Alternative Weekend: Stupid Names

in #hive-1444004 months ago


It seems an age since I wrote an 'Alternative Weekend'. With my occasional thoughts going into @ablaze's Three-Tune Tuesday I haven't listened to much music lately.

If I am at home the music tends to belt out which goes down badly with @bingbabe, who doesn't get my tastes and thinks the neighbours are going to complain due to the excessive decibels, despite us living in a detached property with a 40-foot gap to the next house.

I can understand if it's Death Metal, but that is very rare for me these days. Speaking about 'those days', let's get into the content starting with some Big Big Train.


Big Big Train – The Underfall Yard (The Underfall Yard – 2009)


Those days have gone, those daysssss….”, cries David Longdon with more than a tinge of nostalgia. By the time these lyrics appear you will have already been on a long musical tale and are somewhere close to the halfway point.

I am listening to the magnificent ‘The Underfall Yard’ once again and it must be 25+ plays by now. Considering this track (not the album of the same name) is just short of 23 minutes long that’s a fucking lot of listening.

By the end of ‘The Underfall Yard’, you are really feeling it, especially when the very English brass section starts. The melancholy, the nostalgia, this has a lot of feeling and brings out the emotions of us blessed beings who have that music appreciation gene.

...'Big Big Train are big big band, with seven members..., more than the average. They might not be super popular but they mostly wear shades and that's a start'.

Is it that good you might ask? Yes, it is, but it's equally difficult music to ingest and I might have given up if it wasn't for the wonderful harmonising repeating vocal chorus of the late Mr Longden and whoever the band used as backing singers.

David Longden has been accused of sounding like Peter Gabriel but I feel he sounds more like Phil Collins, and that depends on your views if that is good... or bad. Do they sound like Genesis, no, not in the least though the comparisons have been made.

Big Big Train boast a daunting large back catalogue, and it’s going to take me some time to get into it all, that’s if I want to.

Thanks @steevc for throwing this one my way and make no mistake, I am no stranger to the band, I simply ignored them for the longest time. 'That's a stupid name for a band', was the reason, and it's a poor one.

"This is the end of the line…" - just fabulous!


The Pineapple Thief – White Mist (Dissolution – 2018)


"The Pineapple Thief', another stupid name, but no more than any other of these newer bands. This is a band I have listened to occasionally, and though the music is kind of progressive it has never had enough 'OOMPH' for me to get it.

This is a shame as the band is still together, barely anyody has heard of them and they have links to 'Porcupine Tree' via the drummer Gavin Harrison who's a legend to me.

...'I always considered them a poor man's Porcupine Tree, even if Gavin is a member'...

On more than one occasion I have seen them shilling concerts in Manchester at some small venue such as Manchester University, a great intimate place where you can get close and your heroes are not pinpricks in the distance.

White Mist’ is the closest I have come to liking any of their songs and it took a lot of listens. Being half the size of ‘The Underfall Yard' at a mere 11 minutes it should be easy to digest, right?

No..., it’s as bad as any of these newer bands (besides Porcupine Tree), to appreciate. If they had a few more guitars and would ramp up the metal a little I think I would be a fan.


Skeeter Davies – The End of The World (Skeeter Davis Sings The End of the World – 1962)


Let's finish of with something that's as far from alternative as I can think of, and if you think the first two songs are far too long then this is under 3 minutes and great for you lot with short attention spans.

I don't know where to fit this in, but I am struggling with a third song that I have not posted before, and that would constitute repeating content.

Having recently downloaded the re-master at 60 FPS, I decided to give Fallout 4 another crack and am regretting it. These types of games take over your life and draw you in, and if you crank up the difficulty to Hard, it's even better.

...'Fallout 4, cracking game and as deep as it gets for a single player experience, but be careful of over listening to Diamond City Radio'...

@meesterboom will probably know this one if he's played Fallout 4 and tuned into Diamond City Radio. The play old songs on that station, and I mean songs that your parents or even grandparents might like.

Talk about cheesy music, I could shut off the radio and after hearing many repeats of ‘The Wanderer’, ‘Anything Goes’ and several other terrible songs I may well do that.

One that stuck out was ‘The End of the World’ which fits the game perfectly but not the time zone. I was surprised the song is from as late as 1962, whereas all this other older shit is from the 1940’s.

