Because I Am a She

in #hive-1244524 months ago

"Let someone else do that for you, that's not a girl's job," our friendly neighbor Mister D called out to my attention while I was about to cut some wood for something I was preparing for a DIY project years ago (2018). At that time, we just moved into our new house and wanted to add some personal touches (i.e. corner display shelves etc).

"Well, I can do it too so why not?" I teased back and then went on cutting. He stayed and watched quietly. Maybe he was impressed that he just asked what I was making when he walked by the next day while I was sanding.

At another time, I was mixing cement for the garden when someone spoke behind me, "Where's the man in the house? He should be doing that, not you. Or have you exchanged pants?" That was another neighbor from down the road. "Does it have to be a man's job? Come on, we are in the 21st century!" I said a bit formally. I thought it was not funny even if she meant it as a joke.

Yes, some still do stereotyping (my neighbors at the other house included), even in a place like ours where it is men and women have the same jobs is a norm. Here, men cook, do laundry, clean the house, etc, and are not frowned upon. You wouldn't hear anyone saying "Hey, why are you cooking? That's not a man's job."

Well, maybe I was expecting that in this day and age, it should not be surprising when we (women) do things that were initially known to be done by people with balls.

On another story, seeing women driving cars was uncommon in town until around 7 years ago. And along with it was one awesome thing I considered an advantage of being a woman. I observed that male drivers tend to be courteous with women in the driver's seat. They let us pass first, especially on a single-lane road. I experienced such many times and it certainly makes driving more favorable, considering that most roads here are narrow.

Peter Fazekas

My hubby couldn't stop laughing after one of the most notorious drivers in town moved back to find a safe place to pull over and let me go first when we met on a one-lane road during our visit to my parents. That driver had never done such a thing before so people named him "Walang Atras" because he would not move aside, even when road rules and ethics needed him to do it. Other drivers would just give way to avoid unnecessary nuisances. Miraculously, he let me pass and that's why the Farmboy was so amused.

Perhaps he changed?

I wouldn't say so because last month when we met him, he didn't budge an inch even when he was nearest to the clear side of the road. The husband cursed under his breath as he maneuvered the car backward.

So I must be lucky then? Maybe (or not). We will have to see about that the next time we meet him along the way. But I hoped it wasn't a one-time thing and that man would extend the same courtesy to others no matter who was behind the wheel.

Well, these are just a few instances where I was treated a bit differently because I am a She. It's not that bad and I know things can only get better.

This is how I approached this day's topic about gender on the MayInLeo initiative. I invite you to check it out too.

Lead image by Los Muertos Crew. 22022024/20:55ph

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You're a she, yes and a human so you're definitely capable of all things great... Loved the first picture, what were you listening to though 😁

Perfectly said. We are capable of doing many things, just that most times, the mindset keep us from discovering our potential.

what were you listening to though

Outwitting the Devil, !LOL

Years ago, I was into audiobooks.

Wow outwitting the devil 😂😂😂😍😍😍😍😍 amazing

Even before reading the whole content I got the point and I felt the chills in me.
Because your she (The SHE).
you are who you think you are my dear.
I guess it's high time this generation or century normalize that it's very okay and normal for anybody to decided to do the chores provided he or she is capable of doing it.

Time is evolving and so is gender bias and stuff. It's a lot better nowadays so hopefully, the time comes when there will be no more of the stereotyping of any kind.


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Miss Independent song is a great background of it, ma'am.😊

Oh yeah? Parang d ko narinig yang song na yan ah. Thanks for the recommendation though.


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Ne-yo po ang singer ma'am. Heheii, you're welcome. 😊

Ne-yo po ang singer ma'am. Heheii, you're welcome. 😊


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Thank you lots :)

In today's world, females are doing virtually everything one could think is for the males. 😀

That's true. However, in some countries, women are still treated differently.

Oh I so know those moments. As I do it myself always. Even building a house. Hahaha
The comments I get sometimes…
We all should be equal, but we are so not there yet.

And here I thought things are better where you are hehe :)

Nope, definitely not. Not in the 7 countries I have lived.
The one I moved to now… thats a different story. Woman here do the same work as the man. All of it. It is awesome. Never seen it this up close. It truly stands out.


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It's universal then but awesome that it is different where you live now. That is a beautiful thing :)

It is 😊
Thanks! Have a beautiful week 🌺

"What a man can do, a woman can do even better", is an English adage which had caught on over time. Seriously there are some men's job I wouldn't touch with even a one mile pole. Anyone that involves hard labour, count me out of it, I'm not that so strong to take it on but I commend you on being able to work with wood and cement.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Sometimes it's our mindset that keeps us from trying things. I used to shy away from things that I thought were a man's job but when I dip my toes into them, they are actually fun to do, especially since I do them as a hobby.


We are living in 21st century and I think there is nothing like men's job or women's job unless it's related to physical things. It's high time and to think equally.

I agree, Inti. All we need is an open mind.


, seeing women driving cars was uncommon in town until around 7 years ago. And along with it was one awesome thing I considered an advantage of being a woman. I observed that male drivers tend to be courteous with women in the driver's seat. They let us pass first, especially on a single-lane road.

OH MY your place is sooo good for lady drivers. Our's is a different scenario. A female friend of ours is driving and when motorist saw that she's a lady driver, they keep on honking their horn and make gitgit her car.It's always been like that daw since people in the area thinks of girl drivers as slowpoke and doesn't even know what to do. Afterward she had her car tinted na so that people will not discriminate her anymore. It

Yeah :) That's one of the nicest things that I observed.

people in the area thinks of girl drivers as slowpoke and doesn't even know what to do.

