A Walk In The Park (a bit more than that)

in #hive-1555302 years ago


I should have said "A walk back to memory Lane" because I was born just round the corner from the palace, the clinic isn't there anymore, and on that day, it's grey, like any other day, probably as it was the day I was born.

It's often grey in Versailles, same as goes for Paris.



It's a walk I did during all my school years, as it's the way to my highschool. Wow It's been more than 10 years that I haven't set a foot in either Paris or Versailles, and of course a lot of memories resurface.

My first "big" crash on a bicycle, my first job as a waiter, my first concert in front of a real audience, and millions of others memories are just showing their faces, at each building, each streets have a meaning to me.



I've driven for straight 8 hours the day before, and I am already thinking of the gig coming up that night, but I am trying to make the best of my day and woke up very early, meeting up a friend I haven't seen for ages.




We picked "La Pièce d'Eau Des Suisses" as a meet up point, that people call just "La Pièce d'eau".

It's a spot that is often inhabited by the local youth in summer, but right now it's almost freezing temperature, on a Friday morning.



Versaillans Swans just chilling


Once I crashed my scooter down this hill. It was during summer, and we were all partying, doing crazy shit around the shallow lake. I lost control of the scooter on a muddy pond.


While jogging around the "lake", you'll see the "Orangerie", which normally is really a sight to be seen, but it's winter right now.

This is how it looks normally from the top of the stairs:

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Apparently I've changed...I don't know what my people and my family were expecting though. At the same time, you always have people telling you that "OOOH you haven't changed at all", so it's hard to know who to trust.
Maybe I did change, maybe some parts are still the same, some have evolved.

I certainly don't feel the same. I don't talk the same way, I don't even walk with the same attitude.


I only spent 2 days in Versailles and Paris, and for some reason, it was important to go jog around the lake that morning. I needed to know, if like me it changed and it didn't.



My perception of it changed, and I am sure the park and its spirits were also happy to welcome one of theirs.

When we set foot in France in 2019, my wife told me that it's important to say hi to your ancestors, it's almost like asking for their blessing. So I guess it was important to go back where it all started for me, even if it was just a brief trip, just for a quick gig.

I'll do something bigger later on down the line, I just wanted to test my 2nd album on a small(er) stage with a good sound system, as I believe I wouldn't be able to fill up an entire venue for now, I've shared the stage with a few other artists.

Maybe I'll post about it soon, and show a bit of the soundcheck and the gig, I took a few videos.



I also realized very quickly that I am not really familiar with the city environment anymore. I love nature, the mountains, green, and even if the area is quite green, it all feel so different from the dense and luscious flora back home on the farm.

I am almost not familiar with walking on the concrete. The body remembers very quickly, you even start crossing the road looking at the cars from the corner of the eye, it becomes a second nature, each steps you remember a bit more how to take the train, the metro, how to say no to a hobo asking for change, how to negotiate with a cab driver and how to navigate in the miasmas of Gomora.






The other side of the park was closed on that day, and I probably won't come back for a while. Back in the days, we used to climb that gate, but I don't think it's very sensible thing to do for someone of my age 🙂


Sometimes a walk around familiar grounds is a great way to see how.much we've changed and how much we still stay the same

Do you mean by entering a familiar forest, you can see how much you grew?

I'm so sorry 😐 I couldn't help myself


Giggity giggity goo alright

Talk about putting the privat into @edprivat, I never knew you were from Versailles!

What a cool post! 🇫🇷

Upvoted 💯✍
@tipu curate

Talk about putting the privat into @edprivat, I never knew you were from Versailles!

Hahaha exactly. And now we're thinking of getting these privet hedges in front of the house, putting the privet into edprivat.

