It's a funny coincidence that this topic of discussion appeared now, as I was having this exact conversation with @plodding-along just the other day.
We had decided that we wanted to get some coffee... well for my part, a Caramel Frappucino..
And so set about perusing Google Maps in search of some Coffee Shops with good reviews.
I asked basically the same question but it was formed more around decisions based on Corporate Greed vs Trust and Consistency.
After all, we all know that the big chains (not naming any names) (cough cough Snarducks cough cough) treat their staff appallingly, and serve sub-standard coffee at inflated prices.
We also know that for the real coffee shop experience, that chance to shut out the world for an hour or two in an environment that seems that it was designed and planned especially for you.... the small, independents are a no-brainer.
Why would anyone choose anything other than a bespoke little family shop anyway?
Consistency and Necessity... That's why.
Sure, in an ideal world we would all like to kick back in the hidden gem that we found on the corner of 2nd and Nowhere, But in reality everyone (although connected in this community through a shared passion for coffee) is living very different lives.
You might detest the thought of grabbing a coffee from a large chain... but when push comes to shove... you know exactly what you are getting and you also know exactly (queue depending) how long it will take to arrive.
Which brings me back to the conversation I was having.
I wanted a caramel frappucino... I am also still travelling at the moment and so I'm on a super tight budget... probably too tight to be buying frappucinos in the first place.. nethertheless, A frappucino was getting bought.. and so...
Put yourself in my shoes (flipflops)..
You are affording yourself a rare treat.. Do you;
A) Take the moral highroad and find a small independent, hand over the last of your pocket money and hope that your order turns out to be everything you ever hoped for?
Or do you,
B) Sell your soul, and use the proceeds to go to the 'big chain' that makes a Frappe exactly the way you like it?
What do you think I did?
Wow! I can't believe you think so little of me! 😄
Actually we went for option A; Found a lovely little shop in Vallodolid Mexico, and got served an incredible Oreo Frappucino.
Along with the most amazing Lemon Pie Ice Cream I have ever tasted. So good in fact that I left them a review on Google.
Ok, I'm running out of word count and so I will end with this...
Big coffee chains = bad, but sometimes all you can trust in a pinch.
Small Independents = good, but at the risk of being underwhelmed from poor product and/or service.
Carolin Cacao Cafe & Gelato, in Vallodolid, Mexico = 10/10 awesomeness!!!