Sharing is truly an amazing experience!
There are many ways to share. We can do it with things that we master first. Sharing does not have to be with money but can be with many other things. For example, with the results of your cooking or gardening.
As you know, currently I am focusing on gardening. I do have the intention to always share my harvest with the people around me. Especially, to my family members. I feel happy if I can share with the people around me.
Today, on Friday, I want to share with you about Friday sharing. I have done this often, but I rarely post it. Coincidentally this time, I also want to show you some of my harvest.
Later, the results of my harvest, I will share with my family members. The harvest is in the form of green mustard greens, also shallots, and chives.
What Did I Harvest?
First, I have large mustard greens. These mustard greens are different from the mustard greens that I usually plant. They are bigger than the mustard greens in general. That makes this type of large mustard greens look big.
Maybe for people who don't know, they think I use certain chemical fertilizers to produce large mustard greens. In fact, this time I didn't even fertilize the mustard greens at all. I only put compost on the planting medium before I moved the large mustard greens.
Because it is a type of vegetable that is easy to care for, this mustard greens can grow well, even though I don't fertilize it anymore. I only arrange the planting medium as fertile as possible.
I harvested large mustard greens from 2 raised beds. The results are quite a lot and I can share them with my relatives in a housing complex. In fact, if I want to share with my family members, I first make sure that the type of vegetable I share has a sufficient amount. This is to avoid some family members not getting a share. I want them all to get an equal share, so that it does not cause jealousy among them.
Then, I also harvested chives. I planted chives only in small polybags. They can grow back to sprout after I harvest them by cutting them. In our area, chives are also a popular type of vegetable because they can be cooked by stir-frying with other ingredients, such as tempeh and tofu.
After harvesting chives, I also harvested shallots which were left over from the previous harvest. I am happy that this gradual harvest of shallots turned out to be profitable for me. Because my previous stock of shallots was still a lot, so I decided to share the shallots from this harvest with the other members of my family.
The results of this shallot harvest were also quite a lot with the size of the shallots being quite large. You can see for yourself that even though it is an organic method, organic gardening also produces maximum results.
After I harvested several types of vegetables, I started to divide the harvest into several parts. This time, I will share it with 6 members of my family.
I also tied the large mustard greens into 6 parts with tape. Later, it will be easier to share it with my family members.
The method of tying with tape available in the supermarket also makes the vegetables look neater and classier. I hope that people who get the vegetables harvested in my organic garden this time will be happy. Especially with vegetables that are taped like shopping in a supermarket.
Wow, I feel so happy to be able to share with them. Another time I will share again. A feeling of happiness that cannot be expressed in words!
Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari
Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.
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Discord: anggreklestari#3009