Benefits of The Sea and being at the beach daily

in #hive-1688692 years ago

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This is how the weather is today, and it feels good to wash the precious water pouring so hard on the land, it reminds me of summer back home in SA. Yes, I still call SA home, even if I just lived there for 10 years of my life, I think they must have been pretty important years.

There are a lot of things that reminds of South Africa here in Spain, the people are chilled the same way, but still very family oriented, outgoing, friendly, and I believe if people in the area are so nice, it's partially due to the sea.

They remind me of people in Durban, who are just the best people in the world.


Of course, this isn't a good day for the beach today, but it's alright...

All those pictures have been taken throughout the month of September, we have spent most of the time on the beach, the kids have their homeschooling with the rest of their classmates until 3, and then we rush to the beach.

From the first few days of being on the beach, I could feel our attitude changing, our bodies relaxing, our skin healing.

My son and I we both skin issues (Keratosis Pilaris) and it dissappeared completely after a few days of sun, sea, and sand.

I kept on thinking that it wasn't a good subject for a post, talking about us on the beach, "Look at us on the beach" type of post, I thought it was not that interesting.


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I am kinda happy I finally can share my front flip with hands attempt, that's pretty much what I do in the water, and outside, attempting front flip, back flip, losing my sunglasses, digging up holes...




It's safe to say that the kids love the beach as much as my wife and I do. We tried to teach them about the ebb and flow, the immensity of the ocean, and "where the blue comes from?".

We also tried to teach them to respect the elements, they aren't really swimmers, and I was always super cautious with the waves, even if the lifeguards were often around, it takes one moment of inattention

Beach time.gif




Some days, we didn't even really swim, especially after the storm, which has moved the sand and pebbles on the beach, to a point that it was to steep and too dangerous for the kids to get in the water.

So we just sat on the beach, made sandcastles, and look at the waves crashing on the shores.



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I don't think I'll ever get bored with the sea, and it's really surprising, because I've always thought of myself as a "lake, rivers & moutains person", but obviously after a month of the coast life, we are even thinking, in a near future, living on the coast permanently.

Also, I know it sounds, silly, but living in the Gers France, I am more used to see a lot of pigs & also human pigs hybrids, and... People are really good looking on the coast here in Spain. Here, it has been said, I don't know if it makes me a shallow person, but I said it, I like pretty people, I like pretty things, I like a pretty sea, and sunset.
Sue me!

All I can say, is that I am 100% sure that the sea is helping them...



Beginning of October, we soon going back to our farm for a week, just to harvest the rest of the food to be harvested and check if everything is alright, then we'll be back in Spain for another 2 months. If the weather stay warm like this, I can see ourselves visiting the beach daily, even if the temperature stays around the 20s.

Thanks for reading, here is a nice sunset that looks like Lava, don't tell me it doesn't add some real production value to this post, I am the Gif Master...🤡

red sunset.gif



nothing more therapeutic than a day at the beach, enjoy that rich sand, that beautiful sea, and those sunny days, it relaxes you, it calms you and you are happy, what beautiful photos, I congratulate you for your flip, greetings from Venezuela.😍

Thanks @ikigaidesign!!! Hope you're doing well in Venezuela!

Aww what a happy day!

How much I miss the beach too cause I just moved back to parents in the South for a bit of time to prepare for a big leap later. I used to go to Da Nang beach everyday for 2 years and you know what I called the sea?

Mother ocean! She has magic! Don't you think? I think she has a magic of giving unconditional love and healing our souls.

"Why the ocean is blue"? Making me laugh. Recalling a memory of me with someone special (who is not here anymore...):

I asked him: Why the ocean is blue? It reflects the blue sky! - He said

Okay, then why sometimes the ocean is kinda green? Don't you silly say the sky is green? (I was being cheeky)
He rolled his eyes at me and said: Crazy fool! Shut up! 🤣

We have fun from such random and silly things like that in life, right?

I'm happy to be back here, and though I'm very busy to learn to do a new job now, I'll try to stop by more often to say hello. Your content and family always make me smile - genuinely!

Hello my friend!!!

So how do you feel about going back to the parents? Do you get along well with them?

Okay, then why sometimes the ocean is kinda green? Don't you silly say the sky is green? (I was being cheeky)

Why do you have to ruin everything hahaha. Just kidding...

What's the new job that you are learning? Are you enjoying it?

