I have been compiling lists of Hivers in various countries using @hivesql. The profile location data is not very consistent, but I try to group people by area when there are a few. There may be some mistakes due to my lack of local knowledge.
It actually does not take long to put these lists together, but finding all the people in a country takes more work.
Other Countries
Currently there are lists like this for:
Germany has generally had a very active community, but it seems somewhat diminished now. I ran a query of everyone who was active in the last year, but these numbers are for the last month and you can see that many have stopped posting or voting. Have they gone elsewhere or is Hive just not keeping them engaged?
A hundred people posting is still not bad. There is one witness and a whale. A fair few people have joined in the last year.
I have grouped by some cities and states, but the format is up to the community to work on. They are welcome to take it on and the list is on Github. I am sure there will be a few to add.
The Numbers
Berlin (16/16/19)
Posting: @alucian (Franken Oberpfalz Mittenwald), @antonireviewer, @bastisvlogs, @city-of-berlin, @fimalmes, @future24, @growandbow (Barnim–Barcelona), @gunnarheilmann, @hauptstadtdiva, @leavingtheherd, @lichtkunstfoto, @longprit, @michaelreischer, @nowargraffitis, @patrivuli, @pogoberlin
Voting: @adalhelm, @broxi, @crimo, @damus-nostra, @dungeondog, @finanzamt, @fiveboringgames (or Dublin), @g-shot, @kimchi-king, @llunasoul (or Barcelona), @mafufuma, @marlasinger666, @mayb, @pxlmitsu,, @shinpurple
Inactive: @adriankrion, @ascha, @bennetcerven, @carolinmatthie, @chatgptxolde, @cryptonight23, @e-rich1, @fourgreentv (and Dresden), @generalzevo, @grintsch, @hiveamt, @inspiring, @jeannart (Heiligensee), @laurita1, @marsell, @queenjennyfer, @seanstein, @sjennon, @wombatapp
Aachen (1/2/1)
Posting: @detlev
Voting: @ali3nspawn666, @jaro-art
Inactive: @hivemeetupaachen
Cologne (0/6/3)
Voting: @aborowczak1972, @dennis.bacchus (and Bochum), @gunnarkaiser, @hopbrothers (and Karlsruhe), @photowanze, @sardaukai
Inactive: @katrin-lux, @momgul.goldbart, @rikyu
Frankfurt (0/2/3)
Inactive: @adler-news, @adorno, @kryptokessler
Hamburg (2/5/7)
Posting: @arabisouri, @tibfox
Voting:, @fromheart, @iamtom, @mima2606, @sharanestone
Inactive: @darijagelo, @freitag, @lightproject, @machamorag2 (popo), @mrurbex, @tatyana-apple, @violator101
Munich (1/8/7)
Posting: @las3rbone
Voting: @actifit-peter, @florian.grieger, @fotogruppemunich, @freiheit50, @highonthehog, @mcsvi, @mpinvest, @peter2017
Inactive: @fitnessgourmet, @jan.kretschmer, @marvinman, @midastouch, @safsa11, @schlafhacking, @tiviye
Bavaria (0/8/1)
Voting: @driveforkids, @landshutbrauhaus (Landshut), @magdalena1b, @mrhoofman, @northmen, @remotehorst23, @stehaller (Landshut), @ygoob
Inactive: @saftmanwikifolio
Stuttgart (0/3/0)
Voting: @betterthanhome, @finkistinger (Rottweil), @szr-network
Germany (81/112/95)
Posting: @achimmertens, @adacardano, @advertisingbot2, @akipponn, @andyjaypowell (Tauberfranken), @annasdiary, @antidorsessions, @augenarzt, @balte (sometimes estonia), @beatminister, @bechibenner (Solingen NRW), @beesmartblog, @big-m, @bivin, @blkchn, @borsengelaber, @bronko, @bundeskanzler, @chaosmagic23, @coachlinda, @cst90, @dejanmilo, @dera123, @dividendencheck, @dotwin1981 (Unterfranken), @edina76 (Dresden), @elkezaksek (Duisburg), @erfahrungsschatz, @erh.germany, @ew-and-patterns, @filosof103, @flummi97, @hackspoiler, @hannes-stoffel, @happycoollove, @hatoto, @herman-german, @hive.helps, @icedragonzes, @irrer-ivan, @ivario, @janisplayer, @jkramer, @johnboywalton (Bottrop), @karizma, @kheldar1982, @kiel91 (Kiel), @klausklaus, @louis88, @lukasbrausch, @lxsxl, @mario89 (Elzach Freiburg), @masterswatch, @mein-senf-dazu, @mibreit-photo, @misterc, @momekato, @mypathtofire, @nerdtopiade, @no-advice, @ogfox, @patschwork, @pippo84 (Northern), @pjansen, @quekery, @ravenmus1c, @rcshad0w, @rivalzzz, @runforfun, @shivatrg (KIEL), @speed-ride, @sportfrei, @stepko (Hannover), @street-ar (Mannheim), @theadamprost, @thomas4711, @uwelang, @vanje (BW), @werkseber, @wulff-media, @xels
