USAID The Fallout Is Going To Be Epic

in #hive-16792216 days ago


Department Of Government Efficiency is made up of a special group who have special computer skills and they will uncover everything that has been hidden away. This is a corrupt politicians worst nightmare and this is coming true.

So I am sure most of you are aware that DOGE is going after USAID and have been finding all sorts of things that will shock you and make your blood boil. USAID is a manipulating tool for both the Democrats and Republicans and why having a non career politician or an outsider in the political sense in Donald Trump we are going to be shown what has taken place. This is the swamp everyone was talking about and it is vast. This is a blockbuster film playing out in real life and nothing seems real as most of what has taken place over the last decade has been artificial creating a certain narrative.


The Soros family is pure evil and behind lots of the illegal immigrant chaos around the world and the sooner they ae exposed the better. We know it is going to happen and they know it as well.

Notice who the ones are complaining about the DOGE involvement finding out who and what was spending trillions of dollars each year. I watched a clip yesterday with Schumer and Warren mentioning medi care and state pensions which are not affected because what is going to be affected is their slush money used for their devious dealings. Those outside the USAID offices demonstrating are all complicit and there will not be enough prison cells for everyone. You would have to be seriously dumb to be mixed up with these individuals as this is career ending.


So many politicians are in the cross hairs and this is their worst nightmare coming to fruition and I could not be happier.

So many things are falling into place and you do not have to be intelligent to see how this as all played out. The media was captured through USAID funds and why the narrative has not made sense for years.


Just look at the BBC funding here and there are a few that should jump out at you immediately. USAID and Unicef which is the children's charity. Unicef is a charity that takes donations to help kids so why are they paying donated money to the BBC? This is rather obvious as the BBC is like one big advertising portal if they stick to the narrative they need to generate more donations. Everyone knows the Gaza kid clips were 90% made up with Gaza being like one big stage production and has proven to be so. The BBC would air those clips or adverts and Unicef would guarantee more funding by the shocked and distressed pubic. ow much would one of the Gaza clips make for Unicef every time it was broadcast like an advert. Donations would flood in nd how much revenue would a $1 million donation generate over 12 months? $50 million maybe $100 million or is it far more? Thinking this is anything but this would make no monetary sense and this proves charities are not what you might of thought they were. This is how sick the world is today and Unicef is a shocker and as bad as what USAID has been up to.

USAID should not be handing over tax payers money to media outlets and the only reason is to favor a certain narrative hiding the real news as it is profitable to do so. If you hand out a few million to every news broadcaster you control the news that is aired. We have seen the woke agenda forced on us world wide via USAID and why the world is in chaos. This is treason and there is only one penalty for treason and I do not care who you are.

Another clip came out last night that the WEF was also being funded by the USAID and the shocking part this is only the beginning. The world is definitely in a stronger place than it was last week with DOGE rummaging through the USAID payment system.


No far from normal unless South Sudan has the most expensive real estate in the world. It is numbing to see what is being revealed.

For the likes of Elon Musk tis is not about everyone's personal data, but more about finding ad proving a point of how corrupt the entire American Government is. This affects each and everyone of us globally and is not just an American problem as this narrative cooked up by the evil axis whoever they are involves all of us. This for the likes of Elon and the DOGE crew is a fun task and possibly consider this like one big game because numbers are fun to these people and reveal so much. I get the same satisfaction when I find savings at work so they are finding billions and eventually trillions so they are on one big high.

This is seriously scary that a department can get this out of control and the senate is to blame as they all knew what was happening. Heads have to roll and I am sure many will resign before they are pushed and possible prison terms depending on what is found. This swamp could take years to clean up so no one should be expecting any USAID anytime soon besides the pensioners and those on medi care. Who knows maybe the deficit of what is owed can start to be paid back.

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I feel for the starving kids who are no longer going to get the medicine and food that they were promised.

Some of which is rotting in ports with no budget for transport or staff to over see it.

“Move fast and break things” is fine for a startup, not when lives are literally dependent on bills being paid.

Of course there’s valid reasons to audit it, and the pentagon, I’m just sad for the innocents who get fucked over.

Hopefully China will step in and save them, they’ve been waiting to be seen as the good guys.

Yes innocents do get hit as collateral damage. China and Russia do not give aid as not one country benefits in Africa and they relied on the US and Europe. China was receiving aid from the US.

China is heavily involved in Africa

Yes, but they don't give any aid and never will. They are there for the resources and will only invest if there is a benefit getting those minerals.

Yes in return for what? We had Cuban doctors in SA sponsored by the Chinese and they took something for that deal. There is aid which is free and then there is Chinese aid which has a price. China's expansion model works on debt and there is nothing free.

USA budgets 1% of GDP for a reason, like all countries, expecting a return on investment. Not necessarily directly but it’s not altruism.

Even treating virulent infectious disease is partly so those diseases don’t reach USA shores.

It’s how it works.

Still, freezing famine aid for 90 days is going to kill a lot of people who up to now were fans of the USA.

That is how it is meant to work, but it seems there was far more being done that had no benefit to the US. Let us see what comes out first because the corruption here is off the charts. No one expected this to happen and the politicians are desperate because their careers are on the line. What they have done is criminal and treasonous so jail sentences are not out of the question.
Famine aid will not happen and may not happen again depending on the findings from this report happening now. You cannot blame them for halting the spending.

I'm not saying some of it isn't true, but you need to remember that both sides lie. Elon has shown that he will say anything to get clicks. I can make a pretty chart that says anything. It's all propaganda and I am not trusting anything I read these days from either side.

