One of the main principles explored by spirituality and mysticism is that material reality is an illusion, and it's also one of the hardest to encompass by the majority of people. I know I struggled with it when I began my journey of self-discovery, because I felt that the information took away the meaning and joy of living. Who likes to discover that everything they've experienced and especially all they've suffered has been a lie, right? It could drain the purpose out of every relationship, word, emotion, sensation and activity. Fortunately, this didn't discourage me, there had to be a reason for life, there had to be truth in the complex beauty that I saw around me, so I trudged on, doubting my thoughts, questioning my motivations, until the trudging became walking again and I realized what this principle was truly about.
There IS indeed a purpose for human experience and existence in this world, we have bodies, identities, thoughts and feelings because we're here to learn things that our souls can't learn any other way. I know many people reject the idea that there's a superior power, that a divine creator has set all things in place, but to me that's no longer a debate. I don't argue with atheists or rationally-minded individuals about it, my own self-observation and the knowledge that it's given me are sufficient, persuading others is a form of vanity. Yes, the entirety of what I am in this coil, from my body to my beliefs, is a fiction, a narrative that I'm blessed to be able to read and dismantle every day, but there's a Light that fuels me and provides me with a reason for being. I may call it Ra, Sun, God, Tao, the All, Ein Sof, Brahman or any other name I wish, though no name can contain it, no word describe it or space define it. This Infinity and Eternity is my birthright and the one thing that I need to pursue. In order to pursue it, I require this body, this identity, this territory. Therefore, I require the Lie in order to seek the Truth.
The Lie (Dream, Illusion or Narrative) is impermanent, everchanging, cyclical, repetitive and multilayered. We can see it at every level of the Universe, from the tree to the galaxy, from the neuron to the cosmic filament. We can experience it through our society and its politics, money and properties, films and memories, languages and thoughts, sciences and religions. It's built like a seemingly endless, complicated maze; it may seem like a prison or a playground depending on the perspective, and perspective is indeed all we can choose. The important part is to recognize that it's in place to fulfill a function, it's the stage in which we play our characters in the story of the cosmos. The Truth that breathes life into it, on the other hand, is simple, immanent, ineffable, unchanging and always complete, it lacks for nothing, needs nothing and supports everything.
While matter deteriorates, dies and is recycled into some other form, the spirit is immortal and undiminishing. While the images around us and within us become translucent and crumble, the light that brings them into being is ever shining and gloriously real. The whole point of existence is self-knowledge and the whole point of self-knowledge is the shedding of layers to get a glimpse of that Reality. This is why we must see the things we're seeing, why we argue and protest, why we create and trade our creations with others, why we desire connection. It's why we're here.
Now we're heading quickly to a profound moment of revelation for the entire human race. Eight billion people will simultaneously receive a flash of this Light and the Love that it brings to every one of our waking hours and dreams. The copious layers of physicality will, for a moment, become utterly transparent and everyone will see the workings beneath, a mind-shattering event of epic proportions. Remember, in the midst of chaos, that there's a rhythm to the dance, a hidden order, an intent. Remember, above all things, that Love is all, that we're all held by a benevolence far surpassing any ill intent or malice that we may witness. Trust this wholeheartedly and you shall gain a torch whose brilliance shall dispel the shadows no matter how deep!
Rune of the day: Tiwaz inverted. Incoherence, Unlawfulness, Falsehood.
Untimely actions bring unsteady results, trusting unreliable sources leads to distorted views. Do not engage in lengthy arguments, the truth is often simple and requires no defense. Insist upon getting the factual information especially in legal matters and provide it yourself, reject excuses and avoid convoluted explanations. The more a lie is told, the easier it is to see through it; beliefs may be an obstacle for understanding, put yours to the test and see if they hold, questions are more useful for growth than answers. Be careful where you put your faith, for even an honest heart may fall prey to delusions.