LOH Contest #194: Small and big risks - A new life [ENG/ESP]

in #hive-1244522 months ago


Greetings to everyone in the Ladies of Hive community! Today I'm joining the contest of the week #194, with some pretty interesting questions and especially I feel identified with one of them, the first question, because I feel how it totally fits with the situation I'm living. I will invite @aliciarodriguez, @lenkealfonzo and @brujita18 to participate in the contest. So without further ado, let's get started with it.

This year started off pretty intense as several things happened that drastically changed my lifestyle and way of thinking. Some family problems and some economic problems. In Venezuela, the country where I live, these two situations tend to be especially hard to go through because the political/social/economic context is not really good, so any problem (no matter how small it may seem) becomes a big problem. This leads to physical, emotional and psychological wear and tear, having to balance between solving one's own issues and dealing with the day to day of our lives (for example: putting food on the table).

¡Saludos a todos en la comunidad de Ladies of Hive! El día de hoy me uno al concurso de la semana #194, con algunas preguntas bastante interesantes y en especial me siento identificada con una de ellas, la primera pregunta, pues siento cómo totalmente encaja con la situación que estoy viviendo. Invitaré a @aliciarodriguez, @lenkealfonzo y @brujita18 a participar en el concurso. Así que sin más que decir, comencemos con ello.

Este año comenzó de forma bastante intensa pues sucedieron varias cosas que cambiaron de forma drástica mi estilo de vida y mi forma de pensar. Algunos problemas familiares y algunos problemas económicos. En Venezuela, el país dónde vivo, esas dos situaciones suelen ser especialmente duras de atravesar pues el contexto político/social/económico no es realmente bueno, por lo que cualquier problema (por pequeño que parezca) se vuelve un gran problema. Lo que conlleva a que exista un desgaste físico, emocional y psicológico, al tener que medir entre resolver los asuntos propios y lidiar con el día a día de nuestras vidas (por ejemplo: llevar comida a la mesa).


This has generated certain disputes that put at stake the comfort and stability that we (my husband and I) had relatively created and existed in our home. I always dreamed of a quiet life in my country: a house of my own, a job related to my profession, having children, pets, having my family nearby and a small business (thinking that when we can no longer work on the outside, we would have something of our own). However, that is at stake right now as it is very likely that I will have to say goodbye to those dreams. One of the hardest decisions in that process (of that change) is to put several of my pets up for adoption. We have meditated on all sides and it is the right thing to do, but it is still painful because they are our family.

That great challenge that I have right now (and that represents a great risk), is to leave my country and start a new life in Chile. My father was Chilean and thanks to that I have the nationality, so it is a great advantage but that does not make it an easier decision. It means leaving my house in Venezuela, my pets, my family and maybe not seeing them for a long time. I never thought I would contemplate that scenario because I already saw my life here as done, but honestly, things don't seem to be getting better and I have felt a real fear that doesn't let me rest. I know it may sound very fatalistic but I am afraid of going hungry again, of someone in my family getting sick and not being able to do anything about it, of losing my home, etc.

Eso ha generado ciertas disputas que ponen en juego la comodidad y estabilidad que relativamente habíamos creado y existía en nuestro hogar (mi esposo y yo). Siempre soñé con una vida tranquila en mí país: una casita propia, un puesto laboral que se relacione a mí profesión, tener hijos, mascotas, tener a mi familia cerca y un pequeño negocio (pensando en cuando ya no podamos trabajar por fuera, tendríamos algo propio). Sin embargo, eso ahora mismo está en juego pues es muy probable que tenga que despedirme de esos sueños. Una de las decisiones más difíciles de ese proceso (de ese cambio) es dar en adopción a varias de mis mascotas. Lo hemos meditado por todos lados y es lo más indicado, pero sigue siendo doloroso pues son nuestra familia.

