More than 300 specialists have upheld a statement requesting that the Spanish and European organizations totally stop the double-dealing of the European eel, to keep away from the termination of the species.
On December 10 and 11, the Horticulture and Fisheries Gathering of the European Association will decide the limitations on eel fishing. The proposal that this association has on the table from established researchers is, as it was in 2022, clear and reverberating: a complete prohibition on eel fishing. Zero gets.
The European eel (anguilla) was a remarkably bountiful fish in Europe and North Africa. Notwithstanding, around 1980 its breakdown started, with a downfall of over 90% recognizable in all periods of the mind boggling life pattern of the species. The huge breakdown in the quantity of eels is reflected in the decrease of their conveyance region, which in the Iberian Promontory surpasses 80% over the most recent 100 years.