princeofbeyhive in #hive-188753 • 7 months agoHello After a Long Time (EN/TR) Uzun Bir Süre Sonra Merhaba-EN Hi guys! How are you? It's been a long time since I wrote anything. In fact, I just checked and it's been 4 months. I can say that I forgot how to write. In the past, when…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • 10 months agoUfak Bir Durum Güncellemesi ve Sık Uğradığımız Mekanlardan Birine Kısa Bir Bakış-TR Herkese merhaba! Nasılsınız? Ben iyiyim ama çok yorgunum. Uzun bir süreç atlattım ve şimdi kısa bir tatil vakti. Yaklaşık 1,5 haftadır burada bir şeyler paylaşamadım.…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • 11 months agoHello to A New Way (EN/TR) Yeni Bir Yola Merhaba-EN Princeofbeyhive proudly presents it, sir! How are you? I am very good, as you can see from my introduction. There is a terrible weather in Istanbul right now. I just came…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • 11 months agoSonunda 1000 Hive'a Ulaştım!TR Hive Power Up Günü! Herkese selaamm! Nasılsınız? Bu aralar bu selamı çok sık okuyorsunuz ama geçecek. Vize haftam geldi çünkü 😀. Bu aralar biraz böyle denk geldi ne…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • 11 months agoTrliste'nin Renkleri Challenge Genel DeğerlendirmesiTrliste’nin Renkleri Challenge Değerlendirme Yazısı Selam millet! Nasılsınız? Umarım iyisinizdir ve bu yazıyı günün güzel bir anında okuyorsunuzdur. Hatta dinlendiğiniz bir…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • 11 months agoColors of the Trliste Challenge : Dreams! (EN/TR) Challenge'da Son Hafta : Benimle Hayallerimi Paylaşın!-EN Hi! How are you? I'm so tired I can't explain. I don't know how I spent this week. I didn't go to school the first two days of the week. But I was very tired in the days…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • 11 months agoRestaurant Review #19 : Harry Potter Cafe! (EN/TR) Şefiniz Geziyor #19 : Harry Potter Temalı Bir Kafe!-EN Hello to everyone! How are you? It's the last day off of the week and I'm still sick. It seems like I'm getting worse day by day. The weird thing is that I got sicker the…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • 11 months agoColors of the Trliste Challenge Week #3 : My Music Taste (EN/TR) Trliste'nin Renkleri #3 : Müzik Zevkim Challenge Hafta -EN Hello everyone from the last working day of the week! How are you? How has your week been so far? Are you eager to have a weekend holiday? I think everyone who works in…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • last yearGetting Adjusted to the New Education Period! (EN/TR) Bahar Dönemine Giriş 101-EN Lay lay lay lay la la lay. I want to start say lay lay la lay lay lay. Because I can only understand and sing only these parts of Ajda's French songs 😀. How are you…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • last yearColors of the Trliste Challenge Week #2 : Care! (EN/TR) Trliste'nin Renkleri Challenge Hafta #2 : Bakım!-EN Hello everyone! How are you? How is the weather there? I'm asking both mentally and physically. The weather has been really hot in Istanbul for a few days. Everyone says…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • last yearMy Hive Birthday and Colors of the Trliste Challenge! (EN/TR) -EN Hi! How are you? We are in the fifth day of the week. How has your week been so far? It would be fair to say that I slept through it. Especially on Monday and Tuesday, I…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • last yearTR Hive Power Up Day'de Şubat Ayı!Herkese merhaba! Bu sefer tesadüf eseri daha erken bir tarihte görüşmüş olduk 😀. Bugünün power up günü olduğunu tamamen unutmuştum. Dün discord sunucusunda söylenince birden…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • last yearHere is Trliste's Colors Challenge!-EN Trliste's Colors Challenge Hello everyone! How are you? I'm fine and I'm trying to be good. The weather is really cold. The weather was fine last week. But this week…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • last yearMashed Potato Casserole Recipe! (EN/TR) Güveçte Bir Şeyler Yaptım!-EN Hello everyone! How are you? The weather is very nice here. Sometimes cloudy but not windy. Therefore, it is partly true to say that there is spring weather in Istanbul.…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • last yearSummer and Village (EN/TR) Yaz ve Köy-EN Hello! How are you? How is it going? I am good. I'm a little tired. I presented my graduation project yesterday. It was an average presentation. And the first term has…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • last yearFake Profiterole! (EN/TR) Profiterol Yan Sanayi-EN Hello to everyone! How are you? I am very well. As of yesterday, the first term of school ended. All that remains is the presentation of the thesis I wrote. So I can say…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • last yearOne Night in Tirebolu! (EN/TR) Tirebolu'da Bir Gece-EN Hello everyone! How are you? I'm great. I make myself some bitter coffee, put an Ava Max song on repeat from my setlist, and sit in front of my computer. These days I'm…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • last yearThe Smurfs! (EN/TR) Şirinler Köyüne Yolculuk-EN Hi guys! I was going to say how are you since we haven't seen each other, but as you know, I said this again very recently 😀. Still, this is a tradition for my writing…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • last yearSon Saatlerde TR Hive Power Up'ına Yetişen Bir Yusuf ÇizelimMER-HA-BAAAAAAAAA! Nasılsınızzzz? Ben harikayım desem yeridir. Finaller sonunda bitti. Bu dönemki projem sona erdi. Geriye sadece bütünleme haftam ve tez sunumum kaldı. Üzerimde…princeofbeyhive in #hive-138975 • last yearSay Hi to Hypertension! (EN/TR) Hipertansiyona Merhaba De Yusuf!-EN Hi guysss! How are you? Actually, I didn't take a long break from writing. But I've been through so much since my last post that it feels like I haven't been here for…