Hive Being A Major Part Of The Future Monetary System

in #hive-16792211 months ago

Those who question the future of crypto-assets do not really understand the monetary system. Even those who you would think know about it have no idea. The reality is that few ever look into it. Hence, they believe they grasp what is taking place yet do not.

To most, it is rather unimportant. As long as it works, this is all that matters. After know, few truly know how their laptop works. If it turns on when the button is pushed, that is the extent of it.

The same is true with most innovations. There are a number of people who know how automobiles operate. For the majority of us, it is put the key in and away we go.

Money is no different. People take for granted what actually occurs with each transaction.

In this article we will uncover it a bit and reveal why blockchain is the future. We also delve into why this is good news for Hive.


The Global Monetary System

We no longer live in a world where Brinks truck full of cash dispatched to settle transactions. At the same time, bars of gold are not sent by horse and carraige when loans are made to waring kingdoms.

Instead, our system is partial shown by the image above.

Have you ever considered how someone from Britain can go to Mexico, pull pesos out of the ATM, and what takes place? Does the bank in the UK send banknotes to settle? Not even close. Even if it wanted to, the bank in Mexico likesly does not want pounds. Of course, it is highly unlikely the bank in England is sitting on a ton of pesos.

Instead, we have this elaborate system that was set up by the banks which control the flow of money. This is, quite frankly, the reserve currency. Forget the nonsense the Federal Reserve spews. Here is the real system.

When that transaction is initiated in Mexico, it ets of a string of events that involved a large number of entities. We have exchanges, central banks, messenger services, banks, money market funds, repo, and a host of other institutions. There are master trusts which sell commercial paper providing them with the "dollars" to facilitate all this.

In short, we get a convolute mess. Welcome to the world of ledger based money.

This was constructed over the past 75 years and it is an elaborate system. It is also revealing as to how things operate.

We are dealing with digital transactions. These circle the planet in milliseconds. The ascent of money is tied to telecommunications for a reason.

There are satellites as well as underwater cables. Networks of servers are fired up, passing data along throughout the day. Everyone can "talk" to each other, allowing money to get where it is needed.

This is what crypto is looking at replacing.

Networks And Banks

In the world today, banks are the gatekeepers of money. Certainly, we now there is no physical currency involved. We are dealing with digital assets, something that was a reality for a long time.

Robert Rossa, ex of the Fed, recognized this back in the 1970s. He said there was a "new network of interbank relations". This is exactly what we see here. We have an interconnectivity of all these financial institutions, all adding a piece to the puzzle.

In short, we are dealing with network on top of network, on top of still more networks.

What is the monetary system? It is the combination of account, i.e ledgers, and communication networks which are digital in this era.

To be the solution, this is what is required.

The first point is that we are not far away from the concept with crypto-assets. This is ledger based money, something we have used for decades. We can see how the system is geared up for it.

At the same time, we are light years away from this. Here we see the true nature of the problem. To replace the global reserve currency, we have to be able to provide all that it provides. This requires the networks being able to offer the same solutions.

Here is where the gap lies. We need to intermediate to all parts of the world, in all manners. It is where building takes time.

Our present forms of money is nothing more than ledgers controlled by a cartel we know as banks. They operate this virtual ledger currency system, being the proud gatekeepers. It is a fact that is wonderful for them, not so much for humanity.

With crypto-assets, we can reverse the equation. We, too, are dealing with virtual currencies. The main difference is in the maintenance and control of the ledger. Blockchain handles this for us. That mess shown above can be simplified by stacking a few different networks on top of each other.

Hive's Part In This

We are now to the point in the discussion where technical specifications are vital. In other words, you best be in it for the technology because this is the essence of what we are talking about.

Money is computing. It is nothing more than data being shifted and stored around the world. The question then becomes who can do it better.

For maximalists, this would be "my network is better than your network".

Of course, we see this with bitcoin. That network is not very advanced. For that reason, developers decided to build the Lightning Network.

Do you see a pattern here? Network on top of network.

This is the future because it is the present. It is how money in the 21st century works. Actually, this was the reality for a large portion of the 20th century also. This is what fed into the massive economic growth globally.

