Listening To The Wrong People On Hive

in #hive-1679222 years ago

Throughout the years, we discussed the happenings on Hive. There is a lot taking place here. We are now in position to really start building some amazing things that will really make Hive stand out.

Yet, over that time, even up to the present, we have people who do nothing but complain about Hive. To them, this place is garbage. There is nothing good here. After all, the whales are nothing more than greedy, self-absorbed abusers. They get a kick out of pushing people around. This is the message we are told by some people.

Then you have the unfairness of the system. The larger accounts only care about themselves and nobody else. They will not support anyone nor give them a chance.

Of course, it might be apt to point out that Hive is more than just a blogging platform. The ecosystem is moving in so many different directions it is amazing.

This, too, was pointed out as a problem. How often have we heard that "we need a centralized message"? The idea is to promote Hive as a unified community.

The reality that it is not. We have people with many different interests, pushing development in those directions. Hive is made up on many parts, not all of them correlating to each other.

This is fine. In fact, it is part of what decentralization, resiliency, and permissionless is all about. The fact that we are catering to many types of people shows the versatility of what is here.


What Is Missing?

Hive is embarking upon a much slower process than most other chains. Due to the centralized nature of them, with good management, they are able to forge ahead with the different projects. Hive, on the other hand, has no foundation or company at the helm. For this reason, we see things done in a different manner. There is no venture capital funding here. Instead, we bootstrap it all.

It is evident that an accessible, robust smart contract platform is required. In short, Hive is still in need of a great deal more infrastructure. As we learned this week, the core development team keeps pushing the base layer forward. We had another hard fork that added greatly to the capabilities that exist at the blockchain level.

Smart contracts on a decentralized node system is what is being sought. This is something that is in the works although it does not get much publicity. It is a project that we can confidently say will appear in 2023. This might be too slow for some but, again, without the VC funding to pay for large development teams, we keep plugging along.

Why this is important is because it opens the door for a robust Decentralized Finance (DeFI) system. We already have a foundation in place with the Hive Backed Dollar (HBD) paying interest when deposited into the savings account. This occurs without any financial intermediary. We need to remember how crucial that is.

The ability to design advanced financial products is still lacking. This, however, will be changed by the end of next year. Once the platform is in place, at layer 2, we then can construct a host of DeFi applications that will help to set Hive apart.

This is something that the naysayers on Hive discuss.

The Hive Financial Network

Can you see the Hive Financial Network starting to emerge?

At this moment, it is a mere concept. That said, we are seeing the infrastructure being put into place which will be used. There will likely be an article tomorrow detailing the entire concept and how it is envisioned at this moment.

Nevertheless, have a powerful DeFi network built on layer 2, tied to a decentralized blockchain like Hive is very powerful. This is not something that other blockchains can pursue. @theycallmedan and myself had a call on Twitter Spaces yesterday detailing why this is (check out his Twitter account for the link).

Getting back to the theme of this article, what happens if this comes to being and you listened to all the naysayers? How many times have we seen people put together a post announcing their departure from Hive like it was a resignation latter. Of course, we get the proverbial "this place sucks" in its many forms in these types of posts.

What happens when these opportunities are suddenly on Hive and one spent the last couple years not working to build one's stake due to these views? Obviously, this will be a great setback.

This is why we have to be extremely careful in regards to those who we listen to. Many are not accustomed to dealing with societal altering technology. Blockchain along with cryptocurrency is going to change the world. It is already having an impact. However, within that is finding the projects that will successfully move forward. Not everything that is highly touted today will be around in the future, at least in its present form.

Hive is also evolving. We are seeing progress at many layers. It is true a lot of it is behind the scenes, within the different project teams that are responsible for the development. Roadmaps are sporadic which makes it more difficult to follow. That said, it is happening albeit at a pace slower than most of us want.