So you would rather look at pretty things rather than pigs and potatoes, can't blame you there.
It sure looks like you and the family are having a wonderful vacation. The sea and the breaking waves are therapeutic both for the mind and body.

Who would rather look at something that is not pleasing to the eye rather than something that gets the heart pumping a little faster?
I never understood why people gravitate to pain and suffering as the picture of that is not pleasant. I don't know how many times traffic has come to a standstill as people stretch out their necks to view the gore that comes with car accidents.

Shallow not at all, just not afraid to speak your mind.

Enjoy the remainder of your trip, harvest what you can when you get back home, and then get back to enjoying the sea when you return to Spain.

So you would rather look at pretty things rather than pigs and potatoes, can't blame you there.

Hahaha seriously though, I used to live in Paris for pretty much my childhood and young adulthood, I shoud have been used to it!
But I also guess, it's like Tom Hanks on a deserted island naming his volley ball "Wilson", I would have eventually named all the items at home on the farm, pigs included. 😌

We don't have pigs, I was just having fun here hahaha.

I never understood why people gravitate to pain and suffering as the picture of that is not pleasant

Well this is probably an entire philosophical question (@fermentedphil could help us on that aspect), but I think people gravitate toward violence on a very basic level. There is probably an epigenetic aspect, as we have been conditionned, and probably gravitate toward the "pain" from a sympathetic level. But the violence in itself, I guess its really something human we do, and been doing since the beginning of humanity, since Cain and Abel.

I, for example watch regularly MMA fights which could be considered gruesome to some, I have to admit that my "violence threshold" is probably more lenient as I've been watching it for at least 13 years now, but the first few fights I saw a while back made me very uncomfortable at first.

I guess the same way people have been supposedly "desensitized" to violence, there is a natural progression of what we can transcribe.
A series like Game Of Thrones, would have been impossible 20 years ago, because of that. But at the same time, we had really terrible movies in the 80s that were pushing the boundaries.

The other philosophical question would be "what is beauty?", which in that case is very different for everyone.

And again, the canons of beauty have shifted throughout humanity, so what is pretty today isn't what will be pretty in a 100 years...Interesting stuff, man!

Enjoy the remainder of your trip, harvest what you can when you get back home, and then get back to enjoying the sea when you return to Spain.

The cold front arrived a few days ago, brrrrr... Wow where is my jacket!

Take care buddy!!!

It is indeed a very philosophical question, but I reckon a historian would be better suited for the job! As you noted how we perceive and understand violence and beauty change throughout history. I would argue that violence pre-modern times would have been a show of dominance or even to defend your family against others. Nowadays, violence might be a hankering to the past, due to no family needing defending neither is violence a show of dominance. So maybe today violence is a symbol of nostalgia or something philosophical like that. And violence today has so many renditions; think political violence and so on. Tbh I have no idea really but my mind goes to a philosopher like Foucault and his genealogical method.

Ah! I am glad you chimed in :D

So maybe today violence is a symbol of nostalgia or something philosophical like that

It doesn't explain why little boys, like to crash their toy cars , destroy stuffs and get into fights. While they aren't exactly "blank slate", it's not linked to a nostalgia but more an intrisic mechanism... So it would mean it's already there, in our genes, waiting to express itself.

That is such an interesting thought. Yeah, maybe inherent violence is something akin to a primitive or evolutionary trait linked to survival. Then it becomes more of a biological question as well. But also, doesn’t our society still reward violence in some sense?

Pretty things have a way of catching the eye, that's part of the reason I wear sunglasses on the beach, it's tough for anyone to see exactly what you're looking at. 😁

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and who can argue with that?

Here is our version of Wilson from a few years ago while on vacation in Florida.


Talking about Florida, what a tragedy. The hurricane's route passed directly over where we have vacationed for the past several years. Nothing was left unscathed and some of the pictures we are seeing of exactly where we sat on the beaches will take years to restore.

It's really a lot of fun for his days,, I'm very interested if the beach becomes a fun vacation visit! :)

Yea, that's the best way to see the beach, as a never ending vacation!

Exactly, a place that is easy to visit whenever you want even everyone, love to spend hours with special people.

Cheers @danlop have a nice one!

I love to be by the sea and don't get to go as much as I would like. Nothing like the sea air to revitalise you and then a dip in the water, that's a perfect day to me. Great to see you and the kids having fun xxxx

Especially where you are, the weather is soooo different, a little dry I would say. Not desert-like, but almost! It does have its charmes, as its perfect for olive trees!

