and the truth be told they are also living things that need love and care because they also have a positive role they play to assist we human which I appreciate a lot.


Thanks @emeka4 for the support xxxx

You're a good one, no doubt about it. I love how you carry dogfood to feed the hungry dogs and water the donkey and horses. What a wonderful influence you are for your daughters.

There comes a point in our lives, when we get to choose who we will become, whether we go along with what we are told, follow the leads of others, or we walk alone for a while and face the person we are. This is where we gain more insight. But it is perhaps the least taken track.

I didn't exactly follow my own path 100%, but to be fair I'm happy with where I've ended up. It's that Robert Frost poem isn't it. Different path diverve in different coloured woods constantly and we become a product of those decisions and life choices.

Hopefully you know the poem, or you'll think I've gone mad

I love that poem and it is so true, thanks for you words @ablaze I really appreciate them.
Looks like I will be returning to the Emerald Isle for a wee holiday this year, super stoked about that xxxx

Ah no way, that's brilliant, ye must be thrilled. If ye make it to Galway, let me know 👍Hopefully yer settling into your new home nicely.