I just wanted to say this simple thing... There are self appointed gatekeepers of information. They decide which information is allowed to be heard and which information is not allowed to be heard. In truth it is all simply information. They have used propaganda and psychological techniques in deploying the label "Misinformation".
That label is rather loaded. It has the concept of intent embedded in it. It reality it is simply a way for them to say that anyone speaking against their desired narrative is lying.
The thing about a lie is that it requires intent. You have to be aware that the information you are providing is inaccurate and intentionally misleading. If there is no intent then it is not a lie.
This is also true of the concept of Misinformation.
Misinformation implies intent. It also implies that some humans are the arbiters of truth and must be listened to. Anyone but them that speaks about other things is spreading misinformation.
This is propaganda. It is manipulation.
The truth is that those applying the label "misinformation" are the ones actually guilty of what the label would imply.
They don't need to address information that is inconvenient to their goals. They simply label it as misinformation. They then have added misinformation as a bannable offense within End User License Agreements (EULAs) and they can use that to ban anyone that says something they don't like. They will say because it is misinformation.
If the person believes what they are saying then it is simply information.
It may not be information convenient to your preferred world view but it is still information. There is no MIS-about it.
If you simply replace the label Misinformation with the phrase "inconvenient statements for maintaining my worldview" then it might become clear. That is actually what is occurring here.
Banning people for it is NOT justified and is simply trying to play word games to justify censorship and violation of free speech.
They may say "It is offensive..." so what? Anything can be offensive. Part of being mature is learning to move on. Being offended is a CHOICE. You choose what offends you. You also choose how to react to it.
They may say "It is hate speech." It may be speech that you hate but it is likely there was no actual hate involved in the speech itself.