Waka Spiritblade fails to sell on AtomicHub. In Other News Water Is Wet!

in #hive-1641662 years ago

The failure of a washed up rapper's promo NFT card selling on an external platform came as a surprise to many at Splinterland's HQ last week as the fall out began over why their gold foil Waka Spiritblade didn't sell for a measly $7,000 dollars.

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There were multiple fainting in Splinterlands offices after it emerged there was no uptake for the popular Waka Spiritblade card on the AtomicHub platform.

The Hive community were only too eager to hand over 5000SPS and 500 vouchers to get their hands on the gimmicky promo summoner and it sold out in minutes.

"It just goes to show that we are trapped in a bubble on Hive and maybe Groupthink is setting in." claimed one Splinterlands source.
"Too many yes men / women around the place."
"Nobody telling them that the guy they based their card on is a relatively unknown bum."
"Any fool could have seen that this was going to be a disaster outside of the platform."
"But Hive will be Hive." "If they put up a cows anus and smacked an ability on it, it would still sell to the loyal Splinterlands Community for probably 1000 quid."

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"If it was a Kanye card then maybe I'd spend the money," claimed rich kid Pimperick Humberdatch.
"The people that bought Waka clearly have too many SPS or vouchers to care about which brings into question the mechanics of the game."

"But outside of Hive people seem to be living in the real world can think of a million other ways to spend $1500 or $7000 for the gold foil no less."

"The spin is that the card is rare but what's stopping them from bringing out another 1000 more promo cards that are rare?? "Then rare stops being rare."
"My son is an albino, he's rare but he's as blind as a bat and if we leave him in the sun for 5 minutes he is burnt to a crisp." claimed one Hive Community Father.

"You know when the crypto sphere is heating up and ready for a fall when there are NFT cards selling for 7 grand."
"It's time we started selling up."
"Thankfully this is not the case yet as nobody purchased the card other than the Splinterlands whales."

"It's like the missus buying the new eyeshadow on the market" said one whale.
"She has fucking loads of them already but she wants a different tint of purple."
"It's an addiction and I wanted a summoner with dreadlocks."

The gang at Splinterlands are no fools however after they decided rather than burning the cards that remained unsold, they would transfer them into the games in market exchange where they knew some pure sucker would split with their hard earned dec to buy the card.
Prices dropped as a result leaving some players a bit disgruntled with life after paying over the top for the rare Spiritblade during the first phase. Now the fucker was readily available on the open market and the price had plummeted.

Mad bastards who purchased the card are now trying to use Waka in their battles claiming they actually did pay the full whack for the summoners utility and nothing else.

"Everyone knows they are lying." claimed a Splinterlands expert.
"One player in the champions league has now lost 40 battles in a row but is persevering out of sheer stubbornness."

Meanwhile the really Waka has been in a Strip Club throwing money around for the last couple of months and is still smiling.
"This is free Lucci."

He is also rumoured to be taking out and waving around his little Spiritblade whenever he has a few drinks in him.

"It would have been easier to just bring out a promo card with just a normal Jamaican guy with dreadlocks."
"It would have been the same result. He would still look cool. Call him Rasta Spiritblade. Job done."
"Nobody knows who the Waka guy is anyway."
"Rap and Reality TV is not the kind of thing us nerds are into."

To make up for their mischief Splinterlands HQ are thinking of issuing a very special promo card

"We won't make the same mistake again" claimed one Splinterlands dev.

People are gonna love this one.
The new promo card is based upon the Tron founder and all round great guy Mr Justin Sun. Wooooooooooo. GOOOOO JUSTIN.
"It's what the Hive Community are waiting for." claims the Dev.


If you would like to donate the brilliant free Waka Spiritblade to my account I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you kiiiiinnnnddddddlllyy.


Stereotype is always the answer!

Always . And that's coming from a little leprechaun alcoholic from Ireland who is about to go on stage to do the Riverdance

🤣 🤣 🤣 omfg I'm dying, thank you for making my morning

Shit was so waka I couldn't even afford to window shop.

I see the problem with those promo things in a " single card sale".

If it would be a collection of some random cards with a raffle, it could work out.

because then the value is more dynamic.

In a single card sale, the value from the start is static and can only go lower from then.

I mean nobody will pay in some years 100k for that. Even it would be a beeble ( the nft artist guy).

I think even 300$ would be to much. special for release price.

I must look up this Beeble. Is he a digital Banksy?

Some guy that sold an NFT for 69 Million or some retarded number.

Cant remember the price. But 69 is never wrong! :D

Has to have been Musk that purchased it.

some guy from Singapore as far I remember.

He is indeed a relatively unknown bum. Or is that just us being older and not getting what the kids are into!

Nah he would have came up in one of the cool kids three tune Tuesday by now. @ablaze is into the aul rap a doodle and even he has never heard of him.

I for one love WAKA, but mainly because I love saying " WAKA FLAKA FLAME!!!"
But no, I wouldn't have paid the $ when it released, however that's just because I am aware of the way that shit drops like crazy when the item hits the open market place. It always has and always will. No matter the item, token, crypto or stock. Once there is more supply than demand, price drops until there is more demand than supply (no matter the price).

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Nah boom we will always be down with the cool kids. I just reckon this guy is the equivalent to Barry from Eastenders in our world

I know he had one decent song that came out a while back, but yeah Blanch, interesting ideas. Kind of cool card, but overall seems was a lot to ask for the gold foil. And how it is supposed to work with the augmented reality in Snapchat.

"My son is an albino, he's rare but he's as blind as a bat...." 🤣

I think I'll start a reading marathon of your blog. Thanks for existing.

@axelx12 thanks for taking time out to read it .😀

I don't know how you manage to make me enjoy these stories about the politics and finance behind a game that I will never play, but you're doing a good job of it! Can't wait for the next one!

Aww thanks @oldsoulnewb . I make them for comments like these.