Voting: @acgalarza, @alesya-h9, @alexa57, @azizbd, @bushradio, @c0s1, @crimcrim, @croctopus, @cuzimgleb, @david.steem, @depot69, @djrockx, @docmarenkristina, @dreimaldad, @druckado, @e-r-k-a-n, @ebike-adventure, @eddqq, @eikejanssen, @elbiasto, @fotobrina, @freiheitsammler, @freizeit.parkfan, @frieder, @friesennerz, @fromaboveheaven, @gammastern, @gerusan, @goodway, @grizzabella (Northern), @grootwr, @haegar85 (Saarland), @harktheshark, @hivebeyer, @hivekeks, @jamjamfood, @jeanpi1908 (KARLSRUHE), @jedigeiss (Mönchengladbach), @jeenger, @jeferybgomez (Bergisches Land), @john.difool, @jokeruz, @jwjqu.wam, @kanrat, @keepinitsteem, @keksbastelt, @king-arminius, @kirmesfanrlp, @kkndworld, @knowmad, @knownobody, @kristall97, @linuxbot, @literaturkritik, @lucky-cat, @m1sterjw, @macslin, @magicquokka, @mapetoke (Schwäbisch Gmünd), @markus.journey, @maxruebensal, @meerliebe, @meliamau, @mindscapephotos, @mr-hades (East), @mryoung1979, @muchheaven, @muscara, @natha93, @nurodan, @octavian1 (Konstanz), @okean123 (Norddeutschland | Сердце в России), @olliranks, @openmind3000, @overunitydotcom, @payger, @perpetuum-lynx (South West), @pianochan, @pjansen.ctp, @portalmine, @r0nny, @reinhard-schmid, @reini137, @rezfit, @robat71, @rslsaku, @sabine-reichert, @salicj, @schlees, @serylt, @sharelovenothate, @smooms, @snaqz, @sobahd, @sofort77 (Niederrhein), @src3, @svengadget, @tahuna, @talaxy, @taldor, @targodan, @taxguy, @thebluewin, @theissen, @tuxtify, @unlockmaster, @vasupi, @vokus, @xurph, @yaraha, @zanoni, @zockerlounge
Inactive: @abachon, @advertisingbot, @alexko-steemit, @antikesdenken (Gilching), @apartphilosopher, @apfelkeks, @arpadkunst, @artbunny, @banura, @bitcoin2go, @btcsam, @bundeswehr, @captainglondo (Soest), @caro-art, @chainsquad, @chamil, @checkz, @chippyofdoom, @chrisheyne, @cord.uebermuth (Düsseldorf), @cracky0402 (southwestern), @crypto-sainz, @crypto401, @defythedeception, @derasmo, @doubledestiny, @drjj, @educatinglife, @effiworkx, @einfachfabs, @escapinggermany, @eulenews, @fabianduck1, @general.guy, @gptdeutsch, @h3llrais3r, @hive-139669, @ibc, @ideenart, @info-brocker, @inkedjuliusz23 (North Rhein Westphalia), @jaalig, @jannost, @junsi, @kaboomy, @kavaeron, @kutira, @lalliebear (Celle), @lederoderso, @letmoneywork, @linerus, @lineruswelt, @linlux, @lotuslasse, @loverdef, @lucyrebmann, @lunix, @macronaturliebe (Essen), @marcuskober, @mcbrei, @meinekleinewelt, @meta.condeas, @mikenero, @mirwaisrekab, @moecki, @mountcalvaryway, @mrdalle, @musikuss, @natalie9898, @nftland1989, @ninal997, @oelscheich, @padi2312, @pizzeria, @robinia-green, @sammelsurium, @satren (Süddeutschland), @schamangerbert (Neuburg an der Donau), @sinaida, @soneriu81, @streamkeks, @summoner-cha, @test1223, @thedgrill, @thefittest, @theobaldjoachim, @tielen, @tippspiel-de, @titanos, @tkoeddermann, @virtualex-steem, @wanderingiq, @woody-mc, @xeraphim, @zara8
Expats (2/1/1)
Posting: @anna-newkey (UK), @vindiesel1980 (Netherlands Portugal)
Voting: @yoyo-jp (Japan)
Inactive: @ethicalbrandhack (España Venezuela)
Total active Germany: 101, Expats: 2
This shows the numbers in each category of the active and voting accounts. Level is based on 'VESTS' with Minnow equating to a million VESTS.
Level | Number | Threshold |
Redfish | 153 | |
Minnow | 77 | 581.13 HP |
Dolphin | 30 | 5811.35 HP |
Orca | 5 | 58113.48 HP |
Whale | 1 | 581134.77 HP |
This shows when people joined Hive. The last few months are shown separately to make any changes obvious.
Age | Number |
1 month | 2 |
2 months | 1 |
3 months | 4 |
Year | 12 |
Older | 247 |
German Witnesses
Please support your local witnesses:
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The man behind: | @tenkminnows: Helping good Hivers level up @proofofbrian: A bot that checks for tag typos #BritList: A monthly list of Hivers in the UK |