We often use word like "potential" and "opportunity" here. These can be dangerous since they evoke the idea of what is possible yet not what will happen. We do not know how all of this will turn out. That is true for most things in life. However, there are people who are putting together some amazing things.

If you are looking at Hive based upon a blogging platform with curation, you are missing most of the iceberg. Unfortunately, this is the view many have and they are more than happy to share it. Be weary of these people since they are not seeing the full picture.

A lot of things in the works. It is going to be an exciting time going forward.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


A lot of projects is Being built in Hive so as a lot of opportunities it has to offer. Hive is no more just a blogging system but something more and even still involving.

When we limit our mind to Hive being just a blogging system to earn through only author and curation rewards, we miss out on what more it has to offers. I like the fact that you mentioned the HBD Savings as an example.

Right now! I am willingly to explore the possibilities and experience Hive has to offer and not to miss out on the opportunities it brings.

The different aspects provide potential for each of us. Take Splinterlands and the upcoming Alpha release of Ragarok. Both of those provide ways to enrich people. Neither has anything to do with blogging or the reward pool. Yet they are gaming centers that are also financial in nature. They can become their own economies.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yet they are gaming centers that are also financial in nature. They can become their own economies.

This is a very good example here that you have stated. And someone can choose to build in these centres as well. I see it clearly!

It there any time frame for implementing smart contracts on Hive?

Well there are layer 2 smart contracts. Hive Engine has them they just arent a platform where individual developers can add.

The other projects, I have no idea of the time frame. Coding is hard evidently.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Everything is being said correctly, I joined hive with this same mentality not until I started exploring deep. It is more beyond the seen, thanks for this information!

Most gravitate to what brought them here. However, you are right, once we start exploring, a lot more comes into view.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Price price price! Many only see the price and get off the boat. When the tide comes in everyone will run to the ship and then complain that they are in the hold.

It does seem to work that way doesnt it?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think many people tend to be get carried away by this naysayers. It's not going to be easy, especially in the beginning but it'll be worth it.

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency will radically change the world in ways most of us can't imagine right now. Being an early adopter in a societal changing technology is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I wouldn't miss that.

You are right. We are very early in this game. We have a lot more development to undergo. The impact of cryptocurrency and blockchain is not being felt yet. Fast forward 5 years and we will see a "different" Internet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm fine with development being slow for exactly one of the things you mention - it gives me time to build my stake. We can build it up easier now, while the pool of users is smaller and the price is lower. I'm a dolphin now, and orca-hood is some time away, but who knows? Maybe all these things in the works will take off when my stake is even bigger and I'll be celebrating all the small steps I took along the way.

It is all a process and you understand the compounding effects of Hive. There is a time component to all this. We then can couple that with more users and additional development. That is what will help Hive achieve its ends.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The strength of Hive is the decentralised part. People can go off and do their own projects and connect it to Hive. Man, it has so much potential.

It does open the door to a lot of possibilities. We will see how things come together. The more people with the ownership/business mindset, the better.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive is great due to its great many communities and how every interaction is a possibility to not just network but make a little bit Hive. I regret not joining early but now I thoroughly enjoy this platform a lot more than the mainstream ones.

That is true yet there is a lot more here. That is the point. We should get serious about all that is taking place.

We have something very powerful being built.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good point. There will always be those who do not understand blockchain technology. They often look at the surface level aspects of it.

I think there is a great opportunity for Hive to become a hub for a lot of different decentralized projects. I am excited to see the future unfold.

Understanding blockchain is not required. There is a lot technically that can overwhelm people. However, for those here, understanding how powerful all this is must be embraced. We are dealing with something that can change things completely.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The introduction of general smart contract functionality is absolutely the missing link for Hive to go to the next level. Smart contracts do much more than just enable 'De-Fi', they also enable the creation of decentralised systems on Hive that can do anything that a computer can be used to do - but in a decentralised way and with economics thrown in. On top of that, Hive has the added benefit of the social/community eco-system built in. There is a real chance that Hive could expand to become the giant system of apps and people that so many blockchains and groups salivate at the prospect of creating.

