Desde que inicio la cuarentena mi vida dio muchos giros, perdí mi empleo, ya que la empresa cerro, nos confinaron a todos en casa, mi esposa estaba por dar a luz, todo dio un giro y me toco adaptarme a mi nueva realidad, pero por sobre todo muy emocionado a la espera de la llegada de mi primera hija, luego de eso empece a trabajar en casa al igual que mi esposa quien le dieron reposo posparto, mientras ambos estábamos en casa y toda la responsabilidad la compartíamos, incluso han pasado dos años y aún lo hacemos.
Since the beginning of my quarantine my life took many turns, I lost my job, since the company closed, we were all confined at home, my wife was about to give birth, everything took a turn and I had to adapt to my new reality, but above all very excited waiting for the arrival of my first daughter, after that I started working at home as well as my wife who was given postpartum rest, while we were both at home and all the responsibility we shared, even two years have passed and we still do.
Pero esta vez les contaré sobre mi experiencia como niñero en las horas que mi esposa debe ir a la oficina, así que este mes desde que retomo su trabajo me he tenido que quedar con la bebe los días sábados media mañana, me ha tocado hacer cosas sencillas y no me molesta cuidarla yo solo, porque verdaderamente que padres no aman a sus hijos, me ha tocado cambiarla, bañarla, prepararle comida y jugar con ella, solo para entretenerla mientras llega mama y, a pesar de que esto al principio fue totalmente nuevo para mí, me ha tocado aprender sobre la marcha, aunque lo veía complicado hemos logrado poco a poco ser un buen equipo, a veces no es tan sencillo, ya que ella está en un proceso de adaptación y si, en ocasiones he sentido que no puedo más, porque se pone muy malcriada, quiere que la cargue todo el tiempo y si no se pone a llorar, supongo que es cuestión de adaptarme y que la bebe se adapte a quedarse solo conmigo, mi esposa siempre ha podido con los dos y nos atiende a diario, mientras ella este en la casa y sepa de su presencia no hay motivo para llorar porque cuando quiere pecho va a buscarla directamente, pero cuando no esta no se exactamente lo que ocurre, pero a veces los dos quedamos como si nos faltara algo y yo por mi parte la llevo a desayunar para que vea otro ambiente y no se desespere, la llevo a jugar con una nueva mascota que tenemos, pero siempre siente ese vacío que ha dejado su mamá durante el día.
But this time I will tell you about my experience as a babysitter in the hours that my wife has to go to the office, so this month since she is back to work I have had to stay with the baby on Saturdays half morning, I have had to do simple things and I don't mind taking care of her by myself, because truly what parents don't love their children, I have had to change her, bathe her, prepare food and play with her, just to entertain her while mom arrives and, although this was totally new to me at the beginning, I have had to learn as I went along, although I saw it complicated we have managed little by little to be a good team, sometimes it is not so easy, since she is in a process of adaptation and yes, sometimes I have felt that I can't do it anymore, sometimes I have felt that I can't do it anymore, because she gets very spoiled, she wants me to carry her all the time and if not she starts crying, I guess it's a matter of adapting and that the baby adapts to stay alone with me, my wife has always been able to handle both of us and she takes care of us daily, while she is in the house and knows of her presence there is no reason to cry because when she wants breast she goes directly to look for her, but when she is not there I don't know exactly what happens, but sometimes we both feel as if we are missing something and I take her to breakfast so she can see another environment and not despair, I take her to play with a new pet we have, but she always feels that emptiness that her mother has left during the day.
Esto me hace reflexionar sobre el gran trabajo que desempeñan las madres y esposas, esa dedicación vale oro, simplemente pensar en todo esto me hace valorar más el arduo trabajo que tiene mi señora, trabaja, dedica tiempo a su profesión, nos cuida y, aunque siempre la ayudo en todo lo que pueda, ella parece inagotable, aunque sé que por dentro no pueda con su alma, en resumen, mi papel como niñero no ha sido nada fácil, he tenido momentos donde simplemente quiero sentarme a llorar con mi hija, porque sencillamente no sé que hacer, pero vamos aprendiendo el uno del otro en esas mañanas que nos quedamos solos, la adaptación es parte de esto y sé que a medida que pasen los días mi papel mejorara y la bebe dejara un poco la dependencia de mama.
This makes me reflect on the great work that mothers and wives do, that dedication is worth gold, just thinking about all this makes me value more the hard work that my wife has, she works, dedicates time to her profession, takes care of us and, although I always help her in everything I can, she seems inexhaustible, although I know that inside she can't handle her soul, in short, my role as a nanny has not been easy, I have had moments where I simply want to sit down and cry with my daughter, because I simply don't know what to do, My role as a nanny has not been easy, I have had moments where I simply want to sit and cry with my daughter, because I simply do not know what to do, but we are learning from each other on those mornings that we are alone, adaptation is part of this and I know that as the days go by my role will improve and the baby will leave a little dependence on mom.