The beautiful green nature gives more peace to the soul of the viewer, this is not grass but moss that I placed among the mushrooms that I found at that time, right on Sunday 03 December 2023, when the sky was almost dark I took a photo of this mushroom. Trying to identify several photos on the Google lens until finally I found the name of this mushroom, they are mushrooms in the marasmius group, more specifically Marasmius Epiphyllus.
Hijaunya alam yang indah kian memberi ketentraman pada jiwa yang memandang, ini bukanlah rumput melainkan lumut yang aku letakkan diantara jamur-jamur yang aku temukan kala itu, tepat di hari minggu 03 Desember 2023, ketika langit hampir gelap aku mengambil foto jamur ini. Mencoba mengidentifikasi beberapa foto pada lensa google hingga akhirnya aku menemukan nama jamur ini, mereka adalah jamur dalam kelompok marasmius, lebih spesifiknya yaitu Marasmius Epiphyllus.
These mushrooms don't grow on green moss, they grow on small wooden twigs, look carefully there is a very small one next to them, and above it there is also a small spider that is swinging itself on the mushroom.
Jamur ini tidaklah tumbuh pada lumut hijau itu, mereka tumbuh diatas ranting kayu kecil, lihatlah dengan seksama ada yang sangat kecil disisi mereka, dan diatasnya juga terdapat laba-laba kecil yang mengayunkan dirinya pada jamur tersebut.
I went back to playing with the background with the moss, trying to place them on various sides and get a picture that seemed to have its own story. Look at them as if surprised behind the moss when I start to move my camera lens closer there.
Aku kembali bermain latar dengan lumut-lumut ity, mencoba meletakkannya pada berbagai sisi dan mendapatkan gambar yang seperti mempunyai cerita tersendiri. Lihatlah mereka seperti terkejut dibalik lumut ketika aku mulai mendekatkan lensa kamera ku kesana.
Until suddenly one of them stepped forward and took courage, the other stepped back because perhaps of them he was the most shy.
Hingga tiba-tiba salah satu dari mereka maju dan memberanikan diri, yang satunya mundur kebelakang karna mungkin diantara mereka dia yang paling pemalu.
I tried to turn around and he was right in front of me, we played together until the sun was almost setting.
Aku mencoba memutar arah dan dia berada tepat dihadapanku, kami bermain bersama hingga mentari hampir tenggelam.
And they felt tired and fell asleep on the soft green moss.
Dan mereka merasa lelah dan tertidur pulas diatas lumut-lumut hijau yang empuk itu.
The photo was taken using a Poco X3 NFC Smartphone Camera and with the help of an external QQ macro lens, the editing process used the Adobe Lightroom mobile application.
Foto diambil menggunakan Kamera Smartphone Poco X3 NFC dan bantuan eksternal lensa makro, proses editing menggunakan aplikasi mobile Adobe Lightroom.
Latin Name | Observation Date | Map |
"Marasmius Epiphyllus" | December 03, 2023 | |
Reference Source:
This is my contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw