Saturday Savers 2024 Progress Report - Week 37

in #hive-16792219 days ago

It's Saturday ! That means it's time for my #SaturdaySavers update 😁

Image created by AI in Nightcafe Studio

Here's my table of progress for the week;


Note one change on the table; goals I've hit are now shaded in darker green.

How Did The Week Go ?

Holiday !

I was on holiday last week, but as is usual in life, nothing went quite to plan !

My original vision was to spend daytimes slobbed out around the pool at the hotel, sipping cold drinks and typing up lots of Hive posts on the laptop.

The reality was that a couple of days into the holiday I was totally floored by a massive bout of food poisoning, and lost two days that I don't really remember but which apparently was a good re-creation of that scene from The Exorcist. Then, just when the projectile vomiting and diarrhoea eased off, my wife caught it and I spent the rest of the holiday trying to nurse her through it.

But we're back home now and starting to gradually feel more human again, helped immensely by lots of love from our kitties.

HIVE and HBD Earnings

Despite all that, I did still manage to make a few posts and keep up with curating.

With rewards coming in from the week before, I made 37.964 HP gain, plus 3.061 HBD. I'm behind on my goals with them both, but considering the chaos of the last month or so, I'm surprised I'm not further back than I am !

LEO Concerns

I'm continuing to make decent earnings of LEO, and don't forget it's LPUD tomorrow ! However, I am deeply bearish about the price of LEO. It seems that no matter how great the developments are in the platform, it doesn't seem to positively impact the price. It's dropped from an ATH of around $0.221 to the current price around $0.026, and continues to slide.

I wonder if it's an inflationary devaluation. Does anyone know how the many LEO tokens given as delegation are created ? Is it inflation, or is there a mechanism spending actual HIVE (or some other token) to fund them ? What I do know is that the fiat value of HIVE I've converted to SWAP.HIVE to buy LEO is about twice the current value of my LEO holding.

Is LEO going to be another one of those Tribe tokens that starts off looking great, and then drops to zero ? I really hope not !

If you're not familiar with SaturdaySavers, it's a fabulous initiative run by @shanibeer writing as @sally-saver on the @eddie-earner account, where we all support each other in getting to our savings goals.

If you are one of my friends reading this (or just someone who tripped over one of my posts), I really recommend this as a great community that's well worth joining.

I'm normally very disorganised about saving, and the support of the wonderful people in #SaturdaySavers has been invaluable in keeping me focused. I can honestly say that without it, my HP would probably be half what it is now.

So join ! You don't have to wait until the start of the year. The best time to start saving is ten years ago. The second best time is right now !


So sorry about your holiday, glad you are recovering now.

Ah LEO! What I notice is that it has been around a long time and seems to keep on going, and we are in that wierd calm-before-the-storm period in the crypto cycle. They seem to have a lot of development and have been consistent with doing stuff, even if that doesn't always work out for them.

My position now, after long experience with them, is that I hold my LEO and allow it to earn passively.

I like your approach ! Hopefully I'll pick up enough in passive earnings and swapped from other tribe tokens to be able to do next month's LPUD. I've done this month's one, and don't really want to break a streak of LPUD's dating back to January 2023, but I'm hesitant to throw any more "real" money at it !

It's a shame, I really, really like LEO and want to see it succeed. It deserves to, with the amount of effort that's been put in, but I guess it just reflects the fact that crypto prices are totally unrelated to the value and utility of projects.

I guess you could swap a little bit of HIVE to meet your LPUD target if you wanted to? That way you're keeping your streak but not committing any further investment. I'm sure you'll work it out 😍

Have you come across @lbi-token? This was under SPI management but has recently got a new operator, @jk6276, who has some interesting plans. It was originally a LEO-backed token, but I guess it's more of a hybrid at the moment (my interpretation of jk's plans, not necessarily what's happening) 😁.

JK managed SPI's défi account for several years and is re-building lbi-token. It might be an interesting one to watch grow.

LBI looks interesting ! Definitely one to monitor, and maybe put a little bit into to help it grow.

I thought you might like it!

Happy LEO powerup day,
I came in the event late, but I still pushed 152 LEO.
Thank you for this report on your Hive saving journey.