⚜️ Salam Pramuka ⚜️ !!!
Hello hiven, @saya.konoha is here again to provide information that might be a lesson for myself and hopefully useful for all of you. On this occasion, I will discuss a little history about Scouti in Indonesia in particular.
Scout is an abbreviation of Praja Muda Karana, which means Young People Who Like to Work. Scout is an organization or scout movement (Boy Scout) that is a place or place for the scout education process in Indonesia. So, the definition of Scouts is all members of the Indonesian Scout movement which consists of several levels, starting from the standby Scouts, gatherers, enforcers, and pandega.
Some levels of members of the Scout movement:
- Standby (age 7-10 years)
- Fundraiser (11-15 years old)
- Enforcer (ages 16-20 years)
- Pandega (aged 21-25 years)
Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell or better known as Lord Baden-Powell is the person who first pioneered the Boy Scout movement or scouting (Boy Scout), he is a former British soldier who since childhood was very fond of outdoor activities. His habit of summarizing experiences in scouting training resulted in a book called Scouting for Boys. Robert Baden-Powell then founded a women's scouting organization. In 1918, he founded the Rover Scout organization for enforcement (ages 16-20 years). The activities of this organization and its guidebooks have finally received attention in various countries, including Indonesia.
The development of Indonesian Scouts occurred in three periods, namely starting from the Dutch colonial period, the Japanese colonial period, and post-independence Indonesia. After Indonesia's independence, in 1961 the Indonesian Scout Movement was born, referring to the Presidential Decree No. 112 of 1961 dated April 5, 1961, regarding the Assistant Committee for the Establishment of the Scout Movement. This scouting organization was then officially introduced to the Indonesian people on August 14, 1961, shortly after the President of the Republic of Indonesia awarded the Scout Movement Banner through Presidential Decree No. 448 of 1961. Since then, August 14 is considered the Birthday of the Scout Movement and is celebrated every year to this day.
Maybe this is a short story about the history of Scouting, which may have many shortcomings in writing and also contains a few mistakes and also an incomplete history, in this case I apologize because I am still learning. I really hope for criticism and suggestions from all of you, so that I can develop even better in the future.