I believe we are all capable of having multiple careers / Creo que todos somos capaces de tener varias carreras [English / Spanish]

in #hive-1538504 months ago


It used to be common for people to dedicate themselves to a specific profession throughout their lives, eventually growing and developing within that field. However, in contemporary society, more and more individuals are choosing to explore different areas and have several careers throughout their lives.

Some people defend the idea of having a single career by arguing that by focusing on a single field, individuals can acquire deep expertise and experience that will allow them to excel in their field. In addition, staying in one profession for a long time can provide greater job and financial stability, as well as make it easier to build a strong and lasting network of contacts.


Photo by Ozkan Guner in Unsplash

But the idea of having multiple careers throughout life also has its advocates. In an ever-changing and evolving world, the ability to adapt to new industries and technologies is critical. Those who choose to explore different fields can acquire a wide range of skills and knowledge that will enable them to meet the challenges of today's job market more effectively.

In addition, changing careers can provide new opportunities for personal and professional growth, as well as greater job satisfaction. Examples of influential figures who have had multiple careers throughout their lives include Leonardo da Vinci, a Renaissance genius who excelled in fields as diverse as painting, anatomy and engineering.



As for my personal preference, I believe that the idea of having several careers throughout life has more advantages than disadvantages. While it is true that specializing in a single field can bring with it certain advantages, such as stability and recognition, I believe that the versatility and adaptability acquired by exploring different areas are equally valuable qualities in today's world. In an increasingly competitive and changing work environment, having the ability to reinvent yourself and learn constantly is essential to survive and thrive.

In my early days, I trained as an accounting assistant, while at the same time studying business administration. I realized that accounting was strongly related to the areas of budgeting and auditing, so I managed to dabble and learn a lot in these subjects. This allowed me to work in the administrative part of an automarket, an insurance company, and to venture into the national banking of my country where I got to have management positions, I did postgraduate studies in the area of finance and allowed me to help many colleagues in the field of business analysis. I have done business audits and I have realized that there is always something to learn.


I believe that in my professional life everything has come together and I have managed to be productive and consistent with what I do. In a world in constant evolution, flexibility and adaptability are becoming more and more important. Therefore, my preference lies in the idea of exploring different areas and having several careers throughout life, as I believe that this open and adaptable mentality is crucial to make the most of the opportunities and challenges that arise in the modern world.

Greetings to all this is my third participation in the week, this time I developed the following topic:

Multiple Careers Or Just One: Is is okay for one person to go through multiple careers in the course of their lives? Or each person should just stick to one and grow within it. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but which would you prefer? Why?

I hope that my publication has been to everyone's liking, thank you very much for stopping by to visit me.

The first image is a collage made with the Canva graphic design program with elements that are available within it.

The third image is my property and was taken with a Sony Ericsson cell phone.

The separator is free to use and has been provided by @onexel, Link here.



Era común que las personas se dedicaran a una profesión específica durante toda su vida, llegando a crecer y desarrollarse dentro de ese campo. Sin embargo, en la sociedad contemporánea, cada vez más individuos optan por explorar diferentes áreas y tener varias carreras a lo largo de su vida.

Hay personas que defienden la idea de tener una sola carrera argumentando que al centrarse en un solo campo, las personas pueden adquirir una profunda experticia y experiencia que les permitirá destacarse en su área. Además, mantenerse en una profesión durante mucho tiempo puede brindar una mayor estabilidad laboral y financiera, así como facilitar la construcción de una red de contactos sólida y duradera.


Foto de Ozkan Guner en Unsplash

Pero la idea de tener varias carreras a lo largo de la vida también tiene sus defensores. En un mundo en constante cambio y evolución, la capacidad de adaptarse a nuevas industrias y tecnologías es fundamental. Aquellos que optan por explorar diferentes campos pueden adquirir una amplia gama de habilidades y conocimientos que les permitirán afrontar los desafíos del mercado laboral actual de manera más eficaz.

