I'm feeling literally bruised and berated and misunderstood, and I haven't even gotten out of bed yet. I'm not actually feeling well enough to. You see, I have Covid. Officially I am Day 4. And yes, I'm sick.
I have refused to disclose my opinions or vaccine status online, simply cos it's no one else's business, especially when working from home 99.9% of the time and my only child has been doing online classroom. Let it be said, I also don't disclose my relationship status, my sexual choices or what I had for lunch. 😆 But yes I still, rather reluctantly, use mainstream social media for branding and product promotion for my physical Thai herbal products business, Pure Thai Natural Co Ltd. And for promoting & sharing my Hive content.
But what I've observed on mainstream social media content about Covid makes me cringe. Because people are so judgmental and all instant experts. On everything. There seems to be a sense of entitlement to assume and presume without even KNOWING the person you're berating.
FWWD to last Sunday and the local Artisan Market at The Yard, here in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand. I was a vendor. An outdoor event, brutally hot and not a big crowd. And yes, I decided to breathe, relax, enjoy and take off my mask. Partly due to the fact that I'd had a clean rapid test not 2 days earlier, partly since the 41C heat made wearing a mask so uncomfortable for 7 hours straight, and partly because I personally knew many of the people attending. Not sure how that last bit of logic stacks up scientifically. 😆
Monday? Scratchy dry throat I attributed to dry heat and less than clean air in town. Tuesday? Sore throat. Wednesday morning? Covid positive and fever.
Thailand has previously had very strict rules about reporting and isolation, so my Thai daughter contacted the Covid Hotline and we were given the OK for me to stay at home. With 2 provisions: (1) stay isolated within the house so my daughter doesn't get it too - so far, so good, she tested negative again today. And (2) please advise people I may have come into contact with that I am sick.
And that's why I posted on Facebook.
In Asia, facebook is community glue for events and businesses, like it or not. And it's where the event I attended had primarily been promoted.
Best part first. A random woman whom I have literally met only once in person, dropped off get well goodies and vitamins within an hour of my post. The following morning, having seen an overnight "human detection" on our security camera, I saw her husband had dropped off freshly made broth to our front porch at 6.30am.
Lesson of the Day: there is incredible GOOD from GOOD PEOPLE out there in social media land too!! Ironically coming from friends we haven't met yet.
But the rest?? Sweet Goddess have mercy!!
- I have been berated in private messages by people who assumed I was unvaccinated and irresponsible;
- I have been equally berated by people who blame me for destroying my immune system by being vaccinated;
- I have had it suggested that I'm "buying into their narrative" by having Covid and it's probably something else;
- I have been berated by people who thought I hadn't had enough boosters;
- I have been jollied by people assuming I have zero symptoms;
- I have been told point blank that I'm super healthy and "got this";
- I was asked on Friday whether I'd be at work the following day 😆
- I have been reprimanded for working too hard and stressing too much;
- I have been reprimanded for being too independent and not allowing a caring man to "take care of me";
- I have been accused of putting my daughter in harm's way.
I've had "friends" try to SELL me health consulting services while I can barely get up to the bathroom. And many others giving me so much unsolicited advice that it does my head in.
In between, I must say there has been a veritable tsunami of stickers, emojis and GIFs wishing me well. And because of all that niceness in between the barbed comments and deleted responses, I STUPIDLY posted a Day 4 update today.
And it started again....
ENOUGH people!! If you live round the corner and can spend half an hour to message me about why I NEED to be taking Ivermectin, perhaps you should just GIFT me some and leave it on my doorstep. Cos we have no income during Covid isolation and are making do as best we can.
Honestly, this whole experience has made me realize (again!) how TOXIC the online thing CAN be, when there are no shared values. And how EASY it is to JUDGE and ASSUME based on the slivers of embroidered truth people choose to share.
I don't see much of this on Hive. And I'm wondering....
What makes mainstream social media such a toxic hotbed of judgement and unwanted opinion??
I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments below!! Meanwhile, turning off everything except PeakD and my online store 😆, applying some herbal potions and relaxing back against damp, sweaty pillows with another hot lime and honey drink.
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