mayor-001 in #hive-115368 • 1 hour agoQuality diet over quantity diet.Healthy nutrition is very important to human health and living and should be considered with optimum value. A lot of people take quantity over quality but it is not same for…mayor-001 in #hive-176874 • 22 hours agoA WORLD WITHOUT LIES TELLING In the world today we have a lot of incident that is occurring more especially when it's get to happen between two individuals who are involved in talk interaction and…mayor-001 in #hive-150210 • 3 days agoFRIENDSHIP // CLEANPLANET Friendships go with alot of sacrifice and most times it takes one person to hold the friendship and keep it going, there are many ups and downs in friendship, of a truth…mayor-001 in #hive-153850 • 7 days agoA BRIEF REVIEW OF NIGERIA GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION.In a country like Nigeria alot of things have happened many are good and others are also bad. My country used to be one of the best country in the world 🌍 and also the Giant of…mayor-001 in #hive-150210 • 8 days agoPROCRASTINATION // CLEANPLANET.In one way of the other we have procrastinated something that require an urgent care or attention, sometimes we do all these with knowing and the other times It happened unknown…mayor-001 in #hive-176874 • 9 days agoWhen ever you are pursing something and you haven't achieve it, keep pursuing itIndeed life is so unpredictable, we don't know what next that may happen and that makes it difficult for human to be certain of the future or what the future have rather we keep…mayor-001 in #hive-150210 • 9 days agoThis Year and its pattern of heat in my areaThis season in my area everywhere is just hot and you can be sweat after just coming out of the bathroom, which is not supposed to be so but because of the rate of heat in my…mayor-001 in #hive-150210 • 10 days agoFacing your greatest Fear.Sometimes in life standing up to your greatest fear is the beginning of getting it solved and coming out of it. Alot of people have died in their own fear only because they are…mayor-001 in #hive-150210 • 13 days agoEXAMINATION DAY 3Yeah running down to the day three (3) of my pre professional Examination. It was a successful one actually, reaching that day we got an information that our sisters school who…mayor-001 in #hive-150210 • 14 days agoEXAMINATION DAY 2Yup! This is about the day two (2) of the my pre Professional examination which was the paper 2 day and here the great miracle happened in my life and I was shocked and I left…mayor-001 in #hive-150210 • 17 days agoMy cleaning activity.This is a great day, the first Sunday of the Month, and this month being the month where love is celebrated, which means we have a lot of love to celebrate, experience and…mayor-001 in #hive-150210 • 27 days agoMy cleaning activity.The life we live, is the life that we chose to live. The way people think about us does not really matters as far as you do things that makes you happy Which is the right thing…mayor-001 in #hive-150210 • last monthTOGETHERNESS // CLEANPLANET We are a growing to become that person who we chose to become in life, some many not have the opportunity yet, but believe me, no one wants to see him or her self not making it…mayor-001 in #hive-176874 • last monthAS THE PRESIDENT.While growing up we all have different dreams and Goals in Life and some wishes which we wanted to fulfill. I can't remember then in elementary school we will be asked what we…mayor-001 in #hive-150210 • last monthWHEN I SPENT NO HOLIDAY.Are we all Just conclude our holiday and hopefully switching to our normal routine, most of us travel to village, some from village to town, from town to town. And some persons…mayor-001 in #hive-182074 • last monthMASS INDOCTRINATIONHello everyone welcome to my blog today, MCGI Mass indoctrination. Singing is an important doctrine of Almighty God, we should always praise God. The bible explain that the mormayor-001 in #hive-182074 • last monthMASS INDOCTRINATION.It was amazing being part of MCGI Mass indoctrination day 10. Learning the doctrine of Christ Jesus is an important thing in the life of a Believer. Genesis made us to understmayor-001 in #hive-150210 • last monthFAMILY// CLEANPLANET Family they say it made up of people who are related by blood, I actually have something different from just that. With how civilized the society is at the moment, one can make a…mayor-001 in #hive-150210 • last monthLOVE // CLEANPLANET.Today was a great day and happy one as well. Love is a great thing, and it is supposed to be earn, and not by force. Everyone deserve to be loved. Depending on the way you think…mayor-001 in #hive-182074 • last monthMASS INDOCTRINATION.Hello my fellow hivers. Welcome to My blog today is actually interesting being part of mcgi mass indoctrination, a lot was learnt and I'm so much happy. A man who do not follow