After my Lenovo laptop broke after less than 6 months, it is over a year later and I did not replace it yet. I was looking at some options and was thinking maybe to get an Apple one, but are they worth the extra premium?
I remember that when you buy a laptop, you normally have different price entry points depending on what tech you want on your device. Do you need a better screen, graphics cards for gaming or new processor chip.
However, with apple the devices are basically all the same and the only differentiation seems to be how much RAM or how big a hard drive you want.
Their pricing politic is very clear because the basic models don't come with high enough spec for everyday usage these days which you may think ok, then just upgrade it a little, but then the price can rapidly increase by €500 just for adding on 8GB of RAM and 256GB of hard disk space onto the already premium price for the laptop.
Considering the cost of these items to buy yourself and fit are just a fraction of the costs it becomes frustrating and made worse that their hardware doesn't allow you to do any upgrades yourself. So is Apple worth it? Also, what environmental impact does that have to need to upgrade the device each time instead of just upgrading some parts? It is similar to phone manufacturers ditching removable batteries so you are forced to buy new phones.
If you were paying a premium extra price for some newly released tech or something, it would seem reasonable to me, but just for extra RAM and HD space? What do you think?
Is this the peak of Apple now?
Recently Warren Buffett has been ditching his Apple shares and their VR headset new product flopped. They also abandoned plans to make an e-car and were outshined by Xiaomi who did release one. If the largest electronics firm cannot innovate new products anymore, then are they past it?
I do think they have a nice product and paying a premium for good quality products is worth it, but have Apple gone to far now with price gouging of the consumer? I didn't even mention that even with their high profit margins, their usage of cheap labour and bad working conditions for those making these products.
Thanks for reading.
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