The surroundings were full of happenings while traversing this world, which I considered infinite to understand. I exist and see when there is courage in me. But, getting tired of long engagements and commotions. Thoughts keep lingering in me. Is there a possibility to exist and mask one's self of nullity?
The comfort of being alone is misunderstood as an avoidance of reality. A misconception keeps repeating, as old as tales, lingering in some persona's perspective. Some may consider it weird, but a haven for me. A refuge is needed when everything seems tiring like the world only revolves in your universe. The eagerness to stop it but cannot. A hypocrite may sound, but the introvert in me is depleting in a crowd of loud people. Though anti-social it may sound, it is my reality, it is not sadness nor depression they utter easily. Instead, an energizer for me, boosting my spirit in me.
Some may not know the sadness they foreseen is the calmness we embody. Timid and aloof when seen, but joy is in the eyes, content with life. Eating and exploring alone is just regular activity in the introvert's existence. My friend, do not pity me it is solace for me. A strength innates in me, making me understand myself better and the people around me.
Yes, I also observe and care for other people, not only for the introvert in me. The reason I am saying this is for you to understand, not debunk how other people feel and express their own identity. Cause each of us has unique identities, we must accept them.
The misconceptions about introversion existing are not honestly a problem for all introverts. It might be a negative trait to individuals with different stands, but it is an opportunity for an introvert like me to build herself better and be ready to make our lives fruitful. Also, to make our engagements meaningful.
Cause why live a life without a purpose when we have the capacity to make ourselves what we dreamed of and be able to help others? Building ourselves first is not selfishness, but it is the first step to being able to help and encourage them to achieve goals in life.