…'I am not a great fan of anything older than 1965, in general..

'Skeeter Davis', I had to look up this song and found another stupid name. I’m thinking more ‘Rita Skeeter’ from the Harry Potter books, but ‘Skeeter’ was not her birth name.

From the times when female vocalists didn't warble and kept a smooth consistency, comes this very sad song, and it got into my head as an earworm..., how annoying.



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Man, those games can really suck you in bro. Cranking up the difficulty adds a whole new level of challenge. I've heard that song 😳🤩 it's practically everywhere I bet. Epic one Slobber

Haha, oh man, hope those games take over your life!

You are right of course, you have to wallop the difficulty up to hard then it becomes a right good bastard to get into. I think I have heard this one on diamond city radio. It's been used in millions of things hasn't it!

That old turkey is a tough one to beat. Go a little to far east or south and you don't half get your arse kicked on Hard. I wish they had the GTA songs, these old ones fit the theme but they kind of drive you nuts after a while.

In olden days, a glimpse of stocking
Was looked on as something shocking
But now, God knows
Anything goes...

Welcome to the Wasteland.. and it's equally bad music!

I remember always trying to go east at the start up the north and getting to that town with the giant deathclaw. It always got the adrenaline going.

The music is quite annoying after a while. I think the new Vegas music was ok but fallout 4 is a much better game just for the mechanics and graphics

There are other radio stations, but most don't have music! If you get the DLC it adds a lot more to it, and at £6 for the lot I bought it. This means I'm going to get nothing done for some time 😒

New Vegas and '3' were also great, I played them both years ago.

I got the lot when they were on a sale too. I quite liked nuka world as it has a lot in it so does far harbour right enough!


BBT made reasonable music then. They are always the best bet and the lyrics are catchy
I’m not familiar with the songs though but they sound nice

yup your music taste is...fuck me never heard of any of these.

ma Baker she taught her for sons
ma ma ma ma baker to handle their guns

Kwik Save Discount Stores have a lot to answer for

Boney M, spare me… by 1981 they had fortunately had it and lost popularity so those cheap tapes Kwiksave invested in didn’t contain that crap… besides Mary’s Boy Child on the monstrous Christmas tape.

hmmm! you sem to know a lot about said group. I bow to your superior knowledge

‘The Underfall Yard' most definitely sounds like 'Philimon', always enjoyed longer tracks, this sounds good, never heard of them.

Second album almost trying to pull off Yes sound, something missing!

Aha 'Skeeter Davis' now that was something played on the radio here, too often, recognized straight away, good vocals pretty much a downer song, straight into melancholy....

!BEER Lazy Sunday Afternoon....

I didn’t realise you were into this dinosaur prog stuff, there are few of us left, a dying breed!

As long as the bones rattle and arse able to wobble, yup jigga jig being of dinosaur grouping almost.....


I actually have the soundtrack to anything goes on vinyl. I played fallout 4 with the sound off.

In that case Diamond City Radio would have been perfect for you…, you missed out!


Good to hear that I got you more into BBT. They have some good stuff, but I went off the more recent albums. I've listened to some Pineapple Thief and there are echoes of Mr Wilson. I have to wonder if the equally stupid name Porcupine Tree was an influence too.

I couldn't have told you who that last one was by. It's typical of the time and even has a talky bit in the middle. We don't get enough songs in 3/4 time. With the PT bands it's more likely to be 11/16 or something.

The last one doesn't fit this theme but is driving me nuts, a side-effect of playing Fallout 4. Yes, Porcupine Tree is another dumb name.

but I went off the more recent albums.

I looked their back catalogue on ProgArchives, they are very well respected, even the last album without David Longden.

I will probably stick with 'The Underfall Yard' album first. This is right in the middle of their vast discography. The pre-Longden material is also well respected.

The big big song (sorry bad pun...!), is something else, and I am still hearing things after so many listens. It's a sure sign of quality music in my opinion if it's that tough to appreciate.


I don't know anyone from your set. The first two bands are still quite digestible for me, but the last one doesn't fit in the context unless it's some extreme emotions you had in your early youth 😎

The last one is just my current annoying ear worm and does not fit this topic well.


Hey @slobberchops, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

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