Valueplan The Numbers June 2024 Payouts & Payouts Year To Date. Some Questions to the Valueplan's Top Recipients.

in #hive-1679223 months ago

Hi and welcome to Junes addition of Valueplans payouts where we delve into what exactly the marketing arm of Hive is doing with the Hive marketing funds. As you know Valueplan makes up the largest portion of DHF outgoing by a huge amount. Q3 proposal alone stands at 300,000HBD. Hive dropped from 40 cent to 20 cent during the period from May to end of June so there looks to be a huge outflow of Hive onto the exchanges but retail demand is just not there which pushes the price down. Hopefully the healthy marketing budget may do something to alleviate this financial outflow as new members are attracted in through our marketing campaigns.
We have seen @Splinterlands apply for a DHF proposal to secure the future of the game on Hive in the short term and there is much debate on this matter. But if Hive were to lose Splinterlands to another blockchain such as Base or Solana then it would be a disaster for the Hive blockchain as Splinterlands have attracted more users than any other Dapp on Hive. So it is important to look into where our current DHF funding is going. Valueplan publish a post every quarter with a few pictures and a proposal but they really are not doing enough informing the Community around what is happening. We paid for a load of pizza last month for everyone. Who knew!!

There is much debate over how the Valueplan funds are being utilised.
Is Valueplan a marketing arm or a charity arm of the blockchain?
Also there are questions around the people applying for funding who do not actually have that much skin in the game themselves. Point to note I have no history in Valueplan, have never been the recipient or have applied for any funding. I also have nothing against the people who run it personally nor have I had any run ins with them . I am a numbers guy and I let the numbers do the talking. But it is important that Hive as a community ask the questions about who are being funded and also not to be scared of a big bad whale downvoting them to oblivion just because they want to know where the Community fund is going. I aim to be respectful but at the same time ask a couple of questions to the main recipients of these funds.

Don't get me wrong , there are some great projects being funded and we hope the funds are used to promote Hive to the best of the recipients ability. But those who apply for funding should be responsible for showing their results as well. Anyone who applies for and gets funding needs to be measured in some metric or K.P.I such as how many users they are after attracting from their day at a conference for example. It can't all be just sitting around a table and tucking into a huge feast paid for by the community. You would not believe the hardship I had looking up posts around certain events/ projects that were paid for by Valueplan just to prove they existed. In one instance there was an Instagram page but no Hive page. There does not seem to be a stipulation that you have to post about the event you were funded by. Seeing that we are a bloody blogging platform I would have thought it would be the first thing that the recipient does. I don't mean to tar everyone with the same brush. Some projects are well advertised and well updated.
So enough rambling , let us get to the figures.

Total June by User

There was no rally car payouts this month which really took the amount of payouts to the lowest level payouts in a month since January. Thank god for that. We are taking HBD at peg in these posts so we can calculate that 100,931.10 HBD converting to $100,931.10 was paid out in the month of June. Down by $29,265 on last month to be exact which was helpful for the Hive price I imagine. A total of 18 Hive users were paid out this HBD in June. Again much less recipients than in May with Bitcoin Pizza week occurring in that month. Let us now look into the totals by account for June.

As there were no rally car payouts in Hive this month, there were no payouts in Hive , only HBD
All recipients Hive Power was collated on 17.07.2024. It may rise and fall in the meantime

RankUserTotal HBD Payment JuneProjectHive PowerTotal Account Value
1.@arlettemsalase22,917.50Hive Conferences202HP$44.84
2.@swc-oficial16,750.00Gym Street Work Out1466.043HP$325.36
3.@mcsamm12,940.00Community Wells Project25,220.247HP$6,141.68
4.@qmwallet10,835.00CWP Latam extension OF Wells Project0HP$0
5.@blackheart110,500.00Hackathons/ Conferences7,076.348HP$12,722.47
6.@lordbutterfly5,000.00Vibes Music74429.122HP$25,812.75
7.@mynewlife3,870.33HTC/ Talent Land25,162.019HP$10,075.15
8.@victorwallet3,077.00Motorbike Racing0HP$0
9.@king13wallet2,950.00K13 Racing0HP$0.22
10.@detlev2,568.71Hive Meet Up/ Conference41,515.845HP$22,334.86
11.@sucrewallet2,340.00Hive Sucre0HP$0
12.@krolestwo2,200.00Hive Events1,500.426HP353.04
13.@gorayii2050.75Talent Land Spain11,812.516HP$2,830.67
14.@logic961.81Talent Land Spain789.487HP$175.21
15.@jonsnow1983880.00Professional Services for Hive5,045.31HP$1,119.85
16.@hivecreators610.00Hive Activities889.510HP$1,688.61
18.@daniel2001160.00Hive Outreach139.65358.44

Total Hive HBD Payout June: 100,931.10 HBD
Total Number of Accounts: 18
Total Payouts to Accounts under $500 in total value:
10 Hive Accounts from a total of 18 are under $500 in value.
Payouts to these accounts totaled 62,511.31 HBD in the month of June which is 61.93% of total payouts

Many of you will point out the fact that some of the below payments are to alt account wallets so let us take a look at the owners of these wallets. Some were hard to find.