Ese gran reto que tengo ahora mismo (y que representa un gran riesgo), es dejar mí país y comenzar una nueva vida en Chile. Mi papá era chileno y gracias a ello tengo la nacionalidad, por lo que es una gran ventaja pero eso no lo hace una decisión más fácil. Lo que significa dejar mi casa en Venezuela, mis mascotas, mi familia y quizás no verlos por mucho tiempo. Nunca pensé llegar a contemplar ese panorama porque ya veía hecha mi vida aquí, pero sinceramente, las cosas no parecen mejorar y he sentido un miedo real que no me deja descansar. Se que puede sonar muy fatalista pero me da miedo volver a tener hambre, que alguien de mi familia enferme y no pueda hacer algo respecto, perder mi hogar, etc.


At the moment this is my big risk and I hope to solve this situation with all the conscience and wisdom I have in my hands. On the other hand, my least risk at the moment is to lose a little bit the notion about my knowledge in Education and Arts, because although for me personal and professional development is important, I have not had the head for it right now. For example, sitting down to review various texts that, previously when I was a student, I could read without so much trouble. I would like to be able to dedicate myself to reviewing that information and learning about new topics that are on my mind. If I don't, I run the risk of being forgotten. Finally my friends, this has been my experience. Without further ado, thank you very much for stopping by.

Por los momentos este es mí gran riesgo y espero solventar esta situación con toda la consciencia y sabiduría que tenga en mis manos. Por otro lado, mi menor riesgo en estos momentos es perder un poco la noción sobre mis conocimientos en Educación y Artes, pues aunque para mí el desarrollo personal y profesional es importante, no he tenido cabeza para ello ahora mismo. Por ejemplo, sentarme a repasar varios textos que, anteriormente cuando era estudiante, podía leerlos sin tanto problema. Quisiera poder dedicarme a repasar esa información y aprender sobre nuevos temas que tengo en mente. De no hacerlo, corro el riesgo de que queden en el olvido o se vuelva información obsoleta. Finalmente amigos míos, esta ha sido mi experiencia. Sin más que decir, muchísimas gracias por pasar.


Las fotografías son de mí propiedad/The photos are my property



Leaving what has always been familiar to another place is a difficult decision. There is so many unknowns to weight. I hope there will be a clear sign that will justify whether to stay or take that chance @carminasalazarte ❤️

Totally. As life has shown me, things can change from one moment to the next so inside me, I have faith that there is still something that can happen and avoid such a difficult decision. Thank you very much for stopping by.



Nada fácil aún teniendo la nacionalidad, tener que abandonar lo que conocimos y hemos vivido. Un abrazo

¡Así es! Para mí, Venezuela es mí hogar y lo único que he conocido, así que será un poco ir a ciegas a otro país. Por así decirlo. Recibo tu abrazo 🤗

Leaving country of birth is never an easy decision, always risk involved. When not finding happiness or stability, it may be best to try. Flip side of the coin is everything works out well giving you opportunity to live the way you desire then visit family regularly or bring them to your new country to visit.


That's right. It is a decision that inevitably involves a great deal of risk. I remain optimistic that this is all for the better good and that I will be able to support my family much more, to give them a better life. Thank you very much for your support.

Everyone in a family feels the pain, stay strong and positive in your venture.

That's never easy to leave home, pets, and family. But life must be life, and we have to through all of that wisely. I wish you can learn new intestine thing so you can enjoy your life a little and bringing joy into your new chapter of life

Agreed. Life is life and it often tries to warn us about certain moves that are necessary. The call was there, I just didn't want to listen too much. I think the time has come to heed it. Thank you very much for stopping by

My dear friend ♥️ you tell us a very delicate and understandable situation. I imagine that your decision is subject to these recent times (elections)... what I can advise you is to put all your projects in the hands of God and, above all, our country🙏 I wish you the best thank you for inviting me dear🤗👋👻

It is, therefore, a decision made by several factors and among those, that one. I try to let things flow, but also taking a bit of control of it. I know that all this has to happen at some point, I have faith. Thank you for stopping by and a hug

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