Why did SVB collapse first? Implications for BTC, Gold and HBD

in #hive-1679222 years ago

Why did SVB Collapse?

I have been asking myself the question of why Silicon Valley Bank collapsed and I found part of the answer in this article by Simon Black of Sovereign Man on Zero Hedge:


The basic premise of this article is that while in 2008, the toxic assets that led to the collapses of financial institutions were Collateralised Debt Instruments (CDIs) based on mortgage loans to people who were NINJAs (No Income, No Job and no Assets) TODAY the toxic asset are US Government Bonds themselves.

This is because bonds purchased when interest rates were very, very low have lost substantial value now that interest rates have risen a lot. Thus organisations that hold US Government Bonds (supposedly the safest of safe haven assets) are sitting on extremely large unrealised losses.

This has led to the technical insolvency of many banks and financial institutions including the FDIC and the US Federal Reserve itself.

The entire traditional financial system is technically insolvent.

But while clearer now than ever, this is not new.

Indeed, many crypto people (including Satoshi himself) have been saying this for almost 15 years.

Why did SVB collapse FIRST?

This doesn't answer the question of why Silvergate Bank, Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank collapsed and other's haven't, YET!.

Is it because they all start with the letter 'S'?

Is it because they had many clients from the (centralised) cryptocurrency industry?

Neither of these is correct, but nor are they completely off the mark.

The answer is because of two things starting with 'S' which relate to the nature of these banks' clients:

  • Speed
  • Sophistication

and one thing starting with 'I'

  • Interconnectedness

You see, the entire traditional financial system is an Emperor with No Clothes. It is technically insolvent and even openly admits to massive losses on US Government Bonds in their financial statements (see Simon Black article linked above).

The whole system is a giant bonfire of high explosives ready to blow ... but you can't start a fire without a spark.


The reason why these 'S' banks with client bases including many (centralised) crypto companies were the first to collapse is because their clients are almost exclusively sophisticated technology investors (including fin-tech and crypto) who live life at high speed, are interconnected with each other via high speed online channels and are sophisticated enough to have some understanding of how fragile the system is.

It just took some people raising questions about SVB's solvency on an online channel at 9am (US West coast time) on Thursday, 9 March 2023 to trigger a bank run with $42 Billion in deposits withdrawn by the end of the day.

This Twitter thread gives a personal insight into the experience of one SVB client:


In Tel Aviv (where I live) VCs were advising their clients to withdraw their money from SVB.

We denizens of the cryptocosm are well aware of how extraordinarily quickly things can happen in a 24/7 online interconnected financial environment.

Now the fire has spread from S class to R class, the US regional banks, which are experiencing classic bank run type scenes of depositors lining up outside banks to get out their funds.

Will the guberment be able to extinguish the flames before they reach the hyper-explosive core - the insolvent FDIC and Federal Reserve?

Time will tell...

Maybe this time, but sooner or later the whole system will blow - and the cryptocosm provides a ready made and far better replacement.

No traditional safe haven assets

But what is clear is that there are no safe haven assets inside the traditional financial system.

If you move your money from SVB to another bank, that bank could be next in line to collapse, suddenly with no warning other than the one I and many other are giving now.

Many are moving their money to very large 'Systemically Significant" banks like JP Morgan, on the expectation that the guberment and Fed will always bail these banks out.

But their are two problems with this:

  • the guberment and the Fed are themselves insolvent;
  • it has been US policy for 10 years to utilise bail-ins (haircut on deposits like Cyprus 2013 - exactly 10 years ago) rather than bail-outs.

Thus even these biggest banks are not safe.

BTC, Gold and HBD as safe haven assets

The only (liquid) safe haven assets are BTC, Gold and HBD.


The BTC price is currently being pulled by two powerful opposing forces:

  • traditional financial types which consider it a 'risk asset' to be sold at any sign of trouble;
  • 'red pilled' people who know that it is the ONLY large capitalisation liquid asset without counter-party risk.

As more and more people realise that there are no safe haven assets inside the traditional financial system, the later forces will win. The price of traditional financial assets will collapse when priced in BTC.

Many will call this a crypto bull market but it is not - it is the collapse and disappearance of the non-crypto financial system.


Physical gold, held under the personal control of its owner, will continue to be the classic, historic, safe haven asset.

But if there is any counter-party or holding party risk - ie all other forms of gold - forget about it!
The other party will just steal your gold when they face collapse or just because they don't like you.
They did it to Russia and Venezuela and they will do it to you.

Of course physical gold is very inconvenient and impractical, so is of limited utility for large holdings , but it is still a useful SHTF asset, in case we revert to pre-modern times.


The situation of HBD is a bit more complicated.

In the short-medium term it is an excellent safe haven, providing safe 20% returns on a US Dollar equivalent.