I love the mix of nature and the city here. I actually miss winter walks along the canal. My favourite The only winter I have ever appreciated and enjoyed was the one on the narrowboat. Being in nature 24/7, a warm stove which made the boat feel like a sauna, was the most cozy time. I kind of wanted winter to go on forever. Those are not words I thought I would ever say.
Hope all is well with you and family:)))

Wow, I never thought you would be enjoying cold (well it's more about observing the cold from a warm place haha). Of course, it's a melanin thing, the first winter here with my wife she was like "are you guys nuts???" because she never experienced a freezing temp before, however, I am sure you get used to it after 20 years, right?...Right? 🤣

I know I was getting into that ice bath for a while, ya know the whole Wim Hof thing (I've been rambling about it on hive any occasion I have) and eventually, I got tired of it, because even my white ass can't take that cold for too long. It's great for fighters like us (Yes, you're a fighter too!), for muscle recovery.

I got a friend who looks like thor (his name is literally Thor on Instagram) and he just bath in cold mountain lakes and all, and he must have some viking blood or something, first because he is a giant, but also because he can just chill in the freezing lake, and take bath in the snow. Crazy stuff!

I was actually thinking about what you went through going home when I was going home, it's a weird thing to go back in your childhood place with brand new eyes!

Hope all is well with you and family:)))

Thank you!! Same to you!! Hope everyone is good!

I am HATING the cold right now. I've had about 2 full weeks of winter this year so I'm not acclimatised at all. Yes, it's probably a melanin or island girl vibe for me where I just love sunshine.

Cold Therapy is not something I could do even if my life depended on it. Which Thor? Is it @lifebythor? I used to follow that guy on IG. I'm not active on it anymore.

Yeah, returning home is a great chance for you to self reflect and evaluate yourself.
Yes, we are doing fine, and slowly figuring out what our next major move might be:)))

Must have bene a great walk down memory lane such a beautiful area with the historic buildings and the beauty of nature

Thanks for joining the Wednesday, its always fun for me to visit the walks from all around the world, getting a feel for communities where people live and what they see on their daily walks

Hey man!! Thanks for the comment! Yeah, the place is full of nice stuff to sight-see, I just stayed for a day though!

Cheers buddy take care!

Some awesome pics .... the 3rd last I reckon is brilliant. Maar ek neem aan jy weet dit. {grin}

Ja ek weet dit!!!!!

Howzit bru? Did you hear Malema yesterday?

The country does seem to get into you with staying power, or maybe it is that we country people always were country people but didn't realize it until we left the city. I am taking the mood of this writing to be that you are very happy with your life now, and that certainly is the best way to revisit the past. I feel the same I think when I visit where I grew up - content to see it, and content to leave it. Although it is a bit sad because my parents are getting very old. I can feel the clock ticking.

Those naked trees look so pretty and sleepy in these pictures.

I am taking the mood of this writing to be that you are very happy with your life now, and that certainly is the best way to revisit the past

As happy as I can be haha. That's a good question, I realized that I didn't spend much time with my mother in the last 10 years, so she was a little bit unsettled by my demeanor, I am not the happy-go-lucky guy I was in my 20s, I am going to reach 40 in a few years, so the attitude changed a lot. So I probably don't look as happy as I was in my 20s, because I smile less, but it doesn't mean I am not happier now. Does it make sense? hahaha...

Although it is a bit sad because my parents are getting very old. I can feel the clock ticking.

Yeah I feel the same way too, holding my mum in my arms, she felt so fragile and little. Also, I am 15 kg heavier than I was last time I held her, so for her she feels like a child now. Going full circle...

Those naked trees look so pretty and sleepy in these pictures.

Naked trees oooh la la, they're saying "buy me a drink first". 😁

Yes, it makes sense. I am 36 and a half, and definitely not the happy-go-lucky 20-year-old I once was. But pretty sure that is a good thing. The back half of 30 is just so much smarter than the front half of 20.

Going full circle...

...is terrible. I try to remember it is kind of pretty in nature. Spring, summer, fall, winter. But no. It isn't pretty with your loved ones. My parents are shrinking too.

