before the double hurricanes
This is my post for #freewriters 2615 prompt coalition of hope hosted by @mariannewest
I do not know about the weather in other places, but in Florida over the last ten years, our hurricanes have been getting stronger. A three was more common than a 5 and now we get Cat 5s as if they were 3s. I know we had Cat5s, I am not saying that, what I am saying is, that we never had so many in a season.
It is not only the hurricanes here but the weather in general is different than it was 10 years ago. I believe things always change with time.
Is it global warming or is it normal? Or are both mixed?
Maybe the weather goes through cycles and is getting warmer at the same time in its cycle. Unless someone wrote it down, we have no idea of the weather patterns ten thousand years ago or a thousand years ago. Scientists can guess, but do they really know what happened back then? They can guess, but how can they tell?
I don't know if the tide is rising or if it is normal beach erosion but they found an Indian village ten miles off our coast on the offshore bar in 100 feet of water. Land was once there.
Science is getting pretty good about predicting these storms and where they will go. This gives people a false sense of security, and you think it will not come your way. With all of the information they give us, the one thing we as people are not prepared for is the aftereffects of a storm.
Hurricane Francis
It is like in our heads we have formed a coalition of hope that all will be okay. Help will come, insurance will pay for us to rebuild, and Fema will give us food, ice, and maybe a little money to buy an overpriced generator, and we will camp until the power comes back.
Fema will come, but when will they get to you? Insurance will pay, but how much and when will they settle? In the meantime, what do you do? With no electricity in your damaged home, you have to move out because mold has taken hold.
It is okay to have hope that help will come, but the best thing we can do for ourselves is depend on ourselves and prepare for the worst, not on the hope that someone will come to help. It also does not hurt to pray for it not to come your way.
photos are mine