Did you get heavy rain like us? It's been pouring non stop for 2 days!!! Crazy!

Ah yes. Vitamin SEA!!!!

Damn straight!!!

I was like, "what does she mean? vitamin S? I know E and A for sure"😁

Looks kind of ideal and way better than "home" if you ask me.

In France, we were paying zar150 for a kilo of chicken! Back home, I know I can get that GMO chicken for zar40 😁

Looks kind of ideal and way better than "home" if you ask me.

I know how you feel though! If life wasn't that expensive, I wouldn't mind! And we'll know in a few months if we're staying...

Whatever decision you make it will be well thought out as the cost of living is important as well. Unfortunately there is no positive news here right now as the power cuts are the worst they have ever been and no hiding that. Business wise I am looking elsewhere right now as this is unsustainable long term.

We actually talked about you with my wife last week, I was explaining what happened to your appliances, she wasn't surprised.

If we visit SA, it would be for a little while, so we'll have the opportunity to experience it for ourselves, and if it's too much, well... We're even thinking of finding a complex that doesn't have too many load shedding issues and generator.

Good idea as some complexes do offer a back up power facility now. I do see many going off the grid entirely as this is not going away anytime soon.

I do see many going off the grid entirely as this is not going away anytime soon.

We're thinking of doing this in the long run, there are some lovely spots in the western cape. Just requires a bunch of cash to be fully self suffisent.

Yes there are some great spots down there. Maybe not loads of cash as there are companies now offering to pay them off. I haven't looked at how practical this is or if it is going to work out more expensive or not but it is still another option.

There's just something so therapeutic about the sea, both in its physical properties and the sound of the waves. I can almost see why surfers are so laid back and chill. It's either the sea or the weed...🤔

Do you think you'll be moving to Spain in the future or are you just taking a sabbatical from the farm?

How are things in France these days?

It's either the sea or the weed...🤔

Hahaha, the seaweed?

Do you think you'll be moving to Spain in the future or are you just taking a sabbatical from the farm?

We are actually waiting for the response for the mortgage on the house, as we earn all in crypto with my wife, this might be a challenge, we'll know better very soon. We got a bunch of meetings next week, they'll tell us if it's even possible

In the meantime, we still have booked this rental here for 2 months and are free to come and go. Truth is, life is way cheaper in Spain compared to France, and the goal would be to save as much as we can to eventually pay a visit to South Africa for a while, take care of my wife's family for a while 🙃

How are things in France these days?

I'll tell ya next week when we go back for a a few days. I know I have to learn how to chill around the French, just hearing them speak tends to trigger me. (I know, I am French too, so I should be triggering myself).

@edprivat, sorry to see you have less Hive Power.
Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Balls of Steel - HiveFest⁷ Petanque Tournament Results

I have to say yes, you're the Gif Master 😃

Beautiful blue, beach, sun and your kids. I can't agree with you anymore. Beaches have been beneficial to the Earth and humans as well. The pictures show you guys looking very relaxed and enjoying by the beach. Whatever it is, there's something about being at the beach that just makes me feel sooooo good. For me, just walking on the beach can be very therapeutic. I love the sound of the waves, the smell of salt in the air, and the feeling of sand between my toes...haha I become talkative when it comes to the sea, blue,..

but obviously after a month of the coast life, we are even thinking, in a near future, living on the coast permanently...

That's a great idea, and why not? :)

Yeah I agree with you, I miss just walking on the beach for a long stretch. I can never do it because of the kids, but it's something that I truly enjoy!

I love the sound of the waves, the smell of salt in the air, and the feeling of sand between my toes

Haha I am exactly like you, I even...Talk to the water...Yeah, I know, a little too crazy...

That's a great idea, and why not? :)

I would have to think where exactly. I also feel that the kids are way more relaxed, that's all that matters!

Talking to the water ..😆 Oh wow, you're at another higher level hehe I'm think you maybe one day be able to run on the surface of the water 😃

We also tried to teach them to respect the elements, they aren't really swimmers, and I was always super cautious with the waves, even if the lifeguards were often around, it takes one moment of inattention

That’s good for your child. Hm, I can’t swim but I love beach 😅 So happy weekend!

Oh you can't swim? No way! Well, on the beach you can always make sandcastles, and just keep the feet in the water 😌

🤣 I feel like sooo afraid if head Soak in the water. 🤣 But I love to Soak just in the bathub 🤭

Children like beach even afraid with water maybe