The concept of free will is a rather complex one because if we want to be honest with ourselves, there is really no such thing as absolute free will. Most of our choices regarding anything is mostly as a result of our beliefs, the ideas we have formed over the years, the people in our lives and even the society. There are so many factors that influences our choices but then, even in the midsts of these factors, we sometimes still try our best to stand by what we believe and know is right and I wouldn’t really call that free will but determination.
I call it determination because, as we chose to still go ahead to do some of these things even when it seems like we shouldn’t do them, there will be consequences for our actions and we will have to bear them whether or not we want to and at that point, it will be crystal clear that having free will is more of something we wish for but we will never have especially in an absolute sense. There are so many reasons why free will is something that we shouldn’t even wish for. Most times you only want to be free will so bad to show that you’re in charge but trust me, if you always try to be free willed, you are even more in bondage.
Let’s take a deeper look at why I said that. Take for example, a teacher asks a student to stand up in his or her class for disturbing the class. The student might choose to stand or disrespect the teacher but then, there are so many consequences for not standing up so, the student might want to stand up so they don’t add more problems to what they are already experiencing. But then, if that student chooses to still sit down even after they are asked to stand up, that might cause the teacher to be furious and take some actions that won’t be good for that student.
In the first case, if the student just set aside his or her idea of having free will and listen to the teacher who is asking him or her to stand up, he or she will be free from any further punishment (bondage) but if he or she chooses to prove their point that they have the right to be free willed, they will only end up suffering more. And there by, they will be in more bondage and expressing their free-will will only keep on getting harder.
Indeed, if we can’t do things the way we like and how we like it, we can’t say we are free or if we live in a society full of rules and regulations, it’s going to very really hard to just do the things we want to do the way we want to do them. But then, if we want to look at free will in another sense, which I’ll be glad if everyone can consider, if they see the truth in it, is that, true free will comes from obeying the rules and doing what is right not just what we are comfortable with.
Most times we feel so entitled to doing whatever we like however we want it that we get blinded of what truly gives us freedom. Trust me, doing some things if not most things you want to do without no opposition is not free will, it’s only a matter of time before you’ll realize how foolish you were. Whether you accept this or not, true freewill comes from doing what you are asked to do. Especially in a society, we have to follow the rules that are set or else we will only keep on losing our opportunities to be free.
When we abide by rules and allow some values and norms affect our decision making, we will only realize how freer we’d become afterwards. At first, you will definitely feel opposed and even oppressed but in the long run, you’d be happy with yourself and others will be happy with you too. Most of those rules and regulations in place are there to guide us into doing the right thing even when no one is watching. Just imagine that these rules are not in place and everyone is free to do whatever they like. That would be really chaotic and dangerous because what is right in your eyes might be wrong in mine and vice versa.
But when there is a rule or leadership in place, by which we are guided by to make sure when we are doing those things that pleases us, we won’t be hurting another in the process. The truth is, no matter how knowledgeable or smart we think we are, we are still bound to make mistakes and even get the wrong ideas sometimes but when there is a manual or a guide in place, you will always be reminded of how you should act not only to benefit ourselves but also to benefit those around us.
If you want free will, you will only lose it. Don’t want it and you’d see how much free will power you will gain.
This is my response to the Hivelearners topic on ”THE CONCEPT OF FREE WILL”.
Thank you for reading through. ❤️