she turned 44 yesterday
This is my post for #freewriters 2608 prompt application for the worst job hosted by @mariannewest
Jobs, as they say, "can come in all kinds and sizes" small and big jobs, easy and hard, or they can be scary or boring, one thing is for sure, there is a job for you, you have to find which you are good at doing. It does not matter what you do, they are all important. Some people were born to do the job they are doing, some are taught, some do not belong in the profession they are in and hate going to work each day, and some don't give a damn and are only in it for the money, we call these people "bad apples" and every profession has them.
When there is a "bad apple" in the fishing industry, every fisherman is labeled bad. You do not see this in other professions. One bad doctor does not make all doctors look bad or one bad dentist or lawyer. So why is it that when one fisherman does something wrong, the public sees us all doing this and being the same type of person as he was?
(sorry for the little rant, that has always bothered me.)
I have always told my kids and now grandkids to find what they love to do, and go to school for it, if there is a school that teaches it. If not find someone with the knowledge you seek to learn and work beside them. If you put in an application for the worst job, which is not what your heart desires you to do, you will be miserable going to work each day.
Being a commercial fisherman is a job that you have to learn, there are no schools to teach how to be a fisherman. I was lucky, I am a third generation fisherman so I grew up around fishermen, but I never fished commercially until I met my husband. When I first started going with him, I thought I would never remember where all the sandbars, flats, and sleuths were in the river, and I thought I would never be running my own boat. I was wrong on both but this was what my heart always desired to do.
A job like cleaning fish is just as important as the job of catching them. And the job of the person selling the fisherman's catch to retail markets is just as important. Years ago they used to gut certain types of fish like trout, grouper, and snapper. I would not like having to do this job, just standing all day gutting fish, it is as important as cleaning fish for people but neither are jobs for me.
Please pray for this fisherman. Yesterday he called another fisherman for help. He said he was on one of the islands, when Joe got there he could see Stephen was in trouble but he could not lift him so Joe called Bob and Ryan and they got him in the boat. He had surgery and the doctor said he had bleeding on his brain and a hematoma on his skull. They have him in ICU under sedation.
photos are mine