I came across a wonderful thought from Paulo Coelho: "One day or day one. You decide."
We all wanted to have a better future. A future where we all could live in peace and harmony. A future that could give us happiness. And a future where we could bloom wonderfully.
With that in mind, we plotted a lot of goals that we want to achieve. These goals will enable us to walk on the path that we always wanted to be on. Not to mention, no matter how clear or how blurry our goals are, in the end, we wanted to achieve them with flying colors. We wanted to reach the peak where we could say that we finally made it.
The quote that says, "One day or day one. You decide" is indeed relatable. It could make us reflect on our choices in life. It could help us tweak the actions and decisions that we already have towards our goals. Just so you know we are the authors of our books and we are the ones to decide what path will we take.
"One day", we tend to say this phrase a lot.
"One day, I will start with my goals".
"One day, I will do it."
"One day, I'll work for it."
We have a lot of "one day" in our lives. One day means we are delaying the goals we have crafted, and there are a lot of factors for that. It's either we have no time to start it now, or we're just too afraid. We can't deny the fact as well that we keep on thinking about our goals and we hope that they will come to reality in no time.
However, achieving the goals we have in mind is not just about imagining them to happen, or waiting for them to finally happen in our lives. We need to work for them and make baby steps towards achieving them. Achieving a goal needs effort. Because if we just keep on hoping that those goals will happen one day or we will continue to delay doing them, when will we see results? When will we see our progress?
Sometimes, we delay doing our goals because we are afraid of failure. We are afraid that as we journey toward them, we will experience a lot of struggles. Little did we know that that's normal for us to go through. Failures are normal as well. Although they may sound negative, failures will help us a lot to grow. Failures are good things if we accept them in the right way.
Sometimes, if we delay doing our goals, we will end up regretting it in the end as it's already too late to do it. I also remember the quote that I came across before:
"Six months from now, you will wish you started today."
I could still remember before, I had a lot of goals in mind, but I'm too afraid to do it as something inside me was stopping me. I wanted to do them as early as it is, but I'm afraid of failure, I'm afraid that I can't make it. I'm afraid that I might not reach the end. Aside from that, I also doubt my potential. With that, I end up with regrets for delaying and just keep on saying "one day." After that, I learned to be firm with my goals in life, and instead of saying "one day", what I did was to have " day one" and it changed everything.
It's such a fulfillment to start the goal with no excuses. To accept whatever will happen and learn from the lessons that come from it. Sure thing we have a lot of goals, but if we allow our doubts to dominate our minds, we will surely end up with regrets. Not to mention, if we want to do something, we will do it no matter how hard it is. We stop making excuses and focus on achieving the goal we started.
You see, it's a matter of choice. It's either we say "one day" and delay our goals, or we say "day one" and start working on the goals we have in mind. Needless to say, we should work for our goals now. Why not do it tomorrow or the next day if we can do it now, right? Work for your goals now and surely your future self will be thankful for you.
Disclaimer: The views expressed are personal and solely belong to me. This article is original content by me that has been posted on read.cash as well.