Wallet accounts ownership with zero HP Above

@qmwallet - Unknown owner of wallet but linked to the wells project in the wallets memo.
@victorwallet - Owned by @victorg30 from the Street Workout crew. Account Value at $1302
@sucrewallet - Owned by @hivesucre Account values at $1302.49
@king13wallet . Owned by @king-13. Total account value is $34.22

For transparancy there should be a rule that funding should be paid out to the accounts owner and not wallet accounts. It is not good for optics and transparency.

Summary of June:

So finally the rally car is not on top of the ranks this month. A welcome break. I would like to know more about the top 3 paid out recipients in June if this is OK. I hope the project owners or organisers will get back to me around some of the questions so it can help myself and the Hive Community understand more how our community funds are being allocated.

1.We have @arlessemsalase take the number 1 spot with 22,917.50 HBD paid out to our conference representative in June. All barring 450 HBD is being used for the huge Rio Blockchain conference. I think Rio Blockchain event takes place on the 24th July this month if I am not mistaken or was there one already?? I can't wait to hear how you get on considering the substantial outlay with this one. I hope this will be a major success @arlettemsalase 😀 .
How much is the event itself to take part in?
Keen to know a more detailed breakdown of the 22,467.75 HBD costings here for this event?
Does it cost this much for an event in Rio?? Wowsers!!
How many of you are going?
For a European blockchain event an exhibitors fee for the major ones cost around 2k. Keen to know what Rio are charging.
You have not posted since 18th April which is nearly 3 months now so looking forward to reading about how the event will go. Any chance you could let us know how the future of gaming event in Zulia went? Do you have a background in gaming? A couple of photos and how many people you onboarded would be great to find out. Cheers for the 145 HBD you paid back to Valueplan. Every HBD counts. If only more people were as honest as yourself, the world would be a better place. Just one last thing. I have concern that your account value being $44.21 even though you are getting good return on your posts and $43,343.75 in funding since January. Would you consider this a problem at your conferences being the face of Hive asking noobs to sign up when you have only 202 Hive Power staked yourself on the Hive blockchain? I'm not trying to be smart, I am no saint myself as I have recently powered down 5000HP, but I hope you understand that the optics of it just does not look well from any outsider looking in.

2.@swc-oficial was paid $16,750 in June. But I am not sure what this goes on. The equipment has been long since purchased. Valueplan have been supporting this project for a long time now but it is hard to gauge any ROI if any. Transportation and logistics is down on the reasoning for most of the pay outs but I am keen to know more.
Is it a car , a van , a truck to carry your equipment with? Would it be less expensive to purchase the transport at this stage and only have a fuel outlay and running costs in the future. It would be more cost effective?
Would there be many of you at an event?
How many miles or Kilometers was it to your last 3 events?
It just seems like alot of petrol/ fuel over the course of a month.
Also I would bite your hand off to get an event like this to my business/ shopping centre and most likely pay you guys a fair fee.
My question is do you get paid anything from companies to come to these events on beaches and in shopping centres?
Do you pay your athletes from the funds? I had a couple of people get in touch with me disgruntled with money issues involving the project.
Is this a private business of yours? I hope you agree that $65,058.00 paid out since January gives us the right to ask a couple of questions in this regard.
Is there somebody on hand during the events for user signups while this is going on?
How do you measure your user signups.
How many users do you think you have signed up in total? With 1000 subscribers to your community and 68 active users so your retention is not there, do you think it warrants the total outlay? Keen to hear your comments and plans going forward and how you can improve your onboarding methods. As $65,058.00 for 68 active members is just not a viable return.

3.@mcsamm Congrats on all the people you have helped with the community wells project. It looks like a worthy cause and you regularly post around the wells you have opened. I have seen Mr Beast build 100 of these wells in a video last month. Please see below. I was impressed at the speed that they found water and the time that they got them built in.


A couple of questions from me to get my head around the wells project.

