Staying At Alert With Cybersecurity.

in #hive-1538502 months ago

Hello Friends, Good to be here again with you ❤️.


I have always believed that every good thing has its bad side and I know you will agree with me on this one that is why we must all know that technology is the best thing that has happened to the world 🌎 despite the ugly incidents we are all encountering in the hands of scammers through the # CyberCrime.

Technology indeed brought something so huge to the world and we are enjoying all the channels it has created today but because there are always bad eggs 🥚 in every fresh crate of eggs due to how the egg dealers must always make sure to mix the freshly laid eggs 🥚 with the old unsold ones. Haha 😂. This is the irony of life.

Since we first encountered the boom of technology, the computer 💻 era, the smart phones era, innovation and AI, all these has made life so smooth, making the days when man will seat 💺 on a job for hours a story and how we can comfortably seat in our living room speaking for hours to people all around the world 🌎. This is called comfortability.

But the ugly issue here is that many were busy devising ways to use technology for scamming which has lead to the increase in Cybercrime. This however has brought so many bad experiences to people as many has encountered huge losses and this has left negative impact about technology in the minds of so many. But then, security has existed for years in all that we do this is why it’s important we set security as a priority over our devices and on all our online dealings.

Cybercrime in recent times has continued to increase, may be due to unemployment that keeps increasing hardship, greed, laziness or what we can call taking the fast lane for quick richness and many are falling victims especially those who are not internet wise or not too knowledgeable about what is going on in the world 🌎 even when Cybersecurity measures are been taking.


Its very unfortunate that people has resulted to scamming others making technology and innovation a bed experience. I can’t help but always being at alert 🚨 anytime am out there using my debit cards because I don’t know how this criminals do this magic since they are all hawk that keeps watch even when you don’t expect.

I have gotten several text messages asking me to send in some personal information to be able to reactivate my bank account because the bank is going through some problems they will say. And looking at this I will just smile to myself. Has the banking institutions not told customers not to ever give personal information to anyone through calls or text messages? These amateurs are crazy but so many people are loosing to them through many other ways.

And My daughter has a new Laptop 💻 she just bought and needed to transfer files from her old Laptop 💻 to the new one. This process took her more than a week since she has so many things to move. And on completion after two days of moving files, she has to do some online transfer transactions to her wallet. But by the time she transferred the money she was not able to receive it in her wallet and thinking its a network issue was waiting. Behold after hours, she found out that her account has been hacked . It was like a magic. We were all baffled, but how was my question? She started crying but thanks to God it was not a huge some of money. She immediately has to create a new account for wallet, deleting all information to the old one. Who should be held responsible here?


I still believe that technology is the best thing that ever happened to the world 🌎. I will advice we stay at alert 🚨 at all times taking precautions and making sure we do not give away our informations to outsiders even those we call our friends. We should also be careful of greed because many will aim towards making more and loose to scammers or hackers. They are out there looking for all means to reap from where they did not sow.

We should be looking out for links we do not know, airdrop links, protect our passwords and avoid leaving huge some of money in our wallets. Its better to be save than sorry.

This is my response to Hivelearners topic for hl-w124e2 # “Cybersecurity”

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️

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