Reflecting on August: Challenges, Growth, and Looking Ahead

in #hive-16792219 days ago

Today marks the last day of this month and with this another month comes to an end we have completed about 8 months now of this year and just 4 more to go and with every single month that is coming we often need to be looking back and what we have Sur past as well as the progress that we have made because keeping a track of the progress is important and that is when we realize that what we have done correctly and the things that we need to be working up on quite a bit more than what we have done in the upcoming month so that we can be fixing that to the extend that we want to be.


Many times we forget to note the progress that we have made or even analyze the things that we have come across after a certain point of time which is extremely important because that is going to makes us push harder even if we are not able to do what we plan for initially and that is why making sure that we are keeping a track of the progress is very important and that is what we need to be realizing and doing as well at a very set frequency it can be after a week it can be after few days or even after monthly and that is what we are going to be doing today for sure in this particular article.

For me, the month of August was quite a nice experience because initially when I started the month I was in a very bad situation because there were a lot of issues that I needed to be dealing with and that involved academic pressure as well as also the financial aspect that I need to be taking care of which was going hey wire because of a lot of issues which is why I was very confused in the starting but I was quite determined that I need to meet this work and initially that was very difficult but as the time pass I found certain ways with which I can kind of balance it all.

But from the first week after it finished it all went a bit more confusing and I again was in a very tough situation I was feeling quite hopeless at a point after not being able to get out of that particular aspect for a long amount of time and also not been able to look at any particular option that I can be chosen to be getting away from this but as I just kept hold on to it was something that managed on its own as I cracked an interview and got selected for a particular job position and that was a breakthrough that I achieved in this particular month.


That was a significant event that happened this month because without that it could have been tough but that too didn't come without a problem as I am a student at the moment it is tough for me to utilize the time that I need to be in your city and dedicate that time to a job position and that was Anish that I face because my job timing coincided with the university timings as well and that was something that I needed to solve.

After a long period and discussions with seniors as well as the high authorities in the management, I finally got the thing that I wanted the timing was changed for me and I got placed into a different process which had the timing that was different from what my University demanded and in that particular face I know I can do all of the things that I wanted that is of attending the university as well and also utilizing the other remaining time of the day for the job position that I got selected for and that was something that was a real sigh of relief for me for sure.


Apart from that, there have been a lot of ups and downs in terms of my relationship as well as they have been a lot of things that I have felt this month and there were a lot of happy moments that I definitely will share later on but at the same time there are a lot of lessons that I learned and those are going to be the moment is a table remember as well because they have been a lot of such moments when I felt very low and also got supported in a few of them and not got supported in a few of the miss well so all in all it was a mix can you explain if you talk about the emotional experience for this particular month.

From an overall perspective,tive I would say that this month was quite meaningful initially, It began with a lot of difficulties but right at the end that is today I feel a lot better than what I felt 30 days before today and there are a lot of issues that got solved but still, there are things that I would like to be improving in the upcoming month and also ensure that things are going to be looking even better at the end of the next month.

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