However, ultimately the US Dollar itself will collapse in value as the financial system which was based on it collapses and it loses its reserve currency status (already well underway from geo-political events), triggering the insolvency of the US guberment, which will be unable to pay its massive debt load and will default.

The Hive Witnesses will, I'm sure, as I am one of them, keep a close eye on this situation and will be prepared to move HBD onto some other stable peg when the time comes.

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Thanks, Andrew. This made a lot of sense of it for me.
Fiat's not my world any more. Its kinda hard to stay interested when you're not invested.
Lots of pain coming for a lot of people, but its something that had to happen eventually.

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"Is it because they all start with the letter 'S'?" I thought about that too! Sounds plausible ! We have a sample of 3 already! 😄😄😄

Human Psychology is a funny thing.

I do wonder why silver is that low...? It did a slight jump, but is still -10% from 4 weeks ago.
I like how you say guberment! Maybe even gubberment?

Silver is not money any more so is not a safe haven asset.

JP Morgan has been serially convicted of manipulating the price of silver for decades. Traders from it's commodities desk have been jailed for this. Silver has been prevented from being priced at traditional levels relative to gold for more than a decade because of JP Morgans massive reach and influence on the global market through their machinations.

What this means is that when JP Morgan is no longer capable of manipulating the price of silver, it is likely to not only rise against fiat, but against gold, because it has been artificially depressed by criminal market manipulation. I don't have gold reserves, but silver, because of this.

While JP Morgan's criminal market manipulation of silver is a matter of public record, my speculations about it's value and potential are my own alone, and worth every bit of the price you paid for it, which is to say it's worthless. Do some due diligence on the historic price of silver relative to gold and on JP Morgan's criminal manipulation of the silver market so you can possess your own understanding of why silver price is not reacting similarly to gold in the present economic environment.

IMHO, it's because JP Morgan is criminally manipulating the price of silver.

I agree with you.
btw, which other "stable peg" are referring to?

Whatever has become the world's new reserve currency. Probably BTC, but could be ruble/renimbi.

Infor.ative post, thanks, I learned stuff.

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There’s more debt than ever before, the FED wants to control inflation by making sure less people have a job, lose their jobs, so they spend less, then these people can’t afford their mortgages anymore. The banks get the houses instead of monthly payments, but those houses aren’t worth what they were sold for. Especially in Silicon Valley.

Eventually this will cause the housing bubble to break, inflation to go down and even smaller backs to default.

The fed hasn’t realized yet that they are single-handedly damaging the banking sector and with that their own governments finances.

This is big and it has only just started

True to a point.

The real problem is they raised rates as an insanely rapid pace that caused the front end of the curve to jump as it is sensitive to Fed policy. The long end, for a year now (in treasuries) have been screaming the opposite. It knows there is not too much money out there (the true cause of inflation). This is reflected by the increase in the USD money supply of 1.03% annually since 2008. Couple that with balance sheet contraction due to the lack of quality collateral for the international system to fund trade through short term lending, and we see the deflationary nature of things.

Housing is following a traditional decline. Unlike 2006 when it acted like the stock market, here we see a topping for a couple years and then the localization. Silicon Valley is crashing, parts of Florida are on fire.

SVB was a problem with liquidity. They made the mistake of loading up on long dated bonds, ones where there is no market. When the 3 month is 100 bps HIGHER than the 10 y, you know there is going to be no demand.

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Thanks for your more detailed analysis, but the point of my post and the article stands. US Dollar bonds (long dated) have become toxic assets for which there is, in your words "no market" or in reality have to be sold at a substantial discount to par value.

There are huge losses in the traditional financial system because of this and it is too much to be covered by the FDIC if there are more bank runs.

Sometimes simplicity is better. All this discussion of yield curves is confusing to the average punter.

The fed hasn’t realized yet that they are single-handedly damaging the banking sector and with that their own governments finances.

I disagree. This is deliberate. The governments of the world have ubiquitously been corrupted by banksters, and the WEF is their forum on which they continually advocate a global NWO. The banks do not have armies and cannot militarily conquer the countries of the world, so are corrupting them to commit suicide, after which the NWO can come in to save us all from the desperation the collapse of governments has reduced us to.

It is obvious from the universal imposition of lockdowns by all national governments in 2020 that had no basis in science or reason that all governments have been corrupted and are following the orders of their masters. Klaus Schwab has bragged that the WEF has infiltrated it's minions into national governments, and the graduates of the WEF's Young Global Leaders program are at the helm in national governments around the world.

Both Biden and Trump are WEF minions, as are Putin and Zelensky.

That’s quite the conspiracy theory you have there. What is the WEF by the way? World Economic Forum?

