Night! πŸŒ‡πŸ‚ ||| Gece! πŸŒ‡πŸ‚ [ENG-TR]

in #hive-124065 β€’ 2 years ago


I used to be very scared going out at night! I'm scared in general... I mean, I'm a bit of a coward, but it was almost impossible for me to go out at night. I couldn't go home alone, and if I had to, I would have a panic attack. I would always look behind me and think that someone was following me. It was very difficult! I don't know why I was so scared back then, but doing many things would become a big issue for me, fortunately I am less scared now! 🀷 Living in constant anxiety really wears you out in the long run. I tried many methods to overcome this but none of them worked. I found the solution in letting go! The more you go on something, the more resistant it becomes, sometimes one should know how to let go and let go, so after trying all the ways, I accepted and quit!

I felt psychologically relieved for a while after I quit. What really tired me was the effort, going on and on and on all the time made me incredibly tired! Just letting go was so good for me! After realizing the power of letting go, I started to apply this awareness in my whole life. I accept and let go of everything that tires me and stresses me, and after a while I experienced that that thing became meaningless in my life and resolved itself. Of course, it is necessary to strive to a certain extent, but over-striving is like struggling in the sea! The more you struggle, the more it sinks and exhausts you!

Sometimes we have fears or troubles that seem so great. There are days when we feel like we can't get out of it and we sink deeper and deeper, but what's the point of being so upset and struggling for a temporary life that ends in death? It will end no matter what! Always being aware of this and moving forward in life with this awareness makes things easier. I lived in fear for years! My family, my loved ones, my money, my belongings... I lived in fear of losing everything I thought I had one day, walking on the road in the dark or someone shouting my name out loud... I lived in fear of everything and I poisoned myself with a short life! I'm not like that anymore! Now I realize that death is the end and everything will end and I am very comfortable! Now I can easily walk outside in the dark! πŸ€·πŸŒƒπŸŒ‰πŸŒ‡

TR πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡·

Eskiden gece dışarΔ± Γ§Δ±karken Γ§ok korkardΔ±m! Ben zaten genel de korkarΔ±m.. Yani biraz korkak bir insanΔ±m ama geceleri dışarΔ± Γ§Δ±kmak neredeyse imkansΔ±zdΔ± benim iΓ§in. Bir yerden eve tek başıma dΓΆnemez, dΓΆnmek zorunda kalΔ±rsam da panik atak geΓ§irirdim. SΓΌrekli arkama bakar birinin beni takip ettiğini düşünΓΌrdΓΌm. Γ‡ok zordu! O dΓΆnemler neden bu kadar korkuyordum bilmiyorum ama birΓ§ok şeyi yapmak benim iΓ§in bΓΌyΓΌk bir mesele haline gelirdi neyseki artΔ±k daha az korkuyorum! 🀷 SΓΌrekli tedirgin yaşamak uzun vadede insanΔ± gerΓ§ekten Γ§ok yΔ±pratΔ±yor. Bunu aşabilmek iΓ§in birΓ§ok yΓΆntem denedim fakat hiΓ§biri etki etmedi. Bende Γ§areyi boşvermekte buldum! Birşeylerin ΓΌzerine gittikΓ§e daha da direnΓ§li hale geliyor bazen insan bΔ±rakmayΔ± boşvermeyi bilmeli bende tΓΌm yollarΔ± denedikten sonra kabullendim ve bΔ±raktΔ±m!

BΔ±raktΔ±ktan bir sΓΌre sonra psikolojik olarak rahatladığımΔ± hissettim. Beni asΔ±l yoran Γ§abalamakmış, sΓΌrekli hiΓ§ durmadan ΓΌzerine gitmek beni inanΔ±lmaz yormuş! Sadece bΔ±rakmak bile bana o kadar iyi geldi ki! BΔ±rakmanΔ±n gΓΌcΓΌnΓΌ fark ettikten sonra bu farkΔ±ndalığı tΓΌm hayatΔ±mda uygulamaya başladΔ±m. Beni yoran, strese sokan herşeyi olduğu gibi kabul edip bΔ±rakΔ±yorum ve bir sΓΌre sonra o şeyin hayatΔ±mda anlamsΔ±zlaştığınΔ±, kendiliğinden çâzΓΌmlendiğini deneyimledim. Belirli ΓΆlçü de Γ§abalamak tabiki olmasΔ± gereken fakat haddinden fazla Γ§abamalak deniz de Γ§Δ±rpΔ±nmaya benziyor! Γ‡Δ±rpΔ±ndΔ±kΓ§a batΔ±rΔ±yor ve yoruyor!

