... Lies the thoughts of how to finish up with school works, balance limited resources, stay healthy and happy 🤣🤣🤣.
This was me some years ago while still in school. I can't remember not having this photo but the weird friend that took it shared it some days ago with funny comments.
It brought back memories of me battling with chronic stomach ulcers and other complications, but I managed to cope and finished my academics alive. 😄😄. Well, that was not without the help of so many people that saw that I handled the situation fine. Above all, God was always by my side. I didn't know that ulcer could make an adult go back to crawling on the floor before then. I experienced it first hand 😔.
They say "what doesn't kill you, will only make you stronger". I don't know if I became stronger but I developed some strong will to weather many life obstacles since then.
Have you faced any life-threatening illness before? How did you cope?