How much on average does one well or borehole cost to build? Yes I know it differs but if you tell us an average over the year, Say 2023?
How many have you built since the start of the year?
Is the @qmwallet tied to this project or is it a totally separate project?
Also I see you live in the United Kingdom?
If so how do you run the projects from a different country?
Do you visit the sites yourself? If so is the flight paid for by the Community or out of your own pocket? Thanks a million.
Last question is how you market Hive and onboard people? I know this is a great cause and it is amazing but are we actually signing up anybody? Do people who are using these wells have more pressing matters than blogging on a crypto social media platform if they do not even have the basic utilities in their villages or towns? Would you have any data on the users you have signed up or brought to Hive?

We will now look at YTD figures now. Let do the YTD over $20,000 paid out since 1st January.

Top Payouts Year To Date Over $20,000

RankUserTotal HiveTotal HBDTotal USD Equivalent YTDProjectHive PowerTotal Account Value
1.@ssekulji530,257.5718,126.89$190,090.95Rally Car1031.30HP$271.37
2.@crimsonclad216,057.2821,330.43$110,369.77Various Hive Activities100,204.685HP$24,792.39
3.@swc-oficial065,058.00$65,058.00GYM Street Workout1466.043HP$325.36
4.@blackheart1053,635.20$53,635.20Conferences/ Hackathons7076.348HP$12,722.47
5.@cryptosimplify045,705.80$45,705.80Handball Team Sponsorshop4,298.611HP$19,681.34
6.@arlettemsalase043,343.75$43,343.75Conferences South America202HP$44.84
7.@sucrewallet032,795.60$32,795.60Hive Sucre0HP$0
8.@mcsamm025,795.00$25,795.00Community Wells Project25,220.247HP$6,141.68
9.@lordbutterfly024,400.00$24,400.00Vibes/ Videography for rally car74429.122HP$25,812.75
11.@qmwallet020,835$20,835CWP Latam extension OF Wells Project0HP$0
12.@gaottantacinque020,000$20,000Rally Car418.637HP$20,237.85

Questions to the Top Paid Out YTD.

Above are the payments equivalent to over $20,000 year to date. @ssekulji is top of the ranks year to date with payments of a whooping $190,090.35 mainly in Hive but with one transfer of HBD made in error but it was all sorted out. Apples and Oranges and all that.
First of all congratulations on the racing by the way. It looks great and I have no doubt you are skilled at what you do and the videography from @lordbutterfly . I hope you understand that there is some disgruntlement around the large payouts you have been receiving. It is nothing personnel but some people think the project is too costly for a blockchain that is lets be honest , struggling.
Just a question for you @ssekulji.
The Hive Community have spent 530,257.57 Hive and 18,126.89 so far on the car since January which is amounting to just under $200,000 USD. There were no payments made in June to you which is the first month on a long time there were no payments to you. Is the season over?
My question to you is how much do you plan to spend for the next 6 months? Ball park figure. Best case , nothing goes wrong, worst case you have to use the second car. I know you guys will have to replace parts , tyres, there could be a crash (touch wood) there won't be but it is also important to know the annual cost of such a project.

Do you yourself believe our blockchain is able to support such expensive endeavor going forward?
There are 336 subscribers and only 4 active users in the Rally Community and you are one of them.
Are we really attracting rally car enthusiasts to the platform?

If you win a race , who gets the prize money? I presume it's yourself?

Also ranked number 12 YTD on the list is @gaottantacinque . What has he got to do with the rally car project? Is he the wing man? The 20,000 HBD funded to this account is gathering 20% interest in his HBD savings at the moment which is why I ask the question. I'm sure it is all above board and it belongs to him but just have to ask the question.

If there is a sale of the current rally car. Does this go back into the DHF?

Thanks for taking the time out of your busy period to answer some of the questions

So that is it ladies and gentlemen with the numbers from June. I as well as many of you love the Hive Blockchain so it is important that we are in the loop with everything and this is an area that I think we are in the dark with. I think we all want the same thing. For the blockchain to survive but we need to be asking more questions especially when it comes to our DHF proposals which belongs to the Community and is not just playground for a couple of wealthy whales. We should do well to remember we are number 343 in the rankings on Coin Market Cap between Nakamoto Games and Sun. Which means sometime is not working out. Hardly rankings right there. We might do well to remember the term "Tightening Our Belts". For a blockchain that has free transactions , this is a terrible spot to be in . We are better than 343rd but it is time someone takes control of this decentralised ship and starts steering her in the right direction.

Stay tuned for July's payouts next month.


The team should get you a cut from the funding given the amount of transparency report you're doing on behalf of them.

Oh I like that idea @adamada but I feel the team are not keen on forensic accounting.

Very good questions. I understand this is a delicate subject. Like you, I think transparency is important when it comes to where the DHF spends the Blockchain's resources. Hopefully, answers will be provided.

The silence is deafening

keep the good work up

but it is time someone takes control of this decentralised ship and starts steering her in the right direction.