Bazen Γ§ok bΓΌyΓΌk gΓΆrΓΌnen korkularΔ±mΔ±z yada sΔ±kΔ±ntΔ±larΔ±mΔ±zΔ± oluyor. Δ°Γ§inden Γ§Δ±kamayacak gibi hissedip battΔ±kΓ§a battığımΔ±z gΓΌnler oluyor fakat sonunda ΓΆlΓΌm olan geΓ§ici bir yaşam iΓ§in bu kadar ΓΌzΓΌlΓΌp zorlanmanΔ±n ne anlamΔ± var? Ne olursa olsun sonunda bitecek! Her zaman bunun bilincinde olup bu farkΔ±ndalΔ±kla yaşamda yol almak işleri daha kolay hale getiriyor. Ben yΔ±llarca korkarak yaşadΔ±m! Ailemi, sevdiklerimi, ParamΔ±, EşyalarΔ±mΔ±... Sahip olduğumu sandığım herşeyi birgΓΌn kaybetmekten, KaranlΔ±kta yolda yΓΌrΓΌmekten yada YΓΌksek sesle birinin adΔ±mΔ± haykΔ±rmasΔ±ndan.. Her şeyden korkarak yaşadΔ±m ve kΔ±sacΔ±k hayatΔ± kendime zehir ettim! ArtΔ±k ΓΆyle değilim! ArtΔ±k işin sonunda ΓΆlΓΌmΓΌn olduğunu ve herşeyin biteceğinin farkΔ±ndayΔ±m ve artΔ±k Γ§ok rahatΔ±m! Şimdi karanlΔ±kta dışarΔ±da rahatlΔ±kla yΓΌrΓΌyorum! πŸ€·πŸŒƒπŸŒ‰πŸŒ‡

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Hola @trouvaille
Hermosas tus fotografΓ­as nocturnales!
Ahota lo que relatas de tu anterior miedo, eso es una sensaciΓ³n muy desagradable que te ha perseguido durante mucho tiempo. No debes sentir tanto miedo, esas emosiones son muy peligrosas para la salud mental. La percepciΓ³n que sientes por un peligro que muchas veces no es real sΓ³lo imaginario, te hace impotente para controlar situaciones que puedes resolver fΓ‘cilmente pero el temor y la ansiedad no te dejan hacerlo. Sigue asΓ­, controlando el miedo a la oscuridad de la noche, toma fuerzas respirando profundo y llenandote de valor en todo momento que sientas un pΓ‘nico y pieces en caer de nuevo... ConfΓ­a mΓ‘s en tΓ­...!
Tu voluntad es mΓ‘s grande de lo que te imaginas. Saludos!

Hi @trouvaille
Beautiful your night pictures!
Ahota what you relate of your former fear, that is a very unpleasant feeling that has haunted you for a long time. You should not feel so much fear, those emosions are very dangerous for mental health. The perception that you feel for a danger that many times is not real but only imaginary, makes you powerless to control situations that you can easily solve but fear and anxiety do not let you do it. Keep on like this, controlling the fear of the darkness of the night, take strength by taking deep breaths and filling yourself with courage every moment you feel a panic and pieces of falling again... Trust yourself more...!
Your will is greater than you can imagine. Greetings!

You are so right πŸ™ I am doing the same thing, now I feel more comfortable and free. Walking at night is very enjoyable! πŸ€—πŸŒ‡πŸŒƒ

Seninle gurur duyuyorumπŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚β€


Merhaba, farklı bir konuda ben de çabalamayı bırakıp, boş vermeyi seçmiştim ve psikolojik olarak bana da iyi gelmişti. Size katılıyorum. Umarım daha da kolaylaşır sizin için gece yürüyüşleri.

Γ‡abalamış olmasaydΔ±nΔ±z, ΓΆlΓΌm gerΓ§eğini ve boşvermenin çâzΓΌm olduğunu belki bulamayacaktΔ±nΔ±z. Bunlar Γ§abanΔ±n ΓΆdΓΌlleri bence:)

Ne gΓΌzel bir bakış aΓ§Δ±sΔ±! 🌈 Γ‡ok haklΔ±sΔ±n πŸ™