Denetralisation of the token supply AND CAPACITY TO DEVELOP SOFTWARE is very important in the growth of Hive. I personally will never use or develop Ethereum for one reason, which is enough to put me off. Setting aside the stupid gas prices and other issues, the fact is that Vitalik has made such dangerously short sighted and psychopathic statements regarding his vision for humans in general, that I now view him an enemy of humanity. His central position in Ethereum means that I have blacklisted the entire system. Real decentralisation should prevent this from ever being a problem, since if one key figure goes rogue, others should be able to easily replace them. I don't see or feel that happening on Ethereum. So far, with some minor exceptions, Hive has not fallen into that trap - however, we desperately need to focus on decentralising the codebase and development more.

Decentralising development requires a major focus on technical writers working closely with core developers to create QUALITY documentation for the systems. We have never had that - the current documentation is incomplete, outdated and reads like it was written by a drunkard in placess... Seriously, it's terrible in important places.. It even has important sections that refer to Steem over and over. The recent application by Arcange to hire a marketing company to address this was not pitched with sufficient evidence of the agency's ability for me to support it.

So decentralisation of Hive requires the creation of the demand for Hive's use by creating general smart contract functionality, but it also requires consistent decentralisation of the token supply and also enhancing greatly the ability for developers to create on Hive.

I keep hearing people saying that rewarding blogging with Hive tokens 'doesn't work'. They are wrong on that and have misunderstood Hive's potential. Proof of Brain rewards pools are a work of genius but they are not being used optimally. Where else can someone who knows little about crypto share their wisdom and insights to then be able to receive valuable crypto from an interested community? Pretty much nowhere. Proof of Brain is a genius way to lure in users and to decentralise the token supply. Corporations try to use member cards and coupons to bring in customers but Hive literally gives money.. constantly! The problem is not proof of brain, the problem is the complete failure to capture the potential that exists through proper marketing and understanding of human psychology.

Every barrier to entry hurts Hive. We have many barriers to entry, but near the top of the list is the failure to communicate properly and failure to manage USER EXPERIENCE. We need a uniform set of tools and guidelines for app creators to deliver quality user experience. This is an area that developers usually do not understand well and we currently provide them virtually no help whatsoever. User Experience isn't just 'putting buttons in the right places' (UI Design), it's also about putting yourself in the place of the user and understanding their needs and goals. Then doing every single thing possible to improve their experience and make them happier.

The true decentralisation of Hive is great but also does hold us back in these areas. I urge everyone to consider that the development of general smart contract functionality should be used early on to devise systems that reward smart people for co-creating improvements to Hive and the User Experience. The DHF is a good idea, but it relies on a simplistic mechanism for funding that lacks granularity, oversight and analytics. General smart contract functionality could improve this by orders of magnitude. Imagine 'Utopian' on Steem, where users were rewarded for development and work on Github, but integrated with custom smart contracts on Hive. Imagine DAO based user support on Hive, where people get rewarded for providing user support. Imagine the use of @dan's new project @fractally, being used to resolve and optimise the rewards for work done.

Essentially, I am describing HDAC/HiveDac (Hive Decentralised Autonomous Community).

Think big. Question everything. Remove limitations. Build Ethically. Heal. Balance. Evolve.

You wrote an entire blog post in this comment. It would make a good article.

I agree with you about the removal of barriers. There is no doubt that Hive has its issue; this is not perfect. You are right though, it is the best game in town. We need to keep building upon the foundation in place. It is solid albeit nor granite. More is required.

As for technical writing, that is true. I have no talent in that area so cant help out. Certainly trying to attract those people is vital. Of course, we still need more developers.

Thinking big is proper. Hiive is looked at a small little nothing system by many. This is incorrect. We have a lot going here, with a great deal of talent. Do we require more in every area? Certainly. But the ones who are here are not slouches.

