ME/CFS Awareness Week/Day- Donation update- Thoughts on the future

in #hive-1400845 months ago

Image created by me using Canva

It has been a week from hell in my personal life. We had the death of a pet followed by the surgery/hospitalization of another pet (who is still in the hospital). These things are un related but damn .Pacing is impossible when life throws curve balls.

That's why patients like me need real treatments for this devastating illness. Needless to say I am not in the best of mental or physical states. I am vey sick, though my mind is sharp. At least I think it is lol.

I did want to update everyone. I am looking to diversify this month and donate to a different organization. This is simply for diversity. I still support OMF in all of their work.

I have also been thinking about something lately. Keep in mind these are just thoughts and not set in stone but I am thinking about using some of the resources on this account to help onboard people with chronic illnesses or allies (Honor system . I will never ask anyone about their health conditions or disabilities). The onboarding process itself I struggle with, but I could get individuals or organizations involved in the Hive blockchain I can teach them how to raise funds /earn crypto on this platform.

To do this I would need a volunteer to help with the initial Hive set up like keychain etc. I cannot cognitively do the kind of tech support for this aspect. One they are in though I can share my system with them.

I could also help them get started by delegating(temporary) Hive and other tokens so they can begin using the platform and play around with curation.

To be able to do this I would need some help. If I could help one or two people or organizations get started earning on Hive every month that could potentially make an impact in their lives.This could also be a good use of the Spoonies community. I haven't forgotten about it I just don't know what to do with it. I don't have enough energy/am not well enough to do this on my own.

Anyway, these are just my thoughts. In the meantime donations will continue as I am able to do them. There will be a donation sometime this month. I am just nit sure yet who it would go to.

It's ME/CFS awareness week and awareness day is May 12th. I probably wont post on the day itself as I am really struggling and need to save my energy as much as possible.


I do love a good spoon. Makes eating rice so much quicker

The onboarding process through InLeo might be the quickest option available (if they have Twitter). It leads them through the entire process, as far as I read. While the onboarding thing is a bit too time-consuming for me to go through individually, you know that I'll be happy to support anyone who posts in this community. I can even lend some resource credits for a week or two. It can give them a nice head start!

Awesome. thank you :)

Hang in there! You need to use your energy wisely!

Hope it will be implemented soon.