Polygon Data | Wallets, transactions, fees, contracts | March 2023

in #hive-167922last year

Polygon (Previously Matic), has been one of the more successful L2, scaling solution for Ethereum. It has successfully survived the bear and is now a top 10 coin. It is competing with other projects that offer low fees as an option for Ethereum, but at the same time it has remained close to Ethereum, pining the chain for security.
A lot of the Ethereum top apps have their versions on Polygon.
Some other major developments like the zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) rollups and other things.


Let’s take a look at the data on the Polygon network and see what has been happening in the last period.

The data presented here is mainly from polygonscan charts.

We will be looking at:

  • Number of Addresses
  • Active Addresses
  • Daily Transactions
  • Fees
  • Contracts

The period that we are looking into is 2021 - 2023.

Number Of Addresses

One of the key metrics for crypto projects is the number of wallets.
First the overall number of wallets.


Quite a steady uptrend for the number of wallets on Polygon even during the bear market. We can see the initial growth that happened back in 2021, then a slower grind in 2022, and some bigger uptrend in 2023.
The Polygon chain now has a total of 230M wallets!
This is just around the same number as Ethereum wallets.
Around 25M wallets were created in 2023.

If we take a look at the new daily wallets we get this.


We can notice the spikes in daily created wallets since the summer of 2021 and the record reached in September 2021. A slow down since then and a few spikes again in the recent days.

At the peak there was more then 2M wallets created per day.

Recently there is between 200k to 400k wallets created daily.

Active Addresses

What’s more interesting in times like this is how many wallets are transacting. Volatility should increase the numbers of active wallets. How many of those 230M addresses are actually active?


It’s interesting to see that with a few spikes in between, the number of active wallets on Polygon has kept on growing even during a bear market.
In the last period there is on average 430k active daily wallets. This is a higher number even from the bull market of 2021, when if we exclude the spikes the numbers were around 300k active wallets per day. For reference the number of active wallets on ETH is around 500k to 600k.

Daily Transactions

The activity on the network is mostly represented by the number of daily transactions.


An explosive growth back in May 2021, and a downtrend afterwards.
A stabilization period in 2022 when the numbers of transactions per day settled around 3M tx per day. On Ethereum the number of transactions per day is around the 1M mark.


Polygon is known for its very low fees, that has been the lowest in the industry to under one cent, lower then BSC. Here is the chart.


The above are the fees per transactions in $.

We can see the spike in December 2021 and January 2022.
In the last period the average fees are between one and two cents. Much lower than the ETH fees that are few dollars or more.


Polygon as Ethereum is a smart contract platform so here is the chart for verified contracts per day.


The number of daily contracts has been steady around 200 per day.

The major takeaway here is the number of wallets and active wallets that have kept growing in the period. Polygon now has more active wallets per day compared to the 2021 period. This means that the usability and adoption of the chain has increased over time. The number of transactions remains quite constant with around 3M per day, and the fees are few cents.

All the best

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm impressed with the steady growth in wallets and active addresses, even during the bear market. And those low fees? Polygon is definitely one to watch out for in the future!

At the end of the day polygon is working good! Maybe Arbitrum will be a contender or maybe the team eventually sells all of their coins and go for vacations!

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Thankyou for the information, it's must be do a great job for sure

One of the best zkevm coins and networks. considering its low fees, its growth even in the bear cycle should not catch the users off guard. The utility is best demonstrated by the polygon. And it has also demonstrated why the low fee is one of the essential parameters, I think among the L2 solutions, this is one of the go-to networks for many even for the important dApps.

Thanks for this stat.

Very interesting post, I like it

No doubt they have done a great job, I'm very impressed by seeing the stats, they are in a growing state and continually growing, processing 3m transactions I not a piece of cake. I wish them more and more success in the coming future.

one of the coins on my watchlist for sure!

One of the few chains people acctualy use :)

Polygon has worked on keeping activities going in a bear market and surpassing records from the previous bull market. The team has definitely achieved impressive growth these past years. The token has a place in my portfolio :)

According to stats it is very great Polygon now has more active wallets per day compared to the 2021. Its mean people's interest getting more and more in bear market now and just think about the bull market, it will boom which is very positive sign for crypto.

This is a great news and I must say that they are doing a very good job. Kudos to them!!

Its a real good network. I use it all the time, cheap fees, and so reliable !

Poligono, es un buen proyecto, desarrolladores confiable, una buena capitalizacion de mercado y white paper que genera confianza.

How is Polygon managing to maintain fees so low ? How come they are lower than BSC ? I would be curious to understand the comparative economics of these 2 chains

what? They have fcrazy high fees $0.01 is insane, thats like INFINITLEY higher than what i pay on hive! :D hahah

i pay NO fees on eos hive telos proton wax lol

i constantly send 0.01$ in eos everyday from my newp9ool p[ay!

imagine if u had to pay $0.01 for a hive engine tx, we couldnt do a lot of the trading we do lol

Well cant tell for sure but I guess its a combination of better tech and more centralization

Hey i need Up to daye like todays hive account number an exact amount wheer can i find it? Is it on a hive block explorer somewhere? thanks. and congrats on getting paid so much to repost data about polygoin

can u do one for telos? @telosnetwork could liek pay you in a telos proposal ya know

and proton too!

Polygon / matic is One of my favourite coins in my portfolio - not just because of it’s real life problem solving value, but also for the fact that this coin is made by Indians so I feel very proud about it❤️ Great post!

lol u get 68 bucks for reposting data automated bvot post about Polygon wtf its not even on hive lol ok... wow... so much for curation lol leo.voter just upvoting whateve ri guess

i mean tahst great for u, i like teh post its beauitiful graphcis but its the same one over and over shoulkd be dcliend payout

i mean if i tried this id get downvoted lol

but i guess uits ok when penguinpablo would get upvoted untill justin sun deleted his accountf rom front end to liek hide data lol was crazy shoit

anyway its just liek i dunno man weird how u get 60 bucks for just reposting data fabout anoetrh chain over and over same post just a bot basicaly lol

i mean whatever,m weird that otehr peopel get flagged for opriginal content but u can do this lol cuz u have friends with hivepower

they shoudl at least embrace the cornyiesm and make a game liek drug wars again where you liek upvote and downvote ur enemies political enemies lol i mean yeah

u should maybe get paid by polygon?

maybe polygon should upvoteui on theri own polygon based social site? Oh do they not have one??

SO maybe polygon should invest in hoive since they can se peopel like u promoting polygon to all of us on hive? U deserve a polygon dao grant then

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