This seems to be the notion of most in some areas. Nka experience din ako one time sa ibang town. Thankfully, okay lang dito sa amin.

I didn't think it's a lie, everyone is equal. Both the female and the man are the same, woman can do anything and sometimes more better

I think it's the perception of some people that is keeping some of us from doing certain things.

I love Challenges and living in a man's world, I love to always prove that I can do whatsoever was exclusively considered a man's job. I hate being regarded a weaker vessel because I know I'm not, the status quo has to change.

That is awesome. I do wish there were most like you around hehe.


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I guess people haven't fully realized that we're truly living in the 21st century, I think preconceived ideas are still ingrained in most people and that's what they default on whenever they see something different. Nowadays, the line between gender roles has become blurry and the stereotypic mindset should be outgrown because it no longer holds much relevance.

Yes, some are yet to break free from such a mindset. Hopefully, they will wake up sooner so they won't influence the younger generation :)

It's nice sometimes, to have a guy do a job that might be typically thought of as the 'man's job', but that doesn't mean we can't do it as well (and sometimes better) than our male counterparts!

You will have to let us know about the drives with not so many manners, if you encounter him when driving again. I'm curious as to what he will do!

Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!

That's very true. We can't discount ourselves from doing things just because they were normally done by men :)

Thank you Liz. I am also curious to see if he will do it again when we meet one day :)

You will have to let us know! Take care!

That reminds me of the day I was determined to fix the garage roof with the help of my son. I lifted the roofing tile to the roof of half bundles rather than a whole bundle, I was still sore by the end of the day but we did it.
It sounds like that fellow didn't like other men, a funny story though. 😂

It can be surprising when we push ourselves to do something we initially thought we couldn't do :)

Haha, yeah. It was funny and surprising when he didn't do the same thing with me. 😂

And saved myself about $800CAD doing it ourselves.
The guy at the Hardware store did make it sound easy to fix.

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Aha! Now that's a great savings. Thank goodness to that guy making you discover that you can do it :)

Funniest thing is,
these stuffs, I mean the stereotypes associated to men and woman duties will stay more with us, maybe hundreds of years to come before we totally maintain a balance 😅.
In my part is the world, women do engage in bricklaying works but that's only when they're working for money. When it comes to personal/family thing, it's a man's duty😂

The change have to start in one's home then we can perhaps see those stereotypes disappear sooner.

I've seen women work in bricklaying and similar jobs in other places (China etc). I'm yet to see here in my town. As to small works for the home, I can do pretty much anything.

Yeah, charity begins at home.
I know It's going to get balanced one day, it'll only take time.

the stereotyping is still happening here in my place, but it changed quite a lot recently, and I will try to teach my son that house work knows no gender, and it should be done regardless of gender.

But I need to learned about wood working from you, mine is just not that good. !LOLZ

It's awesome when things change for the better. Kudos to you for teaching your son. He will grow up to be a wonderful man :)

As to woodworking, I'm just experimenting, lol! No one taught me to be honest. I learned things on my own. Sometimes we just have to let our imagination work hehe.


He will grow up to be a wonderful man :)

fingers cross. ; )

I spent most of my day off working on the small project, and yes a little bit of imagination, and a lot of sweat, since things are not as easy as it seems.

It's just like earlier we used to see that girls as they are couldn't work hard but now we see we see girls working in every field of our life so now things have changed a lot. And it bodes well for girls to come.

Yes, things are changing so it's good. Let's hope the next generations will do better in treating each other well regardless of gender.


Yeah Hope so

They will surely get better.💪🏽💕

Some people are actually like that in which they don't even care even when they are driving

Nowadays, men and women are equal.. we can do things that they can, and they can also do things that we can...
Back in the day in our village, when my neighbors saw me lifting water containers, they would tell me to ask my brothers to do so... I can lift heavy stuff too, lol.. the funny thing is, when they saw my brothers cooking, they won't tell me to do it for them haha... Well, boys are better at cooking than girls at home, such a shame haha

It's funny how people think at times hehe. And oo din, galing magluto mga lalaki. When I was growing up, Dad was the chef in the house. Mom rarely cooked 😅


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Women can do a lot if they believe on themselves. Is there anything more physically painful than giving a birth to a new one! It is just that we have made women psychologically weak so their physical strength is minimized.

I don't know about other societies but in my society I have observed that some (or many, I am confused) women taking advantage of being this gender go on avoiding the tasks they could do and then more responsibility lies on man.

Being a women brings us several disadvantage in our society. Nonetheless, that's not the whole case, it gives us several privilages too. And sometimes, these privilages are misused. For instance there is stereotyping of domestic violence about men. Women having this in the back of the mind go on for doing emotional abuse to men, and if men ever respond with aggressiveness, he is cursed.

Well there are cases of all kind.

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Yes. We can do much more if only we uplift ourselves and believe that there's more in us.

I don't know about other societies but in my society I have observed that some (or many, I am confused) women taking advantage of being this gender go on avoiding the tasks they could do and then more responsibility lies on man.

You have spoken so well about this and it is so true. It makes me cringe whenever I see fellow women doing this. I'm glad that there are very few of them where I live :)

Abusing or misusing privileges is never a good thing. Sadly, such still occurs in some places.

Thank you, Amber. I appreciate you :)

It's always a delight to visit your post, sister.

I can say men and women are equal but these days, we see women who can do what men can also do and it is really amazing!

Yeah, pretty much. Time is changing :)


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