It must be almost time for those trees to put on their finery again - better hurry with that drink :)

Lovely post! I was right there with you. I loved the narrative and knowing, now, where you spent your childhood and young adult years (I think). Your photos are fabulous too. I'm wondering if your being there has any effect on your music. Do let us see and hear some of your show.

Glad you didn't scale that fence! Although that would make a great post....

Hellloooooo @owasco!

I loved the narrative and knowing, now, where you spent your childhood and young adult years (I think)

Yes, it's indeed building my character arc, for the great reveal in season 3. 😄

I'm wondering if your being there has any effect on your music. Do let us see and hear some of your show.

That's interesting...The show was a little bit underwhelming, I think I went on stage a little late (I was sharing the stage with other bands), or maybe it was just a lot of thing to deal with in a few days. I also wasn't high enough...

Glad you didn't scale that fence! Although that would make a great post....

We all know how this one would end hahah.

Nice trip down memory lane.

We all change and stay the same.

Good luck at your gig.

We all change and stay the same.

This is it, I am making a T shirt

Good luck at your gig.

Thanks mate, it was last week! How have you been since you back in Canadia?

I say Canadia, because of Karine Jean Pierre:

If you aren't into the News, you probably won't find it funny.

Canadia 😆

Things are going well. Can't complain really. Thanks for asking.

What a beautiful park

Ah! It's not mine, so I won't say thank, but I'll say that I agree with ya!

Oh I can't wait to hear more about the gig.
I was home recently as well, it's like walking in someone else's shoes in a way, how familiar it is, yet how alien you feel.
Sending you lots of love and a huge hug xxxxx

Yooooo! Sorry for the long voice note hahah.

I was home recently as well, it's like walking in someone else's shoes in a way, how familiar it is, yet how alien you feel.

Am I supposed to say something today? Isn't it a special day today by the way? 🍀

Reading a post from you is also like going back to the past when you used to post more often. But this is now not just a memory, I see you in present. Well, this post :)
The lake in the park - yes, perspective is what makes things different. So, Paris and Versaille for two days.

Now back home? How is the family? And my 4-legged friend? :)

Reading a post from you is also like going back to the past when you used to post more often. But this is now not just a memory, I see you in present. Well, this post :)

Oh my goodness this is poetic @mipiano, I am (not) surprised! In all truthness, I miss reading all your post, and I also miss posting, it's a nice way to keep track of your life, to maintain an order.
As @riverflow always says, "don't spend hours writing a post" (I am paraphrasing), and maybe she is right, if I can find time to write, I should do it more often.

Now back home? How is the family? And my 4-legged friend? :)

Yes!! Back home since the 7th, I left the day after the concert. Your friend is doing well thank you, he just hurt himself while on an adventure, he just has a little wound on his face, so I've attached that ridiculous cone around his neck so he can't scratch himself

My daughter calls it "the cone of shame" hahah. I hope you're doing well my friend, are you planning on going to France this year?

That's a beautiful post. Maybe it's the synchronicity, I just moved back to my hometown after 23 years, I felt every step and every thought. Beautiful how we change, how we evolve and how some things just seem to stay still in time. Loved reading it! Glad you took the blessing from your ancestors, that was sweet :)

Oh yeah, synchronicity 101!!! So, how does it feel for ya? How long are ya staying for?

Well, for me it's not just a visit. It's moving in for good. Felt the need for a new change and this need took me the oldest place I know. Life takes weird paths, haha! Feels good and weird :)

Oh yeah I've just read @fotostef post about moving! That's crazy! Also congratulation!! I am sure you're going to apply all the organic farming knowledge you both gained throughout the years!

Life takes weird paths, haha! Feels good and weird :)

Weird is good, otherwise it gets boring!

Oh yes, boring is the worst case scenario, haha!
Thanks so much Ed! I really hope we will find some land soon :)