Otwarta pracownia powered by Hive [PL/ENG]

in #hive-1483093 months ago

PL: Od kwietnia dzięki wsparciu Hive (a szczególnie @valueplan) udało się przeprowadzić trzy warsztaty ceramiczne oraz dwa spotkania, podczas których malowaliśmy kopie obrazów zaginionych podczas II wojny światowej. A gdyby tak połączyć jedno i drugie, a nawet dodać nowe elementy? Tak postała koncepcja "Otwartej pracowni", czyli twórczego wydarzenia, które trwa cały dzień i łączy ze sobą różne techniki artystyczne. Wczoraj @krolestwo zorganizowało pierwsze, testowe spotkanie. Można było zrobić coś z gliny, zrobić kopię obrazu na karton-gipsie lub pomalować butelkę farbami witrażowymi.

ENG: Since April, thanks to the support of Hive (and especially @valueplan), we have managed to hold three ceramics workshops and two meetings where we painted copies of artworks lost during the Second World War. But, what if we could combine both and even add new elements? This is how the concept of the 'Open Studio' was born, a creative event that lasts a whole day and mixes different artistic techniques. Yesterday, we organised the first test workshop at @krolestwo. People could make something out of clay, make a copy of a painting on plasterboard or paint a bottle with stained glass paints.


Pierwsi uczestnicy / First participants


@fsroka & @drd97






Weronika & Patrycja


Kolejni uczestnicy / Further participants




Estera, Luke, Ania


Rozmowy bez kresu / Conversations without limit


Nowe obrazy w @muzeum / New paintings at the Museum

PL: Prace, które powstały wczoraj oraz pod koniec czerwca, a także te, które powstaną podczas dwóch kolejnych lipcowych warsztatów wezmą udział w konkursie, w którym pula nagród wynosi 200 RCRT. Oczywiście warunkiem jest opublikowanie ich na Hive pod tagiem #pl-kbk. Głosowanie odbędzie się w sierpniu. Kolejna "Otwarta pracownia" już 18 lipca. A tydzień później 26 lipca odbędą się warsztaty ceramiczne.

ENG: The works created yesterday and at the end of June, as well as those created during the next two workshops in July, will take part in a competition with a prize pool of 200 RCRT. The condition, of course, is to publish them on Hive under the tag #pl-kbk. Voting will take place in August. The next 'Open Studio' is on 18 July. And a week later on 26 July there will be a ceramics workshop.


Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

I am happy to see that you got support by valueplan to make a creative impact on others :) Would love to see some more pictures of the results and maybe some onboardings :) but even if not: You rock 🔥🔥🔥

In fact, after each workshop, new participants set up accounts and publish their work. There should be something coming up in the next few days.

Ceramics workshop? Wow, please can I see the link to the contest?

Nevertheless, I love you guys style during meetups. We may adopt the style or will I say that I will introduce the style to my people on our next Meetup. Do you know that we Nigerians just had our first Meetup? You'll hear from me soon.

I didn't know @lpa could draw too, he has so many talents. He did a pretty good job painting that woman from the photograph...

You must have learnt sarcasm from English people, @priyanarc. Though, the fact you've managed to see a resemblance between my painting and the photograph flatters me!

As for my other talents, I hope them to be slightly better than my drawing skills! Greetings, hope to see you again at @krolestwo someday :)

You must have learnt sarcasm from English people

🤣, I think Holland is teaching me a lot of things...🤣

You did a really good job seriously because if I had been there, I couldn't even draw a single line of the photograph...

hope to see you again at krolestwo someday :)

I hope so too...