Weekly Statistics For The $POB Token

in #hive-1503292 years ago

Hello friends of $POB, Friends of $HIVE and all others,

here are the:

$POB Statistics for the last 4 weeks:

The timeframe is from 2023-06-23 to 2023-07-21 (due to my holliday).

Bought $POB By Time

This figure shows who has bought how many $POB at which time:

Top $POB Buyers and $HIVE Sellers

The inside of the circle shows the buyers of $POB, ordered by $HIVE they have spent. The outside shows the recipients of that $HIVE (sellers of $POB):

Commulated Amount Of Bought $POB Per Person

This figure shows the top 10 $POB buyers, how much they got and how much $HIVE they spend for this. It is sorted by $HIVE, that was spent:


Table Of Top 20 $POB Buyers

This table shows the top ten buyers of $POB sorted by the $HIVE, they have spent:

Buyer(Descending)Sold $HIVE% Sold $HIVEBought $POBAvg. PriceNumber of Trades
@all.coin.hive406.5143217.27 %16433.429910.02516196
@giono376.5723716.00 %15075.559370.02489131
@anadolu336.4978714.30 %12041.719690.02599266
@god0236.7543410.06 %9161.211280.02597672
@balina163.326346.94 %6223.046330.02502253
@coffeebuds159.910496.80 %5457.113280.02911271
@mcbot131.423595.58 %5178.940630.02419104
@topbooster110.235294.68 %4360.657470.0254345
@coininstant71.591363.04 %2387.583450.029893
@edystringz48.478112.06 %1890.000000.025642
@onlydoge40.203231.71 %1493.877940.0269125
@fjworld32.632721.39 %1200.000000.0274248
@faireye30.454251.29 %1205.080770.02568114
@mes25.000001.06 %1111.111110.0225024
@darkflame23.630861.00 %922.001950.0275928
@lebah21.464270.91 %829.600280.028249
@richardcrill18.811000.80 %752.723080.024805
@thecryptolab17.994640.76 %761.837320.0247997
@deepresearch13.621240.58 %459.000000.029673
@arhus-84711.283220.48 %441.607320.025673
others76.879993.27 %4052.133770.02695246
Sum:2353.27950100 %91438.234950.026692545

Commulated Amount Of Sold $POB Per Person

This figure shows the top 10 $POB Sellers, how much they sold and how much $HIVE they got for this, sorted by $HIVE:

Table Of Top 20 $POB Sellers

This table shows the top ten sellers of $POB Sorted by the $HIVE, they have got:

Seller(Descending)Earned $HIVE% Earned $HIVESold $POBAvg. PriceNumber of Trades
@all.coin.hive539.7290822.94 %19697.431250.0288438
@mcbot362.3792615.40 %14154.847860.0263893
@god0116.559764.95 %4493.906810.0258888
@dswap72.182783.07 %2823.162200.0254584
@taskmaster445068.512892.91 %2530.845690.026249
@anadolu67.205332.86 %2271.433340.0289155
@balina62.523132.66 %2426.257910.0255550
@onlydoge50.000612.12 %1670.077820.0300424
@opidia49.897512.12 %2021.510180.0261829
@leprechaun44.391581.89 %3293.965820.0182022
@kenechukwu9743.842381.86 %1771.254160.0258525
@michupa35.364081.50 %1518.489000.0251233
@readthisplease29.724661.26 %1092.999980.0279911
@arcange25.591231.09 %890.991720.0285224
@elderdark21.401190.91 %813.065200.0263310
@davedickeyyall21.280330.90 %813.999990.026566
@luizeba18.922020.80 %756.835490.025054
@badbitch18.737010.80 %735.187500.0268023
@atyourservice18.646980.79 %708.200000.0269312
@beemd18.410690.78 %711.859240.0270931
others667.9771028.38 %26241.913740.025911874
Sum:2353.27960100 %91438.234900.025942545

Price of the $POB

This figure shows the price of $POB for the last period:

$POB Summarize Metrics

This table shows how much $HIVE was given by buy-requests, that where equal or higher than the sell order vs. sell-requests, that were equal or lower than the buy order.
If the buy-requests where higher than the sell-requests, then money comes into the system and the value of the token increases.

Under the total line one can see the sum of $HIVE and sum of $POB that changed the ownership and the average price of $POB for the last period.

RequestReceived HiveReceived HIVE %Sold $POBAvg. Price

Comparison With Other Tokens


This figure shows the value of $HIVE compared to some token for the last period. Be aware of the nonlinear (root square) y-axes.



This figure shows the value of $USD compared to some token for the last period. Be aware of the nonlinear (root square) y-axes.


The HIVE rank in Coinmarktecap is: 148


Table Of Token Prices in $HIVE and $USD

This table shows the average value of the prices of the token for the last period. One can see Hive and the US-Dollar compared to the token.



All stats are without warranty.
They are taken from:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "find", "params": { "contract": "market", "table": "tradesHistory", "query": { "symbol": "TOKEN"}, "limit":1000, "offset": 0 }, "id": 1 }' 'https://api.hive-engine.com/rpc/contracts'

I have put them into logfiles and uploaded them to Kibana, from which I took the screenshots.
If you find errors, please tell me!

If you want me to continue the stats, give me some good upvotes ;-)

If you want to see other statistics (even from totaly other data), please contact me. I can create them weekly or monthly if I get some rewards for it.

For more details see here: How I Have Set Up Elasticsearch And Kibana On My Raspberry Pi To Monitor Token Activities and here: Do You Want To See Statistics Of Your Favorite HIVE Token? or on github.

Here are the stats from the other tokens I observe: https://peakd.com/@achimmertens/posts?filter=stats

Regards, Achim Mertens


Yay I made the list! Let's not forget about POB, it's an experiment still in the early stages.