5 minute freewrite 2493 prompt provincial attitudes

in #hive-1611557 days ago

I have 4 pineapples left to ripen for this season
This is my post for #freewriters 2493 promptprovincial attitudes hosted by @mariannewest.

I have to admit, I did not know what this prompt meant so I had to look it up and the first thing that came to my mind was my Father. He was born in a different time. People were treated differently because of the color of their skin or where they were born, women were treated differently and had to dress a certain way, they had to stay home, have children, and look after the home.

Because of his provincial attitude, he made me quit school after I finished the 9th grade. I think he did not make me quit sooner because the law says you can't quit until you turn 16. He told me that women did not need an education, they needed to stay home and care for the house. Years later when I moved out I went to night school and got my GED, it has never done me any good but it was important to me to get it.

Because of how times have changed since my Father's time, I am sure my children say I had provincial attitudes when they were young because people were not openly gay. It was something that people joked about someone being. I am glad that I am not the person my Father raised me to be and that I now see people as people no matter the color of their skin and if someone loves someone it does not matter to me what sex they are, love is love, and women can work outside of the home.

Now my children are all over 40, and people who were born one sex are accepted for calling themselves the opposite sex. It makes me wonder what people will have provincial attitudes about when my grandchildren are my age....

Provincial attitudes are narrow-minded or old-fashioned opinions and ideas. from a Google search.


Today my husband fished for trout, he only caught 60 bait to fish with. We like to take nothing less than 150 but this time of year the bait is getting too big to use. He caught 26 head of trout that weighed 52 pounds.

He was telling me about how the dolphins would come to his boat every time he caught one and in the past when he would catch an undersized trout and throw it back, the dolphins always got it. Today he had a great idea, even though it is illegal to do so. When he caught an undersized trout the dolphins would surround his boat, but instead of releasing it, he put all the small trout in the baitwell. When he finished fishing a place he pulled into shore where trees were hanging over the water and released the trout under the trees. By doing this they have a chance to survive.

The law states that undersized fish had to be released after taking the hook out. If the law were to catch him with them in his baitwell, he would get a ticket, they do not care if he was saving their life and going to release them. It is a crazy world.
photos are mine