Over The Past Two Years Putin Made Friends "With Everyone". What Did America Do All This Time?

in #hive-1484412 months ago

It was a delight to watch Biden mistakenly refer to Kamala Harris as Trump when discussing her and Zelensky with Putin... Biden is over, and Trump is close to winning the US elections. The only obstacle between Trump and the White House is election day...

Biden is a mess... They created a pandemic to steal the election and have him "voted as president." Two years after he took office, he got America involved in a conflict with Putin. It's not a good idea to provoke the Russian bear, but when the military-industrial complex wants war, it gets it...

We've been at war for two years, and an analyst on national TV recently predicted it will continue for a few more years. I don't know what to say about that. I believe if Trump gets elected, and he probably will, the war will end quickly, and the military-industrial complex will have to look elsewhere for another conflict.

I don't know how many of you have noticed, but America has recently managed to make Putin friends with everyone. Since the war began, Zelensky has been flying all over the world "sniffing in" funds for his war, and to me, NATO's response is like they're already in a direct confrontation with the US. Meanwhile, Putin has made friends with everyone.


He visited Saudi Arabia and was welcomed like a king. He's in good relations with the Taliban, met the North Korean leader after a long time, and signed a defense pact in case any country is directly attacked by the US. The relationship between China and Russia is at its best, and the Indian president is currently visiting Russia as well...

The Russian bear has grown stronger and stronger while America... Well, America has managed to anger its citizens who are tired of the circus the Democrats have created, thanks to Joe Biden. They sent hundreds of billions of dollars in support to Ukraine while gas and grocery prices have skyrocketed in America and Europe.

Biden and the Democrats have done to the American people what the banking system did to push some of us toward Bitcoin. At some point, you can't take it anymore, and you start looking for alternatives... Trump isn't perfect, but he can end the war and he will.

RFK could do that too, but he doesn't have Trump's image to win the necessary votes. This war is a bad move for America. BRICS nations are ditching the dollar for all sorts of trade, and Putin is signing defense treaties with relevant world leaders, but NATO persists in provoking the bear.

What a circus, but unfortunately, human lives are being lost daily just so that some egos can grow bigger and the industry bribing presidents and congressmen can get even more profitable and influential.

Sometimes the very thing some powers focus on destroying or weakening ends up emerging stronger from the conflict, and that's happening with Russia and Putin right now. Great move, America... Have a great weekend and see you all next time.

Thanks for your attention,


It’s serious how global politics keeps shifting. Biden is definitely going off the seat this time I think

I am really looking forward to the result of the election.
The I wan to also see Trump change thw whole game to a better situation.

I want to see that too.

Biden was foisted on us in 2020 by the "vote blue no matter who" people. They got what they wanted, a destabilized and unhealthy world. Ka Ching! for the medical/ military industrial complex, the oil men of old. Now Biden's malfunctioning robot persona is being foisted on us. This can only result in Trump's being "elected" (read selected) - they are intentionally parading a senile old man before us! They know he will screw up, and he did, big time, even last night. Why do they do this? Because Trump will do the same shit Biden has been doing. Don't forget Operation Warp Speed. Remember who the first member of the executive branch of our corrupt government to declare a state of emergency for the Covid con was. OK, Trump might stop bleeding our tax dollars in The Ukraine for the good look of that, but that will free up plenty of money so that Palestinians, and anyone who opposes the actions of the country of Israel (not anti-jew, anti-semitic, or anti-zionist. Anti-Israel. Four different things!) will be even more fucked. It's all staged for our entertainment and, thereby, for our enslavement. I'd be delighted to vote for RFK if he weren't more of the same on Palestine.

Mark Twain was right: if voting mattered they wouldn’t let us vote.


this is fun. 16 seconds of truth from POTUS