I know how lucky we are having the staff we have as we are like one big family.
This weekend is the first weekend off having worked the last 3 weekends both days Saturdays and Sundays. There was not one complaint from any of the staff members and there was no skipped days by any of the permanent staff. One temp who was o the verge of becoming permanent failed to arrive the day after pay day and was dismissed immediately. This sent a message to the other 3 temps and they understood very quickly. This has happened in the past and I have never tolerated drinking as an excuse for a no show.
The 12 people we have working for us have all been hand selected over the years and I have worked with half of them previously. The one thing everyone knows if there is work that needs doing then there is no other choice, but to get it done. Having a small staff compliment like we have actually makes life a lot easier as everyone can wear a different hat and do multiple jobs.
In the past I have had a much larger staff in the hundreds and possibly the same job could have bee done with far less because a certain percentage will always do less than others. We experienced go slows forcing the business to stay open guaranteeing them overtime. The worst experience was finding the assembly conveyor had been sabotaged which was definitely a low point and forced my hand by firing roughly 60 staff members in one hit after viewing the camera evidence.
Working with a large compliment of staff I have seen the best and worst and why working with a small trusted group is far easier. The group we have ow know I would never ask them to do the impossible and if I couldn't do it I would not expect them to do it either. This is more of a mutual respect going both ways and why this works so well because respect is earned.
When we took over our business in February this year I was more concerned about making it work because of the staff. The staff would have been let go and the business either run by a bigger company or shut down entirely. Unemployment in the country is close to 50% so the chance of the 12 finding any work would be very slim. They know this and why everyone works so well together because the pressure to make the business successful is very real for everyone involved.
The reason why I push everyone so hard is that we are a few moths away from the end of the year and I m working to give them bonusses and an increase for the New Year. Profits are important and have always believed they need to be shared If anyone deserves recognition this group does and from what I understand this will be the first bonus they would have received in over 4 years. There are some other admin staff who are not on my books and who knows if they will receive a bonus or not.
When you know you are lucky to have a special group working with you looking after them keeping them happy is what is important.
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