Time to take everything up a level, however we have to go about that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hehe, maybe I will extract it and edit to post it as a blog when I get time.

One of the issues with getting good technical people to do high quality work is that they are in demand and get well paid - so either they have to be well paid by Hive or they have to be otherwise motivated to participate. It shouldn't be a problem to pay people well to do the work from the DAO but we need to have a way of reliably demonstrating the track record of those involved.

I am capable of doing the technical writing but I don't have time to do it and am unlikely to have time in the foreseeable future. Also, in honesty, the prospect of doing that work is quite daunting because of the difficulty of de-cyphering the code and trying to combine information from so many sources to make sense of what needs to be written and the purpose behind the code/functions. Another way around this problem is to formalise the process of code creation so that documentation is created in advance of code being written and ensuring that nothing can be finalised and put into public use without sufficient documentation to support the technicalities of it.

While this might sound like 'unncessary overheads' to some developers, the reality is that we can't expand Hive very well without something like this being done. Hive is an interface between technology and society, so we must have a focus on the society part at all times.

Hive is not an easy concept/reality to grasp. It's the reason why many newbies fade away after just a few months.

It isnt an easy concept to grasp but neither was the Interent. Yet there is tens of trillions in value there.

Hive is laying a foundation. People need to understand it is a lot more than just blogging.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My only complaint is seeing Spanish and Chinese post on the front page. While I'm glad people around the world love Hive I don't want to see it. I can block certain users but not communities or languages. Have you seen the front page of Steemit lately? It's almost all in Korean. I can read three languages so I'm not anti-foreign language. I just want to have my front page be in English.

Just like many great things in life there will always be people who will not see the bigger picture, it is now left to us to do our own research and not be carried away by the naysayers.

Very true.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I think the naysayers are everywhere and sometimes the whales are often used as the scape goat by these people. You've detailed the fact that we cannot quickly make hive into the dream blockchain because it's a huge universe of diversity and getting things done will involve many actors. Is this necessarily a good thing? No, but there are advantages to accumulating smaller growth at smaller pace over a long period of time. We'd still have people who would announce their departure and weeks later they're here again. It's a thing we'd eventually get used to seeing, but then we'd still do what we have to do.

Yep. There is always something to complain about.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I joined hive via Ecency because I was looking for somewhere to post content. I had only a vague idea of crypto currency, and still do, but I think this is a great platform. But it only works if you post and interact. I should have got further on on Hive, but I stopped posting for a while. In the end you only get what you put into.

There will always be those who are not happy. You can't please everyone all of the time.

Welcome. That is how it works. You show up based upon what drew you here (in your case posting content) and then the process of learning begins. There is a lot of areas to delve into.

Just take understand that there is a lot more here than meets the eye. Some incredible things are in the works.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm sure there is. Some of it looks complicated but I hope to become better informed.

Hive has a lot of things going for it but it's going to take time to build. I do think that everything will work out in the end as the applications are developed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It will take time but the more people working on it, the faster things will move.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey @taskmaster4450, here is a little bit of BEER from @phoenixwren for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

I've encountered plenty of people who complain about Hive a lot. Meanwhile others get on with earning. I do think people should feel to give their opinions, but if they resort to personal insults or attacks then they are likely to find they get downvoted. Hive is supposed to be about free speech, but it also has freedom of curation. I do think Hive has issues when it comes to user friendliness and marketing, but the witnesses and whales are well aware of those and it's in their interest to improve them. If they really were attacking the smaller accounts then we would be in trouble, but I expect most cases you could find involved abuse of the platform.

I've met a few top witnesses and they are generally friendly, even to the small fry.

Hive is supposed to be about free speech, but it also has freedom of curation.

A lot of people confuse "free speech" with "freedom from consequences." Both on Hive and in the rest of the world!

Certainly Hive is far from perfect. Constructive criticism is warranted. There are areas where Hive needs a lot of work.

