What I Believe? - EcoTrain Question Of The Week

in #hive-1230463 years ago

We create our own reality, by choosing were our energy flows. That is how, we bring things to life. From the moment we wake up, we become creators. Those first thoughts that form in our mind, the way in which we react to them, that all plays a huge part, in determining the day that we will have.


On top of that, we are a part of nature and nature organically seeks out balance and harmony, which then stems outwards, towards all things that are living in harmony with her. It is the natural order of things, With all parts working together, for the benefit of the whole.

The same is said for our bodies, every organ strives to work in harmony with each another, but it is up to us to provide the correct conditions in order for them to thrive. Which really boils down, to what we choose to consume, throughout our lives. If we choose to eat shit food and spend too much time indoors, then we will put strain on our body and our organs will over compensate in order to try and reach some sort of balance.

This is how everything works in nature. We as humans, are the result of what we do and how we choose to live, in how we choose to think and behave. I really believe that we are all born to thrive, to achieve greatness, but some people get misled and confused, to them greatness means different things. They do not see how their behaviors affect the whole, or even, they do not care.

I also believe that when you choose to live in harmony with yourself, with nature, then the universe conspires to work with you. Because like I said already balance is the natural order of things, well it is eventually, there is always a period of chaos, but eventually everything balances out. For we can not have one without the other!


As we make our way through life, we can get signs from the universe, letting us know that we are on the right path. Perhaps this is where the idea of Karma comes from, it is the earths way of communicating with us, it's way of helping to guide us. It's then up to us to decide whether or not we wish to listen!

Perhaps, karma is another way, in which the universe strives to bring things back into balance, to achieve a state of equilibrium. Whether that karma is positive or negative, depends on our actions and reactions, it depends on what you actually need to learn or experience in order towards a more balanced state. But again it is up to each one of us, whether or not we choose to accept these lessons.

Destiny. I believe we are all destined for greatness, yet there are many things that can interfere with that. Especially the way in which we treat ourselves, treat others and our natural environment. Everything is connected and ultimately what we do to one, we do to all.

But we live in a world, where greatness has been distorted. Where the one thing that helps us to achieve balance in life, is slowly being destroyed. Our connection to nature, is the most important thing we have in our lives, it is what is need to live a harmonious life and yet we are moving further and further away from it.

Our true destiny, lies in being true to ourselves, true to our nature, learning to listen to ourselves and to trust our inner knowing. For me, this leads me back to my connection with nature. That is really how I see destiny, as our journey back to self, how we are connected to everything and our natural way of being, is to live in harmony with nature.

This is my response to the latest EcoTrain Question Of The Week







I really enjoyed the ecotrain question of the week, it is interesting.

Very interesting indeed xxx

Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism

Very thoughtful to strike a balance with nature and everything. Interacting with nature and listening to its guidance on what we do, indeed we have falling into trouble giving a different meaning to destiny and eve comparing each others greatness.
I do hope we can reconcile with our world to have better outcome for our every decisions.

I think our most important journey is about leading us back to reconciliation, we just have to open our hearts and our minds to it. Thank you @monica-ene for your feedback xxx

If the question becomes an interesting one. I have been asking myself the same question for many years. When I am positive I believe in karma, which is not a punishment that comes from the past but the consequences of our actions. You explain it well with food. When I am low in mood, I get pessimistic and think that it is not worth working on anything and that our destiny is written. The human being moves between these two poles of existence. A virtual hug.

Thanks @leninbracho50, it is a huge question, it took me quite a while to even begin to answer it, as I wasn't sure where to start. Thank you for your input xx