How do you motivate yourself

in #hive-1664082 years ago

Motivation and self-control are essential to maintaining a productive lifestyle and achieving success in life. Without the ability to motivate ourselves, we would stop at nothing to achieve our goals. That includes the ability to stick to our diet, exercise, and pursue a healthy lifestyle.


The worst thing about motivation is that it is different for everyone. It may be easy for someone else to motivate other people but they may not be able to motivate themselves. Motivation is a process that occurs in all of us. It is a natural process to want to achieve something greater than what you are currently doing.

A lot of people struggle with motivation and find it difficult to get started on a new project or task. It's important to remember that motivation is something that can be developed and it's something that you can train yourself to have.

It's not always easy to motivate yourself to do something but there are some things you can do to help get you started. For example, if you find yourself spending a lot of time on social media, you could set a timer and only allow yourself to spend a certain amount of time on social media.

You could also try to reward yourself with something you enjoy when you complete a task or project. All this just requires the motivation to control oneself and to move further in achivieng great things.


Being able to keep motivation high is important in order to be able to carry out one's projects and to be fulfilled in life. I think it is important in life to know how to reward and celebrate one's successes. I hug you!

Yeah we need to motivate ourselves to keep the struggle and hope alive for better days.

I keep myself motivated by remembering my goals and that it is possible to be achieved them.

That's a pretty good move to take to achieve success.

Thank you 😁