Glitter (Original Poetry)

in #hive-1614657 days ago

Glitter - Original Poetry by Krisz Rokk

Facing an ice cube
with a golden sphere in the middle
you come closer and whisper:
Will you surrender to the odyssey of your inner ripple?
Floating through the endless streams of glitter
I arrive at thy shelter,
wondering about life’s chisel
Are you the one perpetrating this mission?
A dense realm filled with voices
negotiating a smooth transition
I find myself looking at the pendulum swaying
Why do I always have to ask for permission?
Another cycle awaits those addicted to competition
in a flawed system with a remarkable sales proposition
the loose framework grabs my attention
Will I embark again on a similar expedition?
A fascinating growth concept
bathing in a mysterious experience
hijacks my multi-dimensional receptors
Aren’t you sick and tired of the wipe-out program?
The biological avatar is prepared for dissension
a perfect weapon in the game of deception
duality feels like bliss to the mind, ready to thrive
Why should my diamond spark activate the heart?
The trickster is watching the change in my perception
I’m done with connecting my genesis cells to fuel matter.
Remembering the forty-five-degree angle
enables me to swirl out and disentangle.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

Images: AI-generated images by Daniela S. aka @wayofaiki via Midjourney

Spiritual Harvest by Krisz Rokk

Grab a copy on Amazon

NEW: Paperback version available

If you have ever wondered why you’re attracted to specific ancient sites or star clusters, reading the different chapters of "Spiritual Harvest" might help you recreate the kaleidoscope of your unique puzzle.

Quantum Stories and Poems by Krisz Rokk


You've received an upvote from the Blockchain Poets account. Thank you for submitting your poem to our community!

Thank you!

You are one of my favourite poets on here. Your words always resonate so deeply with me, as you see things for what they really are and weave such an amazing tale with them, taking us through different dimensions as you write. Thank you for sharing your wonderful poetry with us all xxxx

Wow! Thank you for your kind words ❤️ I'm happy to know that the multi-dimensional journey that I'm sharing resonates deeply with you.

I sure wish more of us could see what you see, and do what you have done!

I like the rhyming structure in this, can't remember what it's called. Limerick? That gives this piece a whimsical feel, which the event discussed is anything but. I'm applying the whimsy to the (un)conscious and illogical state that "many of us seem to be in. Emerge from the whimsy (as in illogical) state, stop the wipe out program.

I don't understand the 45 degree angle bit. I like it, the math (perhaps sacred perhaps a human construction), but I don't get it.

I'll get straight to the 45-degree angle part. Several themes/concepts tie into this, one of them being sacred geometry aka mathematics as you rightfully noticed. A further essential ingredient is the "artifacts" in Ancient Egypt esp. the King and Queen's chamber of the pyramids in the Giza Plateau. I've been an avid student of Ancient Egypt since childhood, and I've been to Egypt numerous times but never made it to the pyramids as I spent most of my time underwater (I'm a scuba junkie😉🤿). Other key ingredients and spices that make up the 45 degree recipe: the Kathara grid, star constellations incl. star seeds and galaxies, multidimensional travel, the different aspects of Metatron's cube and the Krysted consciousness, tapping into the quantum field and the vast space of nothingness, activating the diamond spark within us to enable communication to the highest dimensional realms, etc.

Thank you so much @owasco, for joining me on this adventure and connecting with the insights I'm sharing through the poem ❤️