This is my post for #freewriters 2594 prompt carbon lifeform hosted by @mariannewest
I took these twos pics of a planet that was visible by eye, or was it planets in a line, I don't remember.
Like everyone I know, I have wondered if there is life outside Earth or if we are it. Mars was a good candidate for it, but when they sent the rover there and we could see how barren it is, I no longer think there could have been life on that planet. Another thing that makes me believe this is there would have been structures left from them, so unless the rover was in a deserted area, I could not see anything that looked like life existed there, no plants or water.
Now NASA has found another planet in a nearby solar system's habitable zone, they call it a super Earth. Why would they say a habitable zone if they did not think it was capable of holding a carbon lifeform? I do not think they mean humans are on this planet but it could hold some other forms of life.
Maybe by the time we ruin this planet, we will be able to save a few people by sending them to this super earth.
I can only hope that someone in my family will be on that spaceship and they carry the knowledge of why they are going there so the same mistakes that are destroying Earth are not made again.
photos are mine