Wallets Should be Sacrosanct..... Are you Listening Juno?

in #hive-1679223 years ago


I wrote a couple of weeks ago about how I thought the statement 'code is law' was an absolute nonsense and at the time, was not aware of what was happening on the Juno blockchain.

I'm sure everyone is aware but the stakeholders of Juno have just voted to remove the stake of a whale who gamed. either deliberately or not, the airdrop and amassed 3million tokens in her/his wallet.

Let's read that again.

They are going to create a hardfork to remove 3m of tokens from his/her wallet.

And here is the problem. Simple proof of what I wrote in my post that 'code is law' is total BS. People are law, in this case, the stakeholders of Juno which at first sight, appears to be decentralisation in action until you realise it's simply a 'money' driven response. Someone has more than someone else, and 'its not fair'. So the majority narrowly beat the minority in a vote and the whale cops it.

A vote, the propostion with the most votes wins....where have we seen this before?

Of course, in a stake based system of governance like Hive, the Whale could have simply voted against it themselves and tipped the vote in their own favour but that's not exactly decentralised or even democratic either is it?

So what is the answer to governance on blockchains and how do people actually define the mythical decentralisation?

For now, this doesn't matter. The real issue is how it's even remotely possible that an individual can have their tokens removed form their wallet. The security of an individual's asset should be an intrinsic part of any blockchain's fabric and removing assets by force is simple theft.

As I said, code is NOT law, people are. If people decide to remove assets, they are gone it seems.

Another very sad day in the world of Crypto as it takes yet another step further towards a world of 'merchant bankers' I hoped we would leave behind.

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A very sad day indeed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is mate. I think it's a terrible decision driven by jealousy and the hope of getting an extra windfall when the tokens have been taken. I don't think we've heard the last of this!