The WEF is indeed the World Economic Forum. You can disprove any of the assertions of fact I make to easily convince me I am wrong. Falsification is the basis of science. I would be very happy if you could falsify any of the above assertions, because I don't like the way things are going, and would be giddy with joy if you could prove me wrong.

Edit: Just ran across this.

IMG source - @edicted

Well, I don’t have proof for or against.

I do believe there is an agenda against crypto for sure. I also believe that the opposition to crypto is not as United as you might think.

But the fed will be very happy to see a crypto bank fail and be a signal for crypto investors.

Obviously that’s only for people that hold crypto assets on exchanges and in custody wallets.

Hardware wallets are key.

I wonder what will happen if hbd gets as big as we hope it will get, because that will cause big problems for their dollar control. I would be totally happy for hive to stay under the radar for a few more years.

What good will a hardware wallet be if censorship prevents trading such assets online? Will we ride our horses to town squares and exchange BTC with paper wallets?


We are facing a multifaceted attack on our ability to speak, and if we cannot speak freely, we cannot trade crypto. Decades ago the reservations in the US were selling tobacco products online and because they are legally foreign governments, the massive taxes the US burdened tobacco products with made the products from the reservations far less expensive. CC processors ended that market by refusing to process CC transactions for Native American reservations selling tobacco products. Patreon, Paypal, and banks have closed peoples accounts and seized their funds at an ever increasing rate. Canada did it to protestors. The West did it to Russia. It happened to Yeezy.

You may consider looking forward theoretical, but all these examples are matters of public record, and expecting to be able to use the infrastructure owned by oligarchs to avoid their control against their wishes seems unreasonable to me. The trend is obvious, and hardware wallets won't enable trade in crypto to be undertaken without access to the interenet.

I think the 3speak network is an answer to that. They already have a desktop app that connects directly to the blockchain.

When needed many front ends of hive will move to unstoppable domains.

Bitcoin will be the gold of the future and hive will be the community layer where every part of the technology will be decentralized

This suggestion that the WEF controls all world leaders, including ones who are completely destroying their agenda (like Putin) and were rolled by its minions (Trump) is ridiculous. Biden and Zelensky and Merkel and Trudeau and Jacinta Adern are WEF minions but Putin and Trump and Musk and many others are not.

There are powerful forces opposing the globalist plutocrats (AKA WEF), including national sovereigntist plutocrats (The US Federal Reserve) and crypto capitalists.

I find that Tom Lugarno (Guns, Goats and Gold) has the best understanding of who is promoting the WEF agenda and who is opposing it.

I appreciate your gentle disagreement, and the courtesy of your reply. I do not agree with you, however.

"...Putin and Trump and Musk and many others are not."

I do not understand where you get this idea. Klaus Schwab has publicly stated Putin is a YGL. Putin and Musk have both been keynote speakers at WEF events. You have yourself stated you have seen the video of Schwab making the claim that Putin was an acolyte of the WEF.

Further, the war in the Ukraine absolutely serves the WEF agenda if you consider that it is to destroy national sovereignty and the ability of nations to support the felicity of their people. It is obvious how the sanctions on Russia have economically harmed Europe, particularly Germany, and those sanctions are a result of the war in the Ukraine.

There are certainly forces opposed to the WEF, and we're two of them. However, the utterly foolish destruction of the US economy ongoing isn't likely to reflect incompetence by people that have been entrusted with $T's, unless you consider that such resources are trivial to acquire and absolute blithering idiots have outcompeted billions of ambitious and rational people, some of whom are geniuses, for control of those resources.

There was no research that hinted that quarantining healthy people was advisable in 2020 when the plandemic became public knowledge. Every national polity in the world still locked down their people. No research to this very day suggests that masks have ever reduced viral transmission in practice, yet forced masking was undertaken ubiquitously across the world. There is only one source of corruption, the obvious financial powers, that is common to all these governments, from China to the USA, from Russia to Malta.

Propose some rational alternative if you can think of one. I have wracked my brain trying to, and failed.

I flatly refute such misapprehensions of the ongoing destruction of supply lines, including financial, that render humanity increasingly vulnerable to CBDC UBI bugpods and 15 minute prisons. The WEF states through Klaus Schwab's book, King Charles III's tweets, and the ESG forced policy of Larry Fink, who runs BlackRock and serves as the WEF's agenda director, that a Great Reset and subsquent NWO incorporating the various features we see being universally implemented by national governments globally today, is their goal.

How is pointing these things out theoretical?

The collapse and disappearance of the non-crypto financial system.

It is hard to envision that it will happen as the entire world will be turned upside-down. But for sure we need better alternatives to it and crypto is the key whether governments like it or not.

Related to HBD, I didn't understand quite well the ramifications. Could it collapse as well as it is calculated as $1 worth of Hive or it can be easily translated to 1 USDT/USDC/BUSD worth of Hive?