Yes I agree but there is too much and you cannot make this all up. I do believe the reports have to be honest coming out or they would be shut down for misinformation and they need to be squeaky clean. I wish this was not true because this is damning and embarrassing as aid will be stopped for good because of the abuses. How would you feel as a tax payer if this all turns out to be true?

I'm not too worried about it because I don't think that is very likely. The truth is always somewhere in the middle.

I'm pretty sure it's all true, but that there's a lot more that's true, too, that isn't coming out because it impugns the wrong reputations. I agree with Bozz that this is as politicized as it can be, but I disagree that any of these claims are likely to be false, because there is no need for false claims when you're dealing with corrupt scumbags like these. There's a GAO estimate that >$200B/year was spent that shouldn't have been by the US Treasury. It's an estimate because there's no audit, no good books, no proper accounting. These agencies are clearly bereft of ethical standards and hemorrhaging fraud so I believe all the claims are true.

There's just likely to be a lot more corruption that we won't get to see because it would weaken the team in power. This is a takeover, not total destruction of the USG. The players don't want to destroy their powerbase, they want to make it stronger. That's the real middle. Both sides take turns lying about themselves and proving the other side was lying about themselves in the last administration.

One thing I know for sure is our government has only been taking more and more money and freedoms away from it's people and at some point it has to stop and those freedoms have to be restored. Id rather see major shake up like this instead of civil war in 100-300 years from now because the government continued to become a larger part of peoples every day life. That is not what the government is for.

Spot on. This money has caused so much trouble and civil war could still be a reality very soon in European countries. I hope things can be reversed quickly and common sense prevails. Freedom and control is what this is all about.

More likely in eu is the guillotines get dusted off. Lots of Luigi’s here

The HATO faction of the EU (Von der Leyen, et al) has already basically couped Poland. It turned Meloni from the right to firmly in the left, after she was elected, and it literally stopped the election in Romania, an actual coup. Further Thierry has threatened both Germany and France with the 'Romania treatment' if they 'interfere' in their elections by electing AfD or RN. The EU is no longer running programs it's member nations reckon useful. It's running it's member nations according to what the EU wants them to be and do.

I am reminded of the North conquering the South in the US Civil War.

I am reminded of the North conquering the South in the US Civil War.

So you’re saying it’s a good thing?

War is always a bad thing, but psychopaths think bad things happening to good people is a good thing because their brains are broken and they enjoy destroying things and people. Are you saying that the Civil war was a good thing?

You're also implying that the EU couping it's member states to prevent them from electing governments the people of those states prefer is a good thing, which removes you from the pool of people that have meritable political ideals. I'm not down with fascist oppression and couping democracies, so you just talk up your fuhrer fantasies somewhere I'm not, with someone I'm not.

It definitely needed to be done. When you start to clean out, the rats start squealing and running, but they have already proved they'll stoop to anything, so once cornered, it could get very ugly.

I've said a few times in the last couple of years that I thought it was terrible for America's leaders to be doing what they are doing, while giving the stink eye to other countrie's leaders and condemning them for things we were quietly doing too.

I don't know if it will go sideways at some point, but for now, I'm enjoying the show.

The CIA slush fund just got rekt. How are they going to launder money overseas in the name of foreign aid now? Epic DOGE W.

I would not trust anything Elon is putting out. I think we are witnessing a creation of deep state

Wouldn't that just be a reformulation of the one we had before?

" one should be expecting any USAID anytime soon besides the pensioners and those on medi care."

I don't think the US Agency for International Development provides any pensions or medicare.

Otherwise I think you're right on the money. Pun intended.


Reminds me of a blockchain I know

I'm loving the show!

Me too, but not everyone is.

How I wish Trump would be successful this time. Interestingly, "draining the swamp," originally used to change the capitalist system, is now being used to sweep the anomaly and corruption in USAID.

Yes we all want this to work and at the same time fix the rest of the world.

I remember one economist described foreign aid as taking money from poor people of a rich nation like the US and giving it to rich people of poor nations.

Sounds about right as the aid ever reaches where it is supposed to or if it does the amount has been siphoned off.

That's the nature of political money. Take TESDA here, for instance. As I know, TESDA in the country relies on foreign aid. However, we are told that the protocol here is for a lawmaker to have a 20% cut if any school wants to receive a subsidy.


Yeah, it was Ron Paul who said it, but many argued that the libertarian was mistaken.

That's perhaps the best description of foreign aid I've heard, so I'll disagree with them as disagree.

All Elon Musk is doing via DOGE (and not $DOGE) is revealing to the public hidden information the public has the right to know. Everyone knows that "waste, fraud, and abuse" exists, and many people even know where to find it. Once he advises POTUS 47, Donald Trump, of his findings, Trump will either seek legislation to kill that WFA or he will do it via executive order.

Musk is just a pointer to the data; Trump sees where Musk is pointing, then he takes it from there.

All that was missing was the will to eliminate that WFA. Something similar happened with POTUS 40, Ronald Reagan with the Grace Commission. What happened after the Grace Commission submitted its recommendations? I have no idea since I was just a teenager not paying attention to that aspect of government. However, I'm willing to guess that few if any recommendations were followed. The rest, as the saying goes, is history.

With DOGE, POTUS 47 is getting help from Musk in his capacity as an advisor. Musk is using DOGE to perform deep dives into digital records and even physical archives to discover how money was distributed. We're hearing about USAID now because that seemed to hit a major nerve, yet USAID receives only a small fraction of budgeted taxpayer funds. Just imagine the outcry we will hear when units such as The IRS and The Pentagon are audited.