Who, in what way, and what should they do?


Yes! I shall be your benevolent dictator!😂



it can't all be just sitting around a table and tucking into a huge feast paid for by the community.

You just described 70% of the events that ask to be funded, and all of Hive Fest.

Seeing that we are a bloody blogging platform

I differ, we are not just a blogging platform, but I understand your point.

Keen to know a more detailed breakdown of the 22,467.75 HBD costings here for this event?

I think the whole community deserves to know that, it is a considerable amount of money to go to participate in a conference, with that amount you can pay 5 other projects so at the end of the campaign this conference should leave 5 times more benefits than other projects.

Thanks for the overview. I really missed McGarnicle's reports.

McGarnicle will be back soon. He's away reporting on Nakamoto gaming which just overtook us in the Coinmarketcap league table

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For transparancy there should be a rule that funding should be paid out to the accounts owner and not wallet accounts. It is not good for optics and transparency.

For the blockchain to survive but we need to be asking more questions especially when it comes to our DHF proposals which belongs to the Community and is not just playground for a couple of wealthy whales.

But those who apply for funding should be responsible for showing their results as well. Anyone who applies for and gets funding needs to be measured in some metric or K.P.I such as how many users they are after attracting from their day at a conference for example.

And as for your questions, stats and conclusions...

Standing ovation bro! Reblogged!!

Stay tuned for July's payouts next month.

Looking forward for your numbers and report!

Cheers @por500bolos . Love the GIFS haha

Also ranked number 12 YTD on the list is @gaottantacinque . What has he got to do with the rally car project? Is he the wing man? The 20,000 HBD funded to this account is gathering 20% interest in his HBD savings at the moment which is why I ask the question. I'm sure it is all above board and it belongs to him but just have to ask the question.


This is my own money

I put it it in savings as one of the ways to fund the @cryptoshots.nft players reward pool.

A while back I was asking around how to buy HBD without having to lose 6% or more in fees using SimpleSwap. @guiltyparties replied and it was a win-win to do an OTC swap with my USDT, since they were struggling a bit to convert HBD to fiat.
That's all.

Just realized that I replied with the wrong account 🙂

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😂😂😂😂 the. Plot does thicken

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Hey @gaottantacinque, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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Hey @gaottantacinque, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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Hey @gaottantacinque, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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Hey @gaottantacinque, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

I can also defend @crimsonclad. She's not taking a cent for herself, and those funds were just bridged through her to pay people. I believe she even loses some money dealing with her accountant/taxes because of that.

I attended 3 conferences funded by @valueplan. Great work has been done, and I'm aware that many meetings have been held with very big names out there.
Most of these ultimately don't materialize because common ground is not found (e.g. no EVM compatibility, they just want to extract funds from our DAO, their costs are huge, etc etc).

I must admit that we haven't seen huge results so far where it matters the most: bridging liquidity. It's not an easy task since Hive has no CEO, and regulations are not in our favor.

I think it would still be a good idea to do some name-dropping just to let the community know the size of the engaged projects and that a lot of work is being done behind the scenes.
But blogging all these updates takes time, and @crimsonclad's pro-bono time has a limit. My understanding is that she's also been offline for a month or two now due to family issues (see inactivity on

@simplegame can confirm the above, too, regarding the conferences.

yes the work Crim does at conferences is great.
I would like to see a list put online somewhere so more people can get an opportunity to attend.
There was in Cali awhile back I could have attended but didn't hear about it.

Not pin pointing @crimsonclad in any way in this post . I know she’s number 2 on the YTD list because she looks after Hive matters in a number of different areas . She’s good and has Hives best interests at heart as she’s a genuine OG with HP to back it up .

I'm just getting back to things after a rather unfortunate injury, so I've been a bit out of it for a month or so! Thanks to all of you for the kind words, but yes, any transfers I accept from funding sources always have full descriptions in their public memos, are always fully paid by me up front, and usually reimbursed around a month or so later (depending on my financial status) when an invoice or receipt is provided. This year does look particularly egregious, as I middle-manned some funds for marketing work with players like Binance (one of the biggest transfers) and conference organizers.

It is a bit true that when I pay for costs up front, and then need to withdraw reimbursements to fiat, I'm incurring tax penalties. This is at current a bit unavoidable, so I'm doing my best to try to find a more safe and viable way to continue to contribute as it has had a small net negative impact on my financially- more and more options for paying with crypto or having companies swap or have their own wallets will definitely help in the future. Totally fine if you want to comb thru this stuff and leave me in there, it's part of what's being discussed in the post!


Thanks for the explanation. So you are I. The top ten funded by no fault of your own . Good job. Il go easy on you next month.