Además, cambiar de carrera puede brindar nuevas oportunidades de crecimiento personal y profesional, así como una mayor satisfacción en el trabajo. Ejemplos de figuras influyentes que han tenido múltiples carreras a lo largo de sus vidas incluyen a Leonardo da Vinci, un genio del Renacimiento que destacó en campos tan diversos como la pintura, la anatomía y la ingeniería.



En cuanto a mi preferencia personal, creo que la idea de tener varias carreras a lo largo de la vida tiene más ventajas que desventajas. Si bien es cierto que la especialización en un solo campo puede traer consigo ciertas ventajas, como la estabilidad y el reconocimiento, considero que la versatilidad y la capacidad de adaptación que se adquieren al explorar diferentes áreas son cualidades igualmente valiosas en el mundo actual. En un entorno laboral cada vez más competitivo y cambiante, tener la capacidad de reinventarse y aprender constantemente es fundamental para sobrevivir y prosperar.

Yo en mis inicios me prepare como auxiliar de contabilidad, paralelamente estudiaba administración de empresas. Me di cuenta que la contabilidad se relacionaba de una fuerte manera con las áreas de presupuesto y auditoria, por lo que logre incursionar y aprender mucho en dichas materias. Esto me permitió trabajar en la parte administrativa de un automercado, una empresa de seguros, e incursionar en la banca nacional de mi país en donde llegue a tener puestos gerenciales, hice estudios de post grado en el área de finanzas y me permití ayudar a muchos compañeros en la materia de análisis empresarial. He realizado auditorias empresariales y me he dado cuenta de que siempre hay algo por aprender.


Creo que en mi vida profesional todo se ha concatenado y he logrado ser productivo y consecuente con lo que hago. En un mundo en constante evolución, la flexibilidad y la capacidad de adaptación adquieren cada vez más importancia. Por lo tanto, mi preferencia recae en la idea de explorar diferentes áreas y tener varias carreras a lo largo de la vida, ya que considero que esta mentalidad abierta y adaptable es crucial para aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades y desafíos que se presentan en el mundo moderno.

Un saludo a todos esta es mi tercera participación en la semana, en esta oportunidad desarrollé el siguiente tema:

Varias carreras o sólo una: ¿Está bien que una persona tenga varias carreras a lo largo de su vida? ¿O cada persona debería ceñirse a una sola y crecer dentro de ella? Ambas tienen sus ventajas e inconvenientes, pero ¿cuál prefieres? ¿Por qué?

Espero que mi publicación haya sido del agrado de todos, muchísimas gracias por pasar a visitarme.

La primera imagen es un collage elaborado con el programa de diseño gráfico Canva con elementos que están disponibles dentro del mismo.

La tercera imagen es de mi propiedad y fue tomada con un teléfono celular Sony Ericsson.

El separador es de uso gratuito y ha sido proporcionado por @onexel, Enlace aquí.


Consistency is very important in all we are doing.
I also believe that having more than one career has more advantages to disadvantages.
Even tho mastering a particular thing gives you an edge to be the best at what you do without any fear.

Specialists are always necessary, however, if the person decides on a single career they should make sure that it is necessary and useful for other people, and thus not lose the opportunity to earn income to survive.


I completely agree with you!! Multiple careers can bring us a lot of knowledge that can even be used in various areas. Not to mention that, from my point of view, there is no point in continuing in a career that no longer satisfies you and being an unhappy person.

It is the best decision, we must train in careers that are not monotonous and that at the same time can bring us both economic and intellectual benefits and we can help others. By having more knowledge it is very difficult for other people to deceive us both in our work life and on a personal level.

I agree with your input. It's good to have multifaceted career. One must build capacity to navigate through other opportunities that lies in other field. Thanks for sharing.

Many windows open for you with various careers and you will always be busy, plus you cover your needs and those of your family.

I don't think if sticking to one career provides you a lot of experience... Rather if you will experience multiple careers in your life then it might give you more knowledge of the things... Well said.

You also have more opportunities to earn income that can be used to support your family or to invest.