Resident Evil Welcome to Racoon City Review

in #hive-1679223 years ago

Resident Evil is a game series that has had its ups and downs, but the recent remakes and the new 8th instalment have made the brand come alive.

The first 3 Resident Evil movies still referred to the world of the game, but the later parts departed too much from the artistic vision.
However, in 2021 director Johannes Roberts decided to create his vision of a cinematic Biohazard.
Before the first trailer came out, there was a lot of excitement about the casting, which most fans thought was bad in terms of in-game counterparts.
The first trailer however reassured most fans and gave them hope that they would finally get a film worthy of their attention after Anderson's poor films.
The film follows the same path as the games, only slightly changing some facts to give the story more pace.

On the one hand, it's a good film, because we have a lot of interesting characters and sensibly explained apocalypse, on the other hand, sometimes too many characters cause too few enemies.
The film, despite being from the RE series, is not violent, it was more focused on making sense of the iconic scenes from the games, and you can see they were afraid to give a darker atmosphere.
The casting doesn't seem to bother you during the screening, as you immediately get to know who is who.
As for the opponents, they appear, but the screen time is far too short for a given opponent, so after a while we forget who the protagonists were fighting.

The film begins with Claire Redfield returning to her hometown of Racoon City to find evidence of bestial experiments being conducted. She meets up with her brother Scott, who does not believe what she is trying to tell him. Meanwhile, an alarm goes off in the city and everyone is told to be home. At the Racoon station, Leon has his night shift and doesn't even realise that it will be the longest night of his life. On the other hand, a police team including Albert Whisker is sent to a mysterious mansion to check if everything is alright, and it turns out that they are in a dangerous trap.

As you can see, three threads are connected here, which eventually intertwine in the finale.
The film tries to convey the spirit of the game and it does quite well, but it is still not enough as it lacks the necessary horror. While the transformation into a zombie, which doesn't last quickly but is a long and painful process, is shown in a great way, there is no serious anatagonist in the film, who could destroy everyone like in the games (Nemesis, Mr X, someone hyper evil ;))
As a whole the film is not bad and it does not feel like a typical Anderson's jump on the money, but the budget of the film is definitely too low to make the production look great, of course the zombies look decent, but other opponents are worse here.
The film strongly suggests a sequel, and you can see that if the film earns money, it will already have a sufficient budget to show more interesting antagonists.

I recommend it to everyone who has played or knows the Resident Evil universe. It's a film game with characters and opponents from the game, but on a much smaller scale.

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