It would have to be changed to a non-USD peg if the USD ceases to be a reserve currency and collapses. Maybe it will be tied to 100 sats or 10 sats, depending on whether the US has dropped to US$1M or US$10M per BTC.

I agree with you completely. While we may later learn of any real aspects to the rumored operation choke hold, the basic insolvency of most banks due to the rapid rate hikes, it’s effect on the current value of low interest rates bonds, causing huge holes or deficits in bank balance sheets has been repeatedly identified as the number one risk to bank solvency. In fact a bank watch group published a list of 21 banks in the US with balance sheet deficits like the failed banks, but there is a huge difference in communities served, as you mention. The average bank community is not dominated by large uninsured accounts of tech companies and interconnected bank community members.

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I interpret 'gold' to mean durable goods. The collapse of the value of currency doesn't only affect the price of gold, but of all goods, from rice to bullets. People with substantial assets are perhaps more easily able to buy gold because of it's high value, but lesser PMs like silver are no less a hedge, and every kind of durable good is also going to remain valuable regardless of what happens to fiat. Someone with $20 they want to protect can buy a nice hammer and that hammer will retain it's value.

I also follow Sovereign Man, and am consistently aware understanding of economic forces is based on reason, rather than the phases of the moon, Tarot, or TA.


LOL I hope your argument is court and knowledge of the law is better than this.

To start, if you are listening to Tyler on Zerohedge, you are starting in a hole. Might as well listen to the talking heads on Bloomberg.

The SVB had nothing to do with US Treasuries. In fact, the value of them, along with bonds around the world, jumped Friday and Monday. LIBOR contracts (Sept) were up over 100 bps (25 is considered high). How can that be?

Nowhere in this article is the word liquidity. There is a difference between trading accounts and assets on book value. Bonds on the later are listed at par because that is what they pay. Hold a 2 year, $10K Treasury note and to maturity and you get $10K. Trading (and collateralizing) these assets is a different story and they are marked-to-market. In SVB's case, they had to liquidate, which means, taking a loss.

Once again, most stuff spewed that is nonsense. If I talked about the law with the same knowledge people talk about money, currency, and banking, your ears would hurt.

Most talk about these matters without having the first idea how the banking system operates.

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"In SVB's case, they had to liquidate, which means, taking a loss."

That's exactly what he said.

"This is because bonds purchased when interest rates were very, very low have lost substantial value now that interest rates have risen a lot. Thus organisations that hold US Government Bonds (supposedly the safest of safe haven assets) are sitting on extremely large unrealised losses."

I'm not grasping the reason for your disparagement of the OP.

"The SVB had nothing to do with US Treasuries."

This contradicts your above statement that they had to liquidate their bond holdings to produce dollars for depositors.

What's the source of your rancor, and why do you contradict yourself?

Also, Sovereign Man is not 'Tyler', but Zerohedge just picked up their post and republished it on their platform.

Sovereign Man has it's own platform on which it has been publishing for decades.

Your are arguing over semantics - like a true lawyer :-)

While the article may not have used the word liquidity this is obviously what it is talking about.

The rapid rise in interest rates has caused the market value of long dated US govt bonds to fall below par value causing technical losses leading to technical insolvency.

Add some bank runs and the technical becomes real.

The Hive Witnesses will, I'm sure, as I am one of them, keep a close eye on this situation and will be prepared to move HBD onto some other stable peg when the time comes.

There isn't a more stable peg than USD, and I highly doubt one is going to magically pop up when shit hits the fan. The best course of action in the event of galloping inflation is to do nothing or simply increase the 20% APR even higher to offset diminishing debt value.

It does not matter if USD loses 48% of its value year over year, as long as it CONSISTENTLY loses 4% per month that is all the stability we need. In fact that is perfectly stable and all we need to do is jack up yields to 48% to offset the loss. The only problem is if USD becomes actually volatile and value goes up down up down over the course of a year. I highly doubt this will happen considering how gigantic the ecosystem is.


This is Hank Green's take on SVB, and similar to your take: being exposed to startup companies was always a bad idea. I think you are right in that their clients are much more savvy about how fucked the banking sector is. You make a lot of good points here.

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Why did SVB collapse FIRST?

It seems to me that someone just had to be the first.
Maybe, this was decided by powerful people in chic offices with expensive drinks, perhaps even in the presence of young ladies with low social responsibility. roll the dice

For me, it was surprising that more new dollars were printed in 2021 than there were dollars printed during the existence of this currency! Inflation should have been enormous! But here, outside of America, we did not notice any special fluctuations in the exchange rate, on the contrary, the dollar strengthened compared to local currencies. This section of higher economics did not succumb to me)))

I agree completely that it is worth diversifying your fiat savings into bitcoin, physical banking gold, and land.
Interesting vision of the situation, thank you!