I havent met the top witnesses but have interacted with a few and most are like you said. They are also very dedicated to Hive and intent on pushing things forward. Many of them do things behind the scenes that is not seen by the average user. However, it is vital to keep things going.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh, how I love being one of the people in the know. 😀

You did have an attitude change in the last year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Absolutely my friend, Absolutely.


That said, we are seeing the infrastructure being put into place which will be used.

Is it one group that is building this right now or is it multiple ones? I saw you mentioned some form of layer 2 solution that is almost ready. Are you able to say who is working on that or is there some kind of NDA involved :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The primary groups are SpkNetwork and DLUX. I wouldnt be surprised if we see Blocktrades also start to produce some also.

None of what I am proposing have been run by the development teams, at least not in totality so we will see what happens when they get a hold of it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Okay, that's where I was going. I wondered if DLUX was one of them. Haven't hear much from disregardfiat for a while so I didn't know if it was still them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are right on this and I hope to see some effort put into building a smart contract infrastructure that should bring new use cases to this ecosystem and make anything possible.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We will see things emerging in 2023. I am highly confident of that. The question is where (who) it is coming from?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @joseg, @shiftrox, @dragon-ti, @mypathtofire, @seckorama, @rzc24-nftbbg, @attentionneeded ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 127 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

if I understand correctly you have written that smart contracts on HIVE will arrive in 2023, can you confirm that I understand correctly? if so it doesn't seem late to me. I believe that mass adoption in blockchain-based social networks will arrive in 3 years and not before

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Smart contracts will not be ON Hive. They will be second layer. There already were some within Hive Engine and DLUX. However, we need a smart contract platform that developers can tap into. We could see more from DLUX, it might be built on HAF, or could come from another dev team.

We will see what takes place but I am highly confident we will have that capability by the end of next year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

thanks for this clarification. It seems to me that the conditions for a good future for Hive are there. If smart contracts arrived then in 2023 HIVE would explode. OFF TOPIC: I am starting to use LeoFinance more and more. Are you the creator?

Thanks for this!! For me, Hive is the best place I have been so far with my music. More opportunities open up here for me than can take. I would need to clone myself to be able to do all the stuff that is beeing offered to me.
So I can´t really understand why people complain about Hive all the time. I guess they are not creative enough to use Hive right.

Sure, the process is still slow for me. But 20 times faster than in the "normal" world. And at some point in the future, it will just all add up and have a big impact on my life and career. And that is just great!


HBD is the very first step to be able to implement some kind of DeFi ecosystem based on Hive. I am very excited to see what will come out of this! However, building a robust DeFi protocol is extremelly challenging and should not be taken lightly. We have seen so many projects fail (Luna) and struggle (Waves/Vires). If someone sees Hive as a mere blogging platform I would say is just pure ignorance 😉

There is a lot of layer 2 infrastructure being worked upon. This includes decentralized node systems. UST/LUNA was centralized and had no use case. This is not the case with Hive.

We are looking to expand this in novel ways.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I joined Hive because of the idea of a social blog with rewards, but my idea of Hive has evolved. While the blog, healings, and rewards part are controversial with strange phenomena like the x-men, there is much more in-depth. The RC system as part of the network enables usability that other networks do not have and may never have, now with the hard fork in which RC can be delegated it will be possible to help new ones to grow without having to directly touch the HP. The future of Hive is prominent. I really appreciate your and @theycallmedan's contributions. You certainly have a commitment to success that others don't. Thank you!!

It is seeing an opportunity coupled with pure stubborness. No idea if this all will succeed in the end. But we will either be at the top of the mountain or bottom of the in between.

That is what commitment means. There are many who are "all in" with their dedication and committment to making Hive something truly outstanding.