Crypto-assets do two things:

  • simply the networks interconnectivity by reducing the number of intermediaries involved
  • change who is responsible for the ledger

Hive is simply a much better network that most of what is out there. It is the key advantage. When dealing with something like the Hive Backed Dollar (HBD), people want to focus upon the asset itself. Instead, the network is the most crucial element. Which leads us to focusing upon the other networks tied to it.

This is the process we have to undertake. While everyone is looking at what is on top, it is the underlying architecture which is most crucial. Assets of all kinds will be created. That is not the question. Innovation and experimentation will occur at that level. However, if it is running on a bunch of 486 pcs, we are not going to have a very viable system.

Efforts are underway to keep advancing the capabilities of Hive. Understanding the foundation of all this, something few in the world really look into, makes clear how misguided some of the common notions are.

People seem to think a government (or group of them) can simply state we are going to use a different form of money, flip a switch, and it is so.

Look at the image again. What are all those networks designed for?

In short, that is what requires replacing. It is a mammoth task and something that those involved in crypto are attacking.

Development is key.

What is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha



@taskmaster4450! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ tuisada. (6/10)

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Yes, it's true and the projects that exist at HIVE are immense

It's coming and it's unstoppable. Glad to have onboarded earlier.

When it comes to money, network is everything. Just like you said, complex interlinking of network have come to give the financial systems that we have today, and if we must make it easier,we need a system that works and crypto is the way. Even among cryptocurrencies, the truly Decentralized nature of Hive offer more promising opportunities. One thing is important, the system needs everyone of us to work, and we should play our part as it should.
Thank you so much for sharing.

Not only simplification but change the control. Now it is the banking cartel that heads it up.

We need to change that.


It is a pity that most people don't know the importance of Blockchain technology .
Some only knows how to on and off their phones and laptops and still don't know their usefulness but thanks to this wonderful post , many eyes are going yo be opened

Well most do not know the importance of networks to their daily financial and monetary activities. Most are not even aware of how back end stuff works.

Take cloud. Do the masses care about AWS? As long as Netflix works, they are happy.

What is this Aws and how does it work

This is very true! Hive will a major part of monetary system in the future. This is so because crypto is diffusing gradually through the system and is gaining acceptance massively.

There are things that have to change, and one of them is the current banking system.

Free banking, perhaps? Subsequently, the hegemony of cryptos. People would once again have power and control over their assets and savings. Hive is advancing by leaps and bounds, can you imagine it supplanting the current banking system in the future? An answer to credit? We already have a form of savings.

Credit can be decentralized just like insurance. The risk can be spread out.

We also should, as assets are being created, be able to replace credit with collateralization.

Shared this article on Facebook and posted the last two stanzas of its poetical version:

So, let us understand the essence of this post,
The future of money lies in crypto's embrace,
Hive being a major part, a network so strong,
Advancing the monetary system's pace.

Development is our path, our guiding light,
As we strive to replace what's been built before,
With Hive and its capabilities, a promising sight,
A future monetary system, forevermore.

Since money involves computing, therefore a well structured network that is decentralized is required to be able to control all this vast data that operates using computers.

That is what your monetary system is.

Hive is having a lot to offer. The world can't resist it and it is just a matter of time. Hive is coming with strong force

Hive is indeed a Revolution in the finance world,web3 and blockchain technology

One can hope! #TeamHive!

Hive really is in the center of it all and gets a lot of things right. It will be interesting to see what happens as more users come on and start earning tokens where that might take us next in terms of price but also just massive use case.

There is a lot of things taking place. Infrastructure is crucial because that is what is required to take out the existing financial system.

It isnt about money or is about computer networks.

It’s important for us to make sure that we don’t get stuck in the FUD mindset that the media and powers that shouldn’t be want us to be in. If more people realized these things they would be in for a rude awakening! Keep the good thoughts going man.

I am not sure what FUD has to do with it but you are correct.

Then saying the markets are crashing, crypto sucks, basically the fear/doubt agenda 2.0.

I never expected that in stumbling upon Hive in 2021, I would find an alternative monetary system that many have been searching for so long.



It has a ton of potential. We simply have to keep building.

Yeah, even in our little ways.


What is the monetary system? It is the combination of account, i.e ledgers, and communication networks which are digital in this era.

Shortest description of the existing monetary system.


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