It is a lot more than just 2 people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Luckily there are a lot more than 2 people, although the people that @ertytux impresses are in my estimation the most active, giving a clear path of the future of Hive. To all those involved with the great evolution, we must thank them, Hive is still very young but he looks energetic. Greetings to all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

How many times have we seen people put together a post announcing their departure from Hive like it was a resignation letter?

It appears to me that "entitlement" is really strong for this type of people as if the Hive community owes them something. On another note, I wonder why they still stick to this blockchain despite their negative outlook on Hive and "repeated farewells". It seems to me that they just want to attract attention. I would even admire them if they just leave silently or leave immediately after presenting their critique of Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The reality appears the options are limited. Leave Hive, where does one go? Back to traditional social media where one gets buried or tries one of the othe rcrypto apps which do not tend to fare well over time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Or they can create one and implement there what they wish to happen. 😆

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think the big picture of Hive that many may be missing is that it is so much more than a blogging platform to earn on. It is a technology that will greatly impact many establishments in the future.

When one begins to see this space, Hive, as a place where all their dreams can come true alone, it will then turn out that they will bite the hand that once fed them when all things do not work as they expect. There are really simple "unwritten" rules here on Hive. Following them isn't that hard, but unacknowledging them and expecting growth and prosperity is nonsensical, if you will.

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are changing the world as we know it. Its impact is already here, and in a matter of time, it'll shape the future we are walking into. It is those who see the big picture that will be the first partakers when the time comes. These naysayers will be nowhere close to anything when that time comes.

There is the context within the ecosystem and also outside.

We have a lot more to offer other than blogging. There are also things happening in the world of blockchain/crypto that is not condusive to decentralization. Some of what we are talking about isnt really possible elsewhere.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I once thought about taking Hive source code, making a few changes(like allowing only one witness vote per account as to increase descentralization, increase the "Security Council" size from 20 to 100 witnesses, autodisable witnesses after 15 missing consecutive blocks) and start a new chain with another name. The "one vote per account" would make it quite hard for power to be concentrated in a small group of witnesses. Next steps would be to increase username limit to 32 characters(current 16 costing the normal fee to create, with an additional small fee per extra character).

The "one vote per account" would make it quite hard for power to be concentrated in a small group of witnesses.

Opens up the door to vote selling. How do you stop that?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Smart contracts on a decentralized node system is what is being sought. This is something that is in the works although it does not get much publicity

what do you mean by this exactly? Are you talking about layer 2 and wouldn't this be Hive-Engine?

Hive-Engine is a layer 2 but isnt the only one. DLUX is building out layer 2 infrastructure as is SpkNetowk. As stated above, it wouldnt surprise me if Blocktrades has plans on some layer 2 platforms too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

you're right, should be interesting to see them all come alive!

Getting back to the theme of this article, what happens if this comes to being and you listened to all the naysayers?

Some things require common sense without being influenced by the opinion of others, if anyone takes a look at Hive thoroughly and fails to see the potentials and possibilities then sorry is the word for those people.

Hive is slow in progression but evolving from blogging into ways of various kinds presenting everyone to tap into opportunities as desired.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What happens when these opportunities are suddenly on Hive and one spent the last couple years not working to build one's stake due to these views? Obviously, this will be a great setback.

I call these people "Boomerang Bloggers" When the price drops, we get the "I'm leaving" post where they dramtically announce their departure, never to return. Then, as soon as the price spikes as it did a year ag, we get the sudden "I'm back!!" post, where they come to partake of the digital feast once agian. Belly now full, they sow the seeds to repeat the cycle.

I've been here over 5 years and spent a year before that lurking, so I'm not going anywhere. My attitude is if you're not picking up a tin cup and helping us bail when the ship's taking on water, then maybe it's best for you to leave.

Are you bitching, or are you building?

If you aren't helping to build the Ark, and are instead watching construction while yelling curses at the workers, you don't get a seat once the rains start falling. If we want this place to thrive, we need a positive attitude, and all hands on deck!


Are you bitching, or are you building?